Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 340 A strange gathering, Su Qi’s attempt

Not long after, Su Qi followed the scent he sensed and found Pei Jing and the others.

At the same time, I also saw that the junction was like a transparent mirror, with a large number of strange creatures breaking out of it at any time.

Pei Jing and Nie Bao were struggling to resist the intrusion of various strange tentacles and claw arms.

The surrounding ground was full of craters, and a large amount of rocks were melted into scorched earth. Everyone was injured, and even their breath was a little unstable. It was obvious that the battle situation was very anxious.


Su Qi decisively accelerated and approached, like a meteor streaking across the sky, falling in an instant.

The Hammer of Divine Punishment in his hand pulled out a bright golden horse and directly smashed the strange tentacle claw arms that had been eroded!


Accompanied by a series of violent explosions.

Pei Jing and others suddenly turned around and saw Su Qi's sudden appearance, and their faces suddenly showed joy.

"Su Qi, have you recovered?"

"I thought I would have to wait a little longer."

Faced with Principal Pei's inquiry, Su Qi replied with a smile: "You have recovered to about 70%, and you should be able to cope with these things. You are working too hard to get yourself like this. This disaster will be a disaster for us." It will be a protracted battle, so there is no need to rush."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and held it empty, and countless rays of holy light burst out from his palm.

Various buff abilities such as rapid healing, heavenly sound, pearl of revelation, purification, sacred light, etc. were all packed into one's mind.


The injuries on Pei Jing and others were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, especially Nie Bao and the others. After being bathed in the light of a series of status-improving buffs such as the Gift of Courage, the Gift of Guardianship, and the Dawn Blessing, their whole people were turned upside down. The changes are filling up as quickly as a broken rubber ball.

Feeling Su Qi's miraculous amplification abilities again, Nie Bao and others had mixed feelings in their hearts. If there was such an extraordinary person by their side, even if they were allowed to conquer other worlds again, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

These amplification abilities are really abnormal.

Even if Pei Jing used the Time Domain to briefly return them to their youth, the effect was not as direct and effective as the bonus Su Qi gave them.

Pei Jing looked at the densely packed figures crowded at the junction and expressed his thoughts: "It's not that we are too aggressive, but we have a feeling that if we can exterminate this group of strange creatures, we may be able to make these strange creatures come alive." Unknown changes occurred in the field."

"You see, along the way, we have continuously widened the mutated area of ​​collapse, causing so many weird creatures to gather together. This shows that the results we have achieved are about to touch the one that this mutated world needs to maintain. critical point."

"In addition, the gathering of these weird creatures also means that the number of weird creatures in other places has naturally decreased. Therefore, we want to annihilate them all in one go!"

These words were not very different from what Nie Bao and the others had in mind.

They believe that if they increase their efforts at this time, it may cause a chain collapse of this mutated world. Once it can reach that level, it is estimated that it will be able to force the manifestation of the heavenly way in the other world.

after all.

One side of heaven is so grand.

If you want to invade, there won't be enough mutated areas to carry it.

This method of digging into their roots is very likely to achieve what they want.

If they hadn't consumed too much before and were vaguely aware of the vibrations coming from their own mysterious channels, they probably wouldn't have proposed the idea of ​​evacuating.

Hear the words.

Su Qi nodded, naturally trusting Principal Pei's judgment.

What's more, there is already a good example of this. Previously, he summoned the evil god Horatio and killed dozens of strange vanguards in one fell swoop, which caused a chain collapse of the mutated world.

In this case, Su Qi slowly said: "Okay, you guys, please step back later and let me give them a try."

Upon hearing this, Pei Jing and others immediately realized that Su Qi was going to use that killing move again, and immediately retreated dozens of miles decisively.

At this time, Nie Bao suddenly thought of Su Qi's terrifying consumption, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Sir Su Qi, this continuous draining explosion is likely to damage the foundation. How about we do it together."

As a veteran destruction-level transcendent who has participated in many expeditions to other worlds, Nie Bao has seen many such explosive methods. They all have one thing in common, that is, it is very easy to cause irreversible load on the body.

after all.

Extraordinary power itself is extremely violent.

Under normal circumstances, they pay attention to slow output, and explosive methods are more used as a killer move to suppress the bottom of the box.

Anyone who has nothing to do will use his killing move as soon as he encounters an enemy.

However, Su Qi still rejected his kindness. On the one hand, he wanted to quickly deal with these strange creatures to prevent them from changing. On the other hand, he wanted to try whether he could actively stop the evil gods' terror by sacrificing five ghosts and gods. Rashu's extraction of his own energy.

This attempt is crucial and involves his future arrangements for this ability.


Su Qi moved very quickly and summoned five ghosts and gods in one go.

Then, at this time, directly summon the evil god Bilaxiu.

Even though they had experienced this once, Pei Jing and others still felt a strong sense of panic when they faced the arrival of the evil god Horatiu.

This power was really terrifying and completely beyond their ability to bear.


Along with the sacrifices of the five ghosts and gods, the surrounding land suddenly turned into a dark swamp. The earth shook violently, thousands of feet of thunderous waves hit the sky, and an indescribable aura suddenly descended.

at the same time.

The energy that Su Qi had just recovered was drained out in an instant, extremely fast. In just the blink of an eye, the energy in his body was about to bottom out.

"It's now!"

Su Qi's eyes narrowed, and his mental power exploded, trying to cut off the energy extraction.

The sudden pull of the two forces made him feel a powerful pain everywhere in his body, as if his whole body was being torn apart!


This kind of pain comes and goes quickly.

The evil god Horatiu's power extraction from him came to an abrupt end!

"It really works!" Su Qi suddenly smiled happily, which meant that after summoning the evil god Horashi, he would no longer be helpless.

In the future, it can be used as a regular method.

But the price for this is that the power of the summoned evil god Horashi has been reduced by several levels!

This time.

Nie Bao and others finally saw clearly the face of the power Su Qi used.

It turned out to be an unknown creature that looked like a giant whale!

"Why does it seem so much smaller?"

You know, before that, what they saw was a huge mountain that covered the sky and the sun. Even with their eyes, they could only get a glimpse of it, but not the whole picture!

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