Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 296 Clues appear, a dream that wakes up with laughter


What matched the scene in front of me was not the voice, but the smile on the face!

For a normal person, no matter how happy he is, his smile will change subtly depending on the content of his words. But the smile on this person's face was extremely stiff, without any change from beginning to end.

What's even scarier is.

The man himself doesn't seem to realize this at all!

So, Su Qi asked without leaving any trace: "From last night to now...have you encountered anything strange?"

Upon hearing this, the nearby extraordinary beings who were maintaining order were so frightened that they rushed over.

He was afraid that because of his negligence, something strange was lurking in the crowd, but before he could speak, he was stopped by Pei Jing's eyes.

at the same time.

The slightly fat man seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and quickly defended: "No... no, the two adults showed their power last night and made all the weirdness retreat. I haven't had such a good night's sleep in this period of time. It’s thanks to the two adults!”

However, in Su Qi's eyes.

The smile on this person's face is uglier than crying, so stiff!

But Su Qi did not point out that he was abnormal. Instead, he asked patiently: "Don't be afraid, I will just ask casually. You think about it carefully. After all, we are still here. If anything unusual happens, we can do it." Help you deal with it."

Hear the words.

The slightly fat man was shaken.

This is correct. Now that two Destruction Level Transcendents are around, if he is really contaminated with something sinister, there will still be someone to deal with it.

If there are any hidden dangers that we haven't noticed at this time, wouldn't we have to face them alone in the future?

So, he immediately racked his brains to think back.

I recounted everything from last night to now in one breath. Even when I went to the toilet and there was suddenly no water in the faucet, I explained it carefully for fear of missing anything.

Su Qi listened and analyzed.

I didn't notice anything strange.

Then, he asked again: "Could it be that something that didn't happen before happened suddenly last night?"

"This..." The slightly fat man paused, then patted his forehead, as if he remembered something.

"I had a dream, I wonder if it counts?"

"What dream?"

"I dreamed that the disaster was far away, the ferocious beasts were driven back, and everyone could live and work in peace and contentment. I woke up with a smile while doing that sweet dream, hehe."

Originally, it was just a very ordinary dream, but paired with the stiff smile on the other person's face, Su Qi felt goosebumps all over his body.

at the same time.

Many people in the crowd said, "What a coincidence, I also dreamed about this dream!"

"Haha, could it be that we have a telepathic connection and have the same dream?"

"What kind of telepathy is there? In the past few days, everyone has been nervous. After finally expecting the two adults to kill all the weird ones, the body and mind suddenly relaxed. It is reasonable to have such a dream."

However, just when everyone was talking about it.

Su Qi murmured in his heart.

It's not strange to have sweet dreams, it's not strange to wake up laughing, but the strange thing is...

You guys are laughing so hard and can't seem to stop!

Immediately afterwards, Su Qi asked tentatively: "Can you...can you suppress your smile for a while?"

The fat man was a little confused: "Did I laugh? Am I smiling?"

As he said this, he looked at the people around him with doubtful eyes. It was okay if he didn't say it. As soon as he said this, many people were immediately frightened and backed away.

Even the extraordinary person who maintained order could not help but tighten his body at this moment, and his extraordinary aura quietly rose.

I go!

Smiling so brightly, you still said you weren’t smiling!

At this time, when the obese man saw this, he finally started to panic. He kept wiping his hands on his face. When he touched the raised corner of his mouth, he almost collapsed with fear. He quickly took out his communicator and took a selfie.

When he saw the weird smile on his face, he couldn't help but trembled, and said in horror: "I, what's going on, Master Su, Master Pei, please save me!"

"Don't panic yet."

"As long as we are here, nothing will happen." Su Qi comforted, and then turned his attention to Pei Jing.

To this.

Pei Jing couldn't figure out what it was.

After all, this person's speech and thinking were no different from ordinary people. Except for his expression, he was extremely normal. This was something he had not noticed before.

However, for a moment, he couldn't tell whether this person was affected by a strange force or was being eroded by a strange thing.

If it's the former, it's okay and just take a while to recuperate. If it's the latter, it's terrible.


There seem to be quite a few such people.

As expected, many people in the crowd discovered people with strange smiles on their faces, some of whom were friends and some of whom were family members.

But at this time, they all distanced themselves in a panic, leaving those with weird smiles on their faces in a more obvious position.

"Don't panic, everyone."

"Are you all people who have had the same dream?" Su Qi asked with a tone that was unquestionable. This time, he used his mental power when speaking to shock the scene.

It seemed that due to Su Qi's mental intimidation, there was no trouble for a while.

All the people with strange smiles on their faces stood on the ground and nodded in unison.

Hear the words.

Su Qi's eyes flashed, golden light bloomed on his body, and the power of purification surged out like a tide, falling onto the people with strange smiles on their faces.

next moment.

An incredible scene occurred.

The light of purification shines directly from their bodies, as if there is no obstacle.

These people were bathed in the purifying light and still maintained their weird smiles.


"The light of purification doesn't work. Does this mean these people don't have any strange power?"

At this time, Su Qi also felt quite troubled.

If this problem is not solved, if it breaks out during the Great Migration, you can imagine what kind of consequences it will have, and even whether this impact will be brought to the Ninth District by them.

Su Qi thought for a moment.

Immediately notify Xia Shengxuan, inform the other party of the matter, and ask him to count the people who had a disaster retreat dream last night, and also isolate them and gather them together.

The action was very rapid.

Now is the most critical moment of the Great Migration. Every extraordinary person does not dare to let go of the chain, and uses up 10% of his strength to wander throughout the city.


The head count was done.

Nearly half of the people in the city have dreams of retreating from the disaster and living and working in peace and contentment!

at the same time.

They also found that some people who had never had such a dream seemed to have this weird smile, which means that smiles are contagious!

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