Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 337 Endless collapse, deploy defenses

"Also, the coming of this disaster uses strange power as a medium to invade reality."

"And the ghosts and gods I summoned also used my own power as a medium to bring down the power of ghosts and gods. There seems to be some similarities between the two. Is there any connection between them?"

Su Qi clearly remembered that the power of ghosts and gods came with no scruples. Whether it was the light attribute energy in his body or the divine power of chaos, all comers were not rejected.

While he was lost in thought.

Xia Shengxuan, Qiu Ran, Chen Zhen and others, after receiving the order, quickly groped over to understand the situation.


When they saw the huge pit and the mutated world that was slowly disintegrating, they were so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

This scene.

It was almost the same as seeing an endless coastline collapse and fall into the deep sea!

That magnificent scene is difficult to describe to others in words.


They moved their eyes away with difficulty and shifted to a cocoon of light in front of the pit, where a familiar outline faintly emerged.

"Su Qi?"

Xia Shengxuan stepped forward and shouted tentatively.

Although the person inside the light cocoon cannot be seen clearly, among those destructive level transcendent beings, only Su Qi can master light attribute energy.

At this time, Su Qi realized after hearing the sound. It turned out that he was deep in thought and did not notice that the light attribute energy spontaneously gathered around him. It was so dense that it almost formed a cocoon of light to wrap around him.

"Well, it's me."

After Su Qi responded, his breathing rhythm suddenly intensified, his pores opened, and his cell activity was mobilized. The light energy that filled the surroundings instantly turned into long white snakes, which were sucked into his body, revealing a body as condensed as divine iron. .

Xia Shengxuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Su Qi was safe and sound.

However, after taking a look around, I didn't see Boss Pei or the other Destruction Level Extraordinaries, so I couldn't help but ask, "Where are Boss Pei and the others?"

Su Qi's gaze was like a torch as he cast his gaze into the disintegrating world and replied: "They are charging into that mutated world. I just spent too much energy. I will rest here for a while and I will attack there later. "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look shocked.

Before that, although they had witnessed the earth-shattering blow with their own eyes, they did not know that it was performed by Su Qi. Some even thought that some terrifying and strange creature had invaded at first.

It was not until later that the beast tide dispersed, and no changes were seen yet.

Then I couldn't help but guess that it might be Su Qi and other destructive level experts who resisted the invasion of the mutation.

After a long and strange calm, they finally couldn't hold it any longer and went on this adventure.

However, it was not difficult for them to hear it from Su Qi's words.

Whether it was the dispersal of the beast tide or the collapse of the mutated world, it all seemed to be Su Qi's handiwork.

I was immediately shocked to tears.


Su Qi, who had just been promoted to the Destruction Level, could do this. Then there were five top Destruction Level Transcendents from the Holy City. Wouldn't it mean that they could easily quell this disaster.


"Have you been stopped?" Xia Shengxuan and others were breathing heavily at this moment and couldn't help but confirm.

After all, this sudden information was like a bolt from the blue, impacting their hearts so hard that it was difficult for them not to make associations in this regard.


If Nie Bao and others knew what they were thinking now, they would probably argue with red necks: "Don't talk nonsense, some things are not what you think!"

Su Qi's spiritual power spread out, and after sensing it for a while, he said slowly: "We can't be too optimistic now. Although we achieved a certain victory in the first confrontation, the scope of this mutation was too large, and no one could I know how many unknown horrors are brewing in it.”

"Has the beast tide subsided?"

"Yes." Xia Shengxuan replied: "After the beast wave was dispersed by that powerful force, it fled madly in all directions. Although some of them also rushed towards the ninth area, they were subdued by us and did not let them go. It’s one step into the city.”

Hearing this, Su Qi nodded and realized the purpose of Lao Xia and others coming, probably to confirm the situation and plan the next move.

after all.

Summoning the evil god Borasiu by himself has broken the picture they had expected.

In the response plan, the extraordinary phalanx was originally led by an apostle-level extraordinary person to try their best to resist the beast tide outside the ninth area.

If they are defeated, the impact of the beast tide on the city must be weakened as much as possible.

Then wait for the mutation hidden behind the beast tide to emerge, and then the destruction-level transcendent will take action to resist it.

But now.

He misjudged the power of the evil god Borasiu, and did not expect that after its arrival, it would not only disintegrate the part invaded by the mutation in one fell swoop, but even disperse the beast tide in the aftermath.

While the pressure on the extraordinary people in District 9 was relieved, confusion followed.

Su Qi pondered for a moment, and then arranged: "For now, you will set up defenses around the city, and at the same time be alert to any signs of strange events. Although the mutation erosion has come to a standstill, the strange power that has spilled out of it will be released by chance. If they come together, they may also create something ominous."

He did not ask other extraordinary beings to rush into the mutated world. After all, he had learned from the mistakes of District 14.

Even if it is the source level of weirdness, it is difficult for the top apostle-level transcendent to resist the secondary weird creatures that split off. Therefore, it is more appropriate to arrange for them to sit in the ninth area.


"Is there anything else we can do to help?" Xia Shengxuan asked pointedly.

Soon, Su Qi heard the meaning of Lao Xia's words and immediately grinned. It must be said that Lao Xia's thoughts were indeed extremely delicate, and he even guessed that the ferocious beast crystal core in his body was almost consumed.

Before this, he had never tried to use up all his energy, so he was not very prepared.

"Well, how many ferocious beast crystal cores you carry with you, please give them to me first."

As soon as these words came out, everyone quickly groped around on their bodies and collected nearly a hundred ferocious beast crystal nuclei.

"So many?" Su Qi was a little dumbfounded.

Xia Shengxuan and others grinned: "The beast tide was dispersed just now, and we didn't see the mutation coming. I took the time to clean the battlefield and found a lot of ferocious beast crystal cores. If it's enough, let's get some more."

Su Qi thought for a while and said, "Then send me five hundred king-level ferocious beast crystal cores."

Although the ferocious beast crystal cores on hand now are enough for him to recover and summon the evil god Horashi again, but for him now, the more ferocious beast crystal cores, the better.

Recover more times and summon more times.

Can this mutation be defeated in one fell swoop?

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