Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 345: Jedi Killing, Opportunity Declined

"This is……"

Nie Bao and others were shocked speechless by this scene.

They never expected it.

In this blink of an eye, the battle situation took a shocking turn. Lord Su Qi, who had just fallen silent, suddenly seemed to be going crazy, suppressing the strange creature and beating him wildly!

Unmoving as a mountain.

Invasion is like fire!

The transition in an instant was so fast and the gap was so big that it gave people the illusion of being in a dream.

As countless fist shadows rumbled into bloom, the dazzling holy light connected together, intertwining into an extremely terrifying ocean of energy, washing away the world and destroying all living beings.

The entire world completed the transition from extreme darkness to extreme daylight in one second, completely submerging the strange creature towering into the sky.

Large chunks of flesh and blood burst out, and even the bones were dissolving!

A pair of beautiful skin was just blown into tatters.

The powerful sacred light seeped into every inch of flesh and blood of the strange creature extremely domineeringly. In an instant, countless screams and cries resounded throughout the world, making people's hair stand on end.

It’s like purgatory on earth!

At this moment, Su Qi's projection in every time and space was red all over, panting, steaming with heat, obviously exhausting the energy in his body again.

This is the amplification ability, combined with the terror of the ultimate killing technique!

With the blessing of the amplification ability, Pei Jing was able to cause damage to this powerful and strange creature with his first level of destruction strength.

But Su Qi is different, he is stronger.

after all.

In addition to the amplification ability of the Apocalypse path.

He also has his own unique state of God's Favorite, violent power, death resistance, hunger and thirst, blood memory, power awakening, violent energy and blood, phantom incarnation and other series of amplification abilities, all of which are superimposed together. The energy in almost every cell and acupuncture point was drained out of him, reaching the level of qualitative change!

It can even be said that in terms of amplification ability alone, if the amplification of others can be increased by seven or eight times, then the amplification by oneself can be more than a hundred times!

Seeing that the strange creature was exploded and dying, the remaining flesh and blood were like rags, hanging on the skeleton and squirming scatteredly, as if it was still trying to recover.

Nie Bao and others’ eyes were red!

They rushed over with a furious momentum. Some people slashed wildly and cut off a section of the bones. Some people opened the wooden coffin and forcibly grabbed a part of the flesh and blood. Some even rushed in from the damaged eye sockets, as if they were looking for something.

The power of heaven from another world!

After such a level of bombardment, the parts that could still be preserved most likely contained the power of the otherworldly heaven that they dreamed of!

That was a unique opportunity related to their promotion to the natural disaster level. How could they not go crazy!

Even Pei Jing, after asking about Su Qi's condition, couldn't help but join in the dismemberment feast.


When they worked tirelessly and painstakingly to crush and destroy every inch of flesh and blood that was still alive, everyone was immediately stunned.

"Why not!?"

"Where is the power of heaven from another world hidden?"

"It's impossible. We must not have searched carefully enough. Let's look for it again."

Nie Bao and the others were wading through the flesh and blood that they had dismantled, their eyes instantly lost their luster, they were mumbling to themselves and walking around in a daze, as if they had lost their direction.

They went through all kinds of hardships and paid a huge price to kill them, but such a powerful and strange creature did not contain the power of heaven from another world.

Is it possible to really reach the place where the mutation originated? ?

Not to mention how many weird creatures of this level they will encounter along the way, even ordinary source-level weird creatures are enough to make them drink a pot.

This is something that is simply impossible to do!

For a moment, Nie Bao and others seemed to have something blocked in their mouths, and their spirits became extremely chaotic.

Some people have even felt some kind of terrifying and strange gaze peering through the mysterious path, but they remain indifferent, as if everything doesn't matter.

Beside them, Su Qi, who was trying his best to regain his strength, also felt the deep weakness in their bodies.

He opened his mouth, trying to comfort him with something.


Changes occur suddenly.


Rootless thunder exploded out of thin air.

It contains inviolable majesty and shocks the world.

An extremely strong will descended from the void.



Extremely suffocating!

In the horrified eyes of everyone, a huge beast head composed of dark clouds covered the sky and the sun, and their eyes slowly moved towards this area.

That's right.

That terrifying gaze was almost solidified, weighing more than ten thousand pounds, and even the void could not bear it, and it kept cracking.

The scalps of Nie Bao and others were almost bursting. Despair came over them like a tide. Their mouths could not be closed, their eyes were wide open, and their legs were trembling, as if they would not be able to support themselves and collapse at the next moment.

Come... come.

What they have been thinking about...the heavenly way from another world...is manifested!


How vast it is!

So much so that when they looked at the sky, blood burst out from their eyes. How could the ants look directly at the gods!

this moment.

They are going crazy!

The opportunity is too great to bear.

At the same time, I don’t know how to start. Should I jump up and touch the soles of the opponent’s feet?

This feeling is like you only want a piece of bread, but someone else brings thousands of tons of gold and drops it to you.

"What...what should I do!?"

"It's true...it has attracted the manifestation of heaven from another world!"

Yang Rihuan tried his best to lower his head, not daring to look too directly, for fear that if he looked for a second longer, his body would not be able to bear it, but he avoided looking directly at the other person, but the hair on his body was still standing on end, and there was a strong feeling in his heart. If the other party's eyes fall, he will die without a burial place!

The same goes for the rest of the people. Nie Bao trembled his lips and kept repeating: "Crazy, crazy, crazy..."

Not to mention that their current state is extremely poor, even in their prime state, there is no possibility of struggling!


I would like to ask, is this an opportunity for a destruction-level transcendent to take a peek?

Pei Jing's performance was similar. He was sweating profusely. He had originally released his mental energy, but at this moment, it seemed as if he had received a terrifying impact and was forced back to the depths of his mind, unable to move.

"Is this an opportunity to be promoted to natural disaster level?"


"No matter how dirty the senior officials in the Holy City are, they would not joke about this kind of thing. There must be something key that we don't know."

At this moment, Pei Jing, who was thinking rapidly, suddenly twisted his neck and looked at Su Qi.

If he remembered correctly, Su Qi seemed to have mentioned this thing before!

But at this time, Su Qi was different from others. Even though he was also trembling, at least he could still look directly at the sky.

This thing.

This was the second time he looked directly at it.

Compared with the fear before, now I feel calm inside.

He was very sure.

Weird creatures have to pay such a high price to come to the real world, and this alien world...

Thinking of this, Su Qi's eyes flashed with anticipation.

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