Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 268 Successful Promotion, Five Destruction Levels Arrive


The training building has been completely closed.

Pei Jing has completed the final accumulation. Whether it is mental power, energy, blood, or physique, it has reached the level of destruction. His life level has jumped, and his cell activity has once again glowed. All the twilight has faded away, and he has returned to the period of young adulthood.

In fact, the whole person seemed to be covered by a vague halo, making it difficult to see his true appearance.

This is not because he is pretending to be mysterious, but because the power of time and space is extraordinary and holy. Even when time passes by him, it will be pulled by some kind of stagnation, resulting in stagnation.

After learning about Pei Jing's release from seclusion, Lin Nan led a group of old friends to greet him.

Seeing Pei Jing's terrifying figure, everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

On the one hand, I am happy that District 9 has welcomed the first destructive level powerhouse, and on the other hand, I am happy to see Boss Pei, who has paid so much for them, regain a new life!

This promotion, which was delayed for decades, made everyone feel deeply moved.

"One person controls a city, the boss has finally reached this level!"

"Well, although the process was a bit tortuous, the scene we expected was finally realized!"

"Boss, he is the first person in history to be able to advance to the level of destruction outside the Holy City. He must give a special banquet to let the old guys in Jiuyuan Holy City take a good look, even if he leaves them , the boss can be promoted as well."

"Oh, by the way, what about Su Qi? That kid has always been inconsistent these days. The boss can be promoted to the destruction level. He has to take the lead. It can't be done without him..."

Seeing the old guys beaming with excitement and passion, Pei Jing smiled and decided to reveal another piece of good news: "Su Qi, he is currently in seclusion to attack the destruction level. I'm afraid it won't be long before we in District 9 will We are about to welcome the second destructive level powerhouse.”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's scalp was numb and there was silence.

After reacting, his breathing became rapid in an instant, and his face was filled with shock that could not be concealed.

On weekdays.

Most people only know that Su Qi is extremely talented and very powerful.

As for Su Qi's usual talk of working hard to reach the destruction level, they thought it was a young man's goal for the future.

But they never thought that Su Qi actually meant it!

"Boss, are you saying that Su Qi is now reaching the destruction level!?" Lin Nan was in disbelief and wanted to confirm again that he heard correctly.

Pei Jing nodded and shifted his gaze to the training building: "Yes, he is at a critical moment now. I will sit here until he is successfully promoted!"

at this time.

The rest of the people present suddenly felt an inexplicable suffocation.

Lin Nan's eyes were full of madness: "I will immediately ask Qiu Ran to arrange an army to strictly control this place. By the way, do we need to put the company's business on hold for a while..."

The so-called care leads to chaos, it is nothing more than that.

Pei Jing smiled faintly and said: "It doesn't have to be like this, just keep everything as usual. As long as I'm here, no one can get close to Su Qi. If someone can break through here, it won't help no matter how many people you arrange."

After hearing this, Lin Nan realized that he was a little out of control.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down: "I suddenly... Oh, by the way, Boss Pei, what is the success rate of Su Qi's attack?"


Lin Nan attaches great importance to this.

Because, he knew that Su Qi, unlike Boss Pei, was a peerless genius born and raised in District 9. Once he broke through to the level of destruction, even if the disaster could not be quelled, the Holy City would do its best to preserve District 9.

After all, the importance of a city that can cultivate a destructive level cannot be underestimated.

Pei Jing took a deep look at the training building: "His success rate... is higher than anyone I have ever seen."

In the past, before he was promoted to the destruction level, his understanding of Su Qi was still relatively vague.

It wasn't until he was promoted to the destruction level that he could clearly see the fluctuations transmitted from the top of the training building. It was as majestic as a mountain and as vast as the sea. With each breath, it seemed like a spiritual world above the endless sky, following some kind of The mysterious rhythm manifests itself suddenly and suddenly!

It was as if an infant god was about to awaken and suppress the world.

It can even be said that it's not that he has much confidence in Su Qi, but that at this moment, in his perception, the aura leaking from the training building Su Qi is almost the same as his own, and he is a genuine destructive level transcendent. !

The next few days.

Even though Lin Nan knew that he could not help much, he still made a series of strict controls.

Many people in the city were aware of this, but they didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, there was an emergency in the 14th District, and it was reasonable for the 9th District to take action.

However, where no one noticed.

Five uninvited guests arrived hand in hand. After entering the city, they went straight to the cleaning company without attracting anyone's attention.

All defenses were useless in front of them.

Even though they look ferocious, are huge, and are extremely conspicuous.

This is a destructive-level powerhouse who can use mental power freely and can use mental power to interfere with other people to achieve the effect of disguise. Even if they pass by an apostle-level extraordinary person ten times a minute, that apostle-level extraordinary person will You may not be able to detect any abnormalities.

"ninth District……"

"It seems like nothing more than that."

"I thought there was something special about being favored by conservatives. Unexpectedly, I was still immersed in these false prosperity as always."

Among them, a Archbishop of the Evolutionary Cult said disdainfully.

Having stayed in a different world where the headquarters of the Evolutionary God Sect is located, he deeply knows that any investment other than his own strength is a mirror.

Therefore, when he saw that District 9 invested a lot of resources to create prosperous high-rise buildings, he made this evaluation.

Another archbishop with a cold gaze next to him also deeply agreed with this: "Yes, their level is too low. It is impossible to imagine that we can do what they put in a lot of effort to do without any effort. Easily destroyed."

Several people looked at the cleaning company from a distance, as if waiting for something.

After a while, they didn't notice any movement and couldn't help but frown: "That shouldn't be the case. Their vigilance shouldn't be so low. Is it true that the conservative masters are not here?"


They walked forward cautiously.

Even though the five Destroyers joined forces, they still did not dare to act rashly.

After all, we had lost a lot of people in District 9 before, so we can conclude that this place is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

But no matter what is hidden, they will dig it out completely this time!

at the same time.

In the branch court of the Supreme Court, Chu Qingfeng paced anxiously.

At this moment, his brain was about to explode.

What are you really afraid of? What's coming? Five destructors are coming. Can District 9 hold on?

Where is Pei Jing! ?

Haven't you been promoted to the destruction level? Come out and kill them!

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