Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 290 The strange black smoke cannot be completely wiped out

Pei Jing, who was closest to the battlefield, could more clearly sense through his mental power that irreversible ruptures had broken out all over the body of the skeletal creature!

The physical body was directly destroyed by Su Qi!

At the same time, Su Qi also noticed that wisps of black smoke were leaking out of the fine cracks on the skeletal creature's body.

It seems like something weird is escaping!

How could Su Qi endure this?

I'm going all out, but I can't make you die completely?

Immediately, he swooped over, his left hand burst out with immeasurable golden light, and the purifying light shrouded directly towards the black smoke, trying to completely obliterate the opponent!

In an instant.

In the night, a sun seemed to rise, bursting with blazing brilliance.

The billowing black smoke, penetrated by the light of purification, suddenly surged violently as if encountering a natural enemy, and there seemed to be countless screams in it, like the roar of a hundred ghosts, which made people's scalp numb.

However, this sound does not seem to exist in the real world and cannot be heard by the ears. It can only be perceived by the mind.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying skeletal creature was like a pile of sand. After being destroyed by external forces, it continued to fall downwards. The billowing black smoke that overflowed from it was also shrunk by the purifying light at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

As if aware of the imminent disaster, the black smoke suddenly turned into countless copies, scurrying around like tadpoles.

Su Qigang wanted to pursue him, but was stopped by Pei Jing.

"There is no need to waste your energy. If I am not wrong, among these strange disasters, as long as the source of the disaster is not destroyed, we can at most disperse them and cannot completely eliminate them."

At this time, Pei Jing caught a wisp of black smoke in his hand.

The secret power of time and space condensed crazily, obliterating the past with an extremely domineering attitude, but it could only be ground into extremely fine black threads.

And it is even more difficult to completely eradicate this black smoke that fills the sky.

"You mean, even if these strange creatures are killed now, they will one day be reunited?" Su Qi asked solemnly.

Pei Jing nodded: "These weird creatures are probably not independent individuals, but have a certain source. However, don't be discouraged. Killing them now can at least delay their return to the earth and avoid more disasters." People were killed.”

As he spoke, he dispersed the power of time and space in his hand, and the thin black thread swam wildly and disappeared from his perception in an instant.

"It's really difficult." Su Qi raised his eyes and looked at the strange creatures moving slowly in the distance. He had mixed feelings in his heart for a while. It seems that if the source is immortal and the process of world integration cannot be terminated, then the disaster will not stop.

Pei Jing seemed to have guessed what Su Qi was thinking and said, "We will consider the future in the future. Our main task now is to move the people here safely out."

"From the battle just now, it seems that these strange creatures have not grown to a level that we cannot deal with. This is good news."


Su Qi looked at the strange creature in the distance and nodded slowly.

These strange creatures are very different from the ferocious beasts. They made such a big noise here and it seems that they did not disturb other strange creatures. This means that they can be cleaned up one by one and then arrange for the great migration.

at the same time.

Xia Shengxuan and Xiaoyan arrived with the corpse of a disaster-level beast.

When he saw Pei Jing and Su Qi, his expression instantly became excited, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect that two destructive level extraordinary beings were born in our ninth district all of a sudden. It's really great." .”

Pei Jing looked at his usually meticulous old friend and seemed a little incoherent at the moment.

He immediately teleported to the disaster-level beast, patted his old friend on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work these years, don't worry, the prosperous age we once imagined will come soon!"

Xia Shengxuan's eyes filled with tears and he nodded heavily.

The whole person seemed to feel much more relaxed all of a sudden.

Xiaoyan, who was on the side, looked at Su Qi and Su Qi curiously, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. It was obvious that Brother Su had also mastered the destructive power. Brother Su could easily kill the strange creatures, but he was still injured by the strange creatures.

It seems that his level is too low and he is unable to exert the true power of the destruction level.

"I won't say any more. We want to take advantage of now to clean up most of the fourteenth strange creatures. Wait until tomorrow to gather everyone and leave here."

"You are working with us to point out which weird creatures are more difficult to deal with. We will deal with them in order from top to bottom."

At this time, Pei Jing made arrangements with a solemn expression.

The reason for adopting this method is to directly clean up the high-end combat power of strange creatures and avoid hiding strange things that they cannot contend with. Otherwise, it may cause unnecessary trouble if they are discovered again during the subsequent great migration.

"Okay, I'll bring all the information." Xia Shengxuan took out the communicator.

A light curtain is projected, which records the detailed information of each strange creature in the city. These strange creatures do not completely appear in the real world. Some are constantly moving, and some appear occasionally.

But none of this is difficult for Su Qi and the others.

Their mental power communicates with the spiritual world, and their perception of all breaths is quite keen. There are few strange creatures that can escape their perception.

Pei Jing and Su Qi read it carefully and memorized it.

There are about thirty weird creatures that can easily kill apostle-level extraordinary beings.

Quite different from what they perceived.

So, the four of them set off directly and shot towards the nearest strange creature.

At the same time, Xia Shengxuan also took the time to send a message to the city lord's palace: "Sir Pei Jing has arrived in the city. Clean up all the weird things tonight. You are ready for the big migration tomorrow."

As soon as the news came out, the city lord's mansion burst into enthusiastic cheers.

At this moment, everyone had been holding back the tears for a long time and could finally shed them freely.

"Very good!"

"We can finally leave this hellish place!"

"Ah ah ah, I thought I would die here, but I never thought I would see the sun one day!"

"Okay, okay, let's calm down. The next task is still very arduous. We have to complete the migration of the entire city within one day. This workload is quite large." One of the people in charge finally kept a straight face and said But the next moment the power was broken, and he still couldn't help but smile.


It is simply unbelievable to hear such news in this purgatory-like city.

Like the sound of heaven!

In addition, many people are also a little unstable, and they seem to want to witness Lord Pei Jing's extraordinary appearance of cleaning up the whole city overnight!

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