Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 343: All members are in full bloom. If you don’t shine brightly, you’d rather die.


Nie Bao raised the long knife with both hands and shouted loudly.

The muscles all over his body swelled and his spine undulated, as if he would turn into a dragon and burst out of his back in the next second. The terrifying sword intent surged out in circles, and quickly condensed into a huge phantom holding a long knife behind him. , even the armor on it has very clear lines.

This is the historical phantom that Nie Bao realized. After being stimulated, his strength can increase dramatically.

But this also has huge drawbacks, because using historical shadows will greatly shock one's own mysterious path.

And he had sensed the malicious intent peeking out of his own mysterious path a long time ago, and strange disasters could break out at any moment. Therefore, he had never dared to use this power.

It's different now.

An opportunity for promotion may be just around the corner.

In addition, they originally thought that if they came with destruction-level strength, they would be regarded as a savior-like figure, and then they met the young saint seedling. Although they usually behaved calmly, in fact, their inner spirits were already bursting to the sky!

I wish this disaster would come soon so that they could show off their skills.

But what I never expected was that disaster would come...

But they don’t have any sense of experience at all! ! !

The combination of various factors caused their mentality to change at the moment.

Zhinima, retreat...ahem, I said it wrong.

If you don’t shine brightly, you’d better die!

At this time, the aura on Yang Rihuan's body has also undergone earth-shaking changes. His originally old skin has now become as terrifying as tree bark!

at the same time.

Countless giant trees twisting on the ground slowly lifted up a huge wooden coffin!

The strange wooden coffin was not completely closed. There was a dark gap between the lid and the body, as if a pair of eyes were exposed, looking out blankly.

this moment.

Everyone used their own killing techniques without any reservation. The raging energy swept out in a mighty manner, even blowing away the strange aura diffused in the sound waves of strange creatures.


Nie Bao glared angrily and charged forward first. The huge shadow holding a knife behind him also moved, carrying the aura of killing everything, and followed closely behind.

The light of the sword is cold and shining on the heaven and earth.

As the long knife in Nie Bao's hand slashed diagonally, the phantom holding the knife behind him also made the same move. The two overlapped at a certain moment, and a shocking sword light burst out, diagonally along the shoulder of the strange creature. Cut it down and pull out a long bloody trace!

Yang Rihuan, who was the second strongest member of the support team, was also unwilling to lag behind and his eyes widened.

The wooden coffin supported by the giant wood suddenly disappeared, and the next second it suddenly appeared behind the strange creature, like a giant brick, slamming into it.


With a loud noise, the strange creature was knocked directly and staggered.

Even the gray aura that kept coming from the collapsing world behind him was interrupted at this moment.

Immediately, the strange creature became extremely angry. It turned its upper body 180 degrees with very strange movements and directly knocked the wooden coffin away!

The powers of the other three Destruction Level Extraordinaries were boiling to the extreme, and they used all their methods, like dragons and snakes dancing wildly, tearing the void apart, locking onto the strange creature, and killing it!

A strong one!

Pei Jing, who was watching from the side, was a little dumbfounded.


He could clearly feel that these people seemed to be burning themselves, blooming their last remaining light.

This shocked him.

When did all the destruction-level extraordinary beings in the Holy City have such a high level of consciousness?

However, time was tight and he could not think too much. He turned around and condensed the space-time dragon to join the melee.

The performance of people like Nie Bao also made Su Qi look at him with suspicion.

Not only is it not a compliment, but it feels a bit arrogant.

Although this strange creature posed a certain threat to them, after testing it, he felt that he should be able to subdue it at a certain price. Even if he could not kill it completely, at least escaping should not be a problem.

And people like Nie Bao...

It would obviously be a waste if we explain it here now.

After all, even garbage can play a certain role as long as it is placed in the right place, not to mention that these are real destructive extraordinary beings. If the mutation invades the city later and is used to wipe out some relatively weak weird creatures, it can give yourself Make a lot of time out.

When he thought of this, Su Qi felt that he should speed up and try to save these people.

As a result, the speed of swinging the Hammer of Divine Punishment in his hand surged again, furious slashing, bloody rage, and all kinds of terrifying killing abilities, all poured onto the strange creature as if it was free of charge.

The war is about to break out!

The strange creature kept slapping its hands, and terrifying figures emerged from the pus under its body, killing everyone.

In an instant, the earth was turned upside down and the sky collapsed.

The chaotic energy shot out in all directions like giant dragons, and terrifying explosions were heard endlessly.

even so.

Facing everyone's desperate attacks, even though the strange creature was extremely powerful, it gradually became exhausted.

The biggest pressure was brought by Su Qi.

Each of his blows caused great damage to the strange creatures.

However, at the beginning, the recovery speed of the strange creatures could keep up, so they didn't take it too seriously, but it was different now. Others suddenly exploded, breaking this balance.


The head of this strange creature suddenly twisted at an extremely weird angle, and its delicate and perfect face seemed to be always pointed at Su Qi.


Su Qi was a little confused, but he still noticed something was wrong.


He noticed something was wrong.

The empty eyes on the giant face of the strange creature suddenly seemed to have human emotions at some point.

Like a stream of autumn water, it is so sweet that it makes people feel pity, as if they are looking at a lover.

This change happened in an instant, and Su Qi suddenly felt goosebumps rising all over his body.

at the same time.

He found that his attack was directly ineffective when it landed on the strange creature, as if it was hitting the phantom.

"What the hell is going on!?" Su Qi was horrified, and then discovered that the damage caused by others to the strange creatures was recovering faster.

It's as if your attacks are adding blood to the strange creatures!

"Can you still play like this?" Su Qi immediately stopped attacking.

Sure enough, after he stopped attacking, the recovery speed of the strange creature dropped significantly, which confirmed what he was thinking.

"Is this the so-called chaotic rule..."

"The strange creatures I encountered before could only control the chaotic rules below the level of destruction, but this guy can actually affect me!"

"Is its level that high?"

Obviously, Su Qi felt that this was impossible, otherwise he would face it with the same despair as an apostle-level transcendent would face those strange creatures.

Just when he was puzzled.

Looking down, he suddenly saw the lower half of the body of this strange creature, with more pus dripping from it.

The area of ​​collapse is also getting larger and larger.

And this physical collapse seems irreparable.

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