Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 356: Sensing clues, the two sides collided

call out--

A dazzling rainbow light passed through the air, causing terrifying fluctuations, and plunged into the changed world.

At this time, the staff who discovered Master Su Qi's departure through advanced monitoring equipment immediately became extremely nervous and quickly reported the matter.

After all, Lord Su Qi's every move is likely to be affected by some unexpected situation. Sometimes the situation is urgent and it is inevitable that there will be no time to notify them, so even if Lord Su Qi is inspecting, they cannot take it lightly.

"Report, Lord Su Qi suddenly left half a minute ago and rushed into the mutated world in the southwest direction. We are paying close attention to the movements in this direction."

An urgent report was delivered to Pei Jing.

However, Pei Jing was not too nervous. He believed in Su Qi's judgment. If the boy rushed in alone, there was a high probability that he would find something special.

And this situation is completely within Su Qi's control.

In fact, if it exceeds Su Qi's response range, it will be a disaster for the entire ninth district.

With caution in mind, Pei Jing still came out of the city lord's palace, took over the position where Su Qi had just stood, and looked warily towards the southwest.

In case of major changes, Su Qi can be supported in time.

the other side.

Su Qi quickly shuttled through the changed world, and soon noticed something unusual.

There was something wrong with the number of strange creatures he encountered along the way. They were too few and too sparse, as if they had been specially cleaned up.

Not long after, he found the corpse of a strange creature, and the blood scattered around the ground had not even condensed.

"This is someone hunting weird creatures!" In an instant, Su Qi made a judgment.

Due to the mutation attack, the originally dominant ferocious beasts in the wilderness have already panicked and fled, and the strange creatures almost never kill each other.

Then there is only one possibility left, which is the work of extraordinary human beings.

And... he is still a destruction-level transcendent with some malicious intent towards District 9!

Because at this distance, you can basically sense the area where the mutated world collapsed, and normal people will definitely go and investigate.

After seeing the intact real world, one should immediately pass through the mutated world and seek refuge in District 9.

Judging from this crisp and clean killing, it is difficult for ordinary apostle-level extraordinary people to do it, so it can be concluded that it is a destruction-level extraordinary person.


The answer is already there.

This group of people should be the Jiuyuan Holy City support team stationed in the tenth district as mentioned by Principal Pei.

Su Qi's eyes flashed when he thought that these guys might be coming for Principal Pei.

"I thought I wouldn't have time to deal with you, but I didn't expect that at this juncture, you would actually hit the muzzle of the gun. You really deserve to die."

Since the 10th District was garrisoned by the support team of Jiuyuan Holy City early on, the 10th District also took the initiative to cut off the intercity communication for some unknown reason, so the 10th District was not included in their meeting arrangements.

However, the fact that these people appear here now means that the situation in District 10 is probably in danger.

So, with a cold face, Su Qi found the safe area opened by Lu Zhan and others based on the traces of death of nearby strange creatures.

However, this area is quite unstable, and Su Qi can clearly detect signs of its shrinkage. It is estimated that it will not last for three days before it will be covered by the mutated world again.

Through the transparent intersection, Su Qi quickly locked the opponent's position, and immediately stepped out and walked straight into the safe area.

The moment he stepped in, Lu Zhan and others immediately noticed the intruder and were immediately frightened.

This is unbearable for anyone. I just opened a safe area with my front foot. I thought I could temporarily isolate myself from the interference of strange creatures and have a good rest.

But I never expected that before my butt was even hot, I would notice the intrusion of breath.


Lu Zhan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes. Two cold eyes were like sharp sword energy, cutting through the void and shooting towards the direction where Su Qi invaded.

Even though he had not yet seen the intruder clearly, he still keenly caught the difference between the aura of the intruder and that of the strange creature, and thus judged that the intruder was a human transcendent.

For a moment, everyone stood up suddenly as if facing a powerful enemy.


They had just experienced a fierce battle to open up a safe area, and their strength had not yet recovered much. Suddenly an unknown force appeared. How could they not be extremely fearful?

"Damn it, how could a transcendent suddenly appear here!"

"Our action was impromptu. We shouldn't be guarded against it. Could it be that the other party bumped into it by mistake?"

"Don't talk about so many other things. The most important thing now is that you must not show any malice. Do you understand? I think it should be difficult to kill a destruction-level transcendent with the only strength we have now!" Ning Zheng Nan almost wanted to scold her at this moment.

It doesn't show up sooner or later, but it appears when the five of them are at their weakest. It's simply maddening.

At this time, others also realized the seriousness of the problem. No matter who came, even Pei Jing, they must not reveal any lies.

God knows how many companions are nearby behind him.

However, the only lucky thing is.

Except for them, no one else knew the purpose of their trip. Even the top leaders of Jiuyuan Holy City only hinted that they would prevent Pei Jing from joining other holy cities.

There is still room for change.

Under the anxious gazes of Lu Zhan and others, Su Qi slowly descended.

"Who are you?" Su Qi asked with a smile.

He was not deliberately playing cat and mouse, but really wanted to confirm the other party's identity and purpose.

after all.

Before that, everything was Su Qi's personal speculation. No matter how close the speculation was to the truth, he couldn't kill someone just based on speculation.

What's more, Su Qi noticed that the breath of the five people in front of him had dropped significantly and seemed to be resting and recovering, so this gave him enough time.

When Lu Zhan and others saw Su Qi's true appearance, they couldn't help but feel slightly lost.

Such a young destruction-level transcendent...

If it weren't for his talent in looking good, he could basically be sure that this was the genius from District 9 who had just been promoted to the level of destruction.

"Does this kind of genius really exist?" Tong Qi couldn't believe it. She kept looking up and down at Su Qi, trying to find traces on the other person's body that concealed his bone age.

Unfortunately, she didn't find it.

At this moment, Ning Zhengnan was about to answer something when Lu Zhan beat him to it: "We are Destruction-level extraordinary beings stationed in the tenth district, from Jiuyuan Holy City..."

He did not choose to conceal his identity, because such a poor cover-up would only make the other party more suspicious.

After all, there are only so many extraordinary people in this area, but there are not many new faces in District 9.

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