Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 293: Strong record, shocking the world

"Is there something inappropriate about our approach?"

In a large ship, there were seven or eight Destruction-level powerhouses from the Holy City gathered together. Their auras were as deep as the abyss. However, there was an inevitable aging look on everyone's face. Even though the Destruction-level life was strong, they could not withstand the passage of time. Erosion, after all, their average age is around one hundred and fifty years old.

If he fails to successfully advance to the natural disaster level, his energy and blood will go downhill in the future.

At this time, some people felt that if everyone else chose a city outside the Ninth District, it would cause the Ninth District's defense force to be too weak.

However, this person's concerns were not only not recognized by his companions, but were ridiculed.

"Since you are so worried about District 9, you can go and provide support."

"But don't forget, the purpose of our coming here is not to resist the disaster, but to win the opportunity to be promoted to the natural disaster level."

"You don't know what kind of person Pei Jing is, right? A being who dares to directly challenge the Sanctuary family. If he goes to the ninth district, he might assign some messy tasks, which will affect our search for opportunities."

"What's more, even the five destruction-level extraordinary beings dispatched by Jiuyuan Holy City, where he was born, did not choose to be stationed in the ninth district. The meaning is self-evident."

The leader was an old man with white beard and hair. After everyone finished talking, he added with an indifferent expression: "You can also think about it from another angle. If the destruction of these cities is the price, in exchange for promotion to the natural disaster A great opportunity, are you willing?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a wake-up call, shocking everyone's hearts.

Although they couldn't say such deviant words, if they really had such an opportunity, they would probably be able to make the choice without even frowning.

At the same time, they also secretly sighed in their hearts that perhaps only Shi Jingqiu could show his true temperament so calmly and calmly.

This person was originally a prodigy in Changfeng Holy City. He came from an ordinary family. However, he entered the destruction level when he was less than thirty years old. He was directly spotted by a supernatural force, recruited under his command, and carefully trained him. He was once praised as having an impact. A natural disaster-level seed-level genius.

But I never expected it.

Although Shi Jingqiu received a large amount of resources and made rapid progress in the destruction level realm, he never realized the power of heaven and wasted nearly a hundred years.

Such a heavy blow is unbearable for ordinary people. The desire to be promoted to the natural disaster level is almost paranoid to the point of abnormality. When it comes to other things, it is described as cold as iron, which is not an exaggeration.

Although the others are not as paranoid as Shi Jingqiu, their desire for promotion is extremely strong, otherwise they would not risk the outbreak of a strange disaster and leave the Holy City.


An attendant brought by Shi Jingqiu hurried in and handed over a report.

Shi Jingqiu took it over and took a look, his expression suddenly became unstable. Huo De stood up from his position with a cry, stared at the entourage, and asked in a trembling tone: "Is there any error in the message above!?"

"Why is there no news from the Holy City?"

Looking at the startled Shi Jingqiu, the other Destruction Level Extraordinaries were a little confused. They didn't know what caused Shi Jingqiu, who had always been determined and determined, to act so excited.

I only heard the follower reply very cautiously: "We contacted some familiar people to verify the above news. Although we don't know why there is no response from the Holy City, this is the fact..."

Shi Jingqiu pondered for a while, his eyes flickered, and then he shouted with great excitement: "Then what are you waiting for? Quick! Turn around and go to the ninth district!"

Hear the words.

The other Destruction Level Extraordinaries were even more confused and asked anxiously: "Old Shi, what happened? Why are you suddenly going to the Ninth District again?"

Shi Jingqiu glanced at the report again and took a deep breath: "Something strange happened..."

"In the ninth district, there is a transcendent who has been awakened for less than a year... and is suspected of being promoted to the destruction level!"

As soon as these words came out.

Not even a shell exploded in everyone's ears.

"How can it be!"

"Awakening less than...a year!!!"

"Did I hear it wrong, or did you say it wrong?"

Everyone looked in disbelief, as if they had heard the biggest joke of the century!

They have been struggling for so many years on the journey to transcendence, and they know how much accumulation it takes to advance to the destruction level. This can be clearly seen from Shi Jingqiu. Even in the Holy City, he was promoted at the age of less than thirty years old. Destruction level can be favored by all major forces.

Less than a year after awakening, he was promoted to destruction level...

What are you talking about in your sleep? ! !

Immediately, Shi Jingqiu passed on the report in his hand. After everyone quickly scanned it, the shock in their hearts was simply indescribable.


On it, it is clearly recorded that the extraordinary person named Su Qi killed dozens of strange creatures in the 14th District with an invincible attitude, and his record far surpassed that of Pei Jing!

At this moment, they even stopped breathing!

Because there is no need to fake this kind of thing, they will know it as soon as they arrive.

This means that the authenticity of this report has almost reached 99%!

"Young Holy Lord..."

This unusual phrase actually appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

Immediately afterwards.

Everyone's faces were red and they were breathing heavily: "Quickly, go to the ninth district!"

At this moment.

Any chance, any natural disaster, any plot, go to hell!

If they pass by a person who can reach the level of the Supreme Holy Lord in the future, even if they successfully advance to the level of natural disaster, they will inevitably sigh at some point.

Not to mention, if such a peerless evildoer is introduced into the Holy City where they belong, the Supreme Holy Lord will even reward them, and it is not impossible for them to be promoted directly!

Now, it's not just them.

Even some other support teams that had gone to other urban areas early, at this moment, all turned around and quickly set off towards the ninth district!

Such a shocking event must be confirmed with your own eyes to feel at ease.

Now, even if the opportunity to advance to the natural disaster level is presented to them, they may choose to ignore it.

This is so scary.

For a moment, they all wondered if District 9 had told this huge lie because it didn't attract a Destruction-level transcendent to garrison.

But soon, they denied themselves.


The bigger the lie, the greater the chance of being exposed!

What's more, can District 9 bear the consequences of playing tricks on hundreds of destruction-level extraordinary beings?

at this time.

Most of the 14th District's weirdos were wiped out, and they finally had the remaining energy to restore external communications. Shocking news was being transmitted crazily through various channels.

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