Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 301 God’s Domain, the Transformation Rules of this Path

at this time.

Su Qi also realized that Pei Jing needed help, otherwise it would be difficult to break through in a short time.

So, he immediately narrowed his field, condensed it into a cone, and slammed it in one direction.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

It was as if the world was in great turmoil, and the false world woven by the strange source was violently trembling, and a clear boundary appeared in the tremors.

Pei Jing's eyes widened and he realized that Su Qi had created this opportunity for him. He condensed a spear of time and struck it with an attitude of destroying everything.


The edge of the false world was hit hard, and in an instant it was like shattered transparent glass, revealing a large gap.

It immediately turned into a rainbow light and rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

He knew very well that the boundaries of any realm and false time and space were fuzzy and uncertain. It was similar to the legendary ghost breaking through the wall. Anyone who wanted to forcefully break through with his own power must find the illusory edge.

This is a great test of one's perception.


Now it is much easier. Su Qi takes advantage of the fact that his field is similar to the level of the false world.

He directly collided with it and forced out the edge of the illusion!

Provide extremely convenient conditions for Pei Jing to break through the false world.

Seeing the extraordinary person who was regarded as fuel escape from the world he had woven, the strange humanoid creature did not react much.

Instead, he still stared at Su Qi. Obviously, it was clear which one was more important, the container or the firewood.

"It seems that before you feel my true power, you will still have some resistance..."

"In that case, let you feel the power of God!"

As the words fell, the turbid eyes of the strange humanoid creature surged violently, as if reflecting the ups and downs of all living beings!

At the same time, the huge wheel behind it started to rotate slowly, at a very slow speed, as if it was hindered by some kind of force, and it made a clicking sound with difficulty.

In an instant.

Things are changing!

In the false world, all energy begins to be annihilated, as if earth, water, wind, and fire are about to happen again.

However, when these energies collapse to a certain extent, they seem to be pulled by some kind of force and rearrange themselves to create endless chaos.

Click, click, click!

In this chaos, there are snow-white arms sticking out one after another, their skin is like gelatin, like the most flawless work of art in the world, revealing a kind of morbidity that makes all living beings obsessed!

The speed of their birth is getting faster and faster, their numbers are getting larger and larger, and they are blooming in endless savagery, trying to erode every inch of space!

He quickly moved towards the place where Su Qi was and surrounded him.

It was as if the ocean wanted to completely submerge Su Qi.

Moreover, the morbid mental impact became more and more intense at the same time, causing the frequency of part of Su Qi's mental power to change, as if he suddenly had an independent consciousness and wanted to pursue that perfection!

Su Qi walked quickly to the ghost Saya and used the power of the ghost Saya to block the power of the strange humanoid creature.

Click, click...

All arms that touched the ghost god Saya were completely frozen in an instant!

However, these countless arms seem to be connected into a whole, and the cold white frost spreads rapidly, seeming to be constantly sharing the power of the curse of the ghost Saya!


"It wants to consume all the power of Ghost Saya!?"

Soon, Su Qi realized the other party's intention.

That's right.

The power of the ghost god Saya is terrifying, but it is not endless.

Human wave tactics...

Definitely one of the best ways to defeat the weak against the strong.

Su Qi's heart suddenly tightened as he watched the blue frost spread for dozens of miles, freezing a large number of arms into a beautiful scene.

If this trend continues, unless the power of the ghost god Saya can completely freeze the false world woven by weird humanoid creatures, it will definitely be exhausted!

The scariest thing is that every inch of space must be frozen!

Because all the energy in the false world has been changed by weird humanoid creatures!

Although Su Qi also wanted to know where the limits of Ghost Saya were, he did not want to try it in this situation.

to this end.

He realized that he couldn't sit still and wait for death, he had to do something!

Just when Su Qi was thinking hard about how to break the situation, suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

Energy whose properties have been changed...

Isn't this the same as when he was cultivating in the state of God's Favorite, changing other energy into light attribute energy?

When he thought of this, Su Qi instantly became excited.

It turns out that this is God’s domain.

There is a solution!

I saw his chest rising and falling, and his breathing suddenly became extremely rhythmic, as if he contained some kind of truth from heaven and earth.

There was a lot of light all around, and the strange arms that were attacking shook for a while, began to disintegrate, and were converted into light energy in the chaos!

"Revenge of Light!"

Moreover, Su Qi pushed this ability to the extreme.

The strange arm was refined into light energy. The strange arm that followed the attack, under the action of the Revenge of Light, triggered the light energy divine thunder and chopped down crazily.

The rate of disintegration increased again.

Under the influence of the two phases, a terrifying scene was brewed.

The terrifying light attribute energy, like a ignited divine fire, swept away in all directions with an extremely violent attitude!

Su Qi, who is in the center of the flames of light, is like a young god, now in his own kingdom of God!

The horror in the heart of the strange humanoid creature that saw this scene could no longer be described in words.

They have been wandering in the void for countless years, and after constant devouring and transformation, they have a one-in-a-billion chance of mastering a trace of the power of rules, thus transforming into a source of strangeness.

But the human being in front of him uses energy transformation more skillfully and skillfully than it does!

Who is God, the great being who is summoned by all living beings and comes to the world!

the other side.

After Pei Jing returned to the real world, he just wanted to have people take away the people standing still in the square, intending to weaken the false world woven by the weird humanoid creatures.


The next second, he gave up the idea.

Because, he suddenly thought that Su Qi might prefer to face the other party directly in the false world.

after all.

If the battlefield is moved to the real world, the first people to be affected will be these millions of ordinary people.

Even the aftermath can cause massive casualties!


Pei Jing immediately gave up this idea and raced towards the wilderness outside the city!

On the way here, he and Su Qi carefully studied the information on District 14.

They discovered that the depths of the wilderness closest to District 14 were the former District 16.

Many years ago, an extremely wide dimensional passage was created, and extremely terrifying ferocious beasts came across the border, destroying the 16th District, creating a forbidden area that even the apostles dare not easily set foot in!

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