Suddenly, the four destruction-level powerhouses felt chills stand on end, as if they were being targeted by some terrifying entity, and they felt uneasy all over.


They saw a member of the ship's entourage coming to them at some point, his eyes unfocused, and an extremely captivating smile on his face. Suddenly, everyone couldn't help but feel numb.

"not good!"

"Lao Hu's condition is so bad!"

In just a moment, they realized something was wrong.

They have experienced strange disasters and know very well that the strangeness induced by extraordinary people cannot exist in the real world for a long time unless they kill the host and occupy the host's body. Therefore, these strange things will attack the extraordinary person first.

And now that the entourage of the big ship is affected, it is very likely that Lao Hu is possessed by something strange, or is in the final stage of struggle.

Therefore, they took action very decisively, no longer caring about the surviving personnel in the large ship, and took action directly.

Three of them had their hands wrapped with languid energy, pointing directly at the entourage who suddenly appeared. The other person paused for a moment, and the energy and mental power in his body suddenly exploded. After climbing to the extreme, there was a wave visible to the naked eye. fluctuation.

The entire ship was torn apart instantly like fragile cardboard.


A blazing flame exploded.

Immediately afterwards, a decrepit old man was revealed. At this time, flesh and blood were crawling crazily on both sides of the old man's head, and it seemed that a violent and twisted face was about to struggle out.

The surroundings were filled with strange darkness, and ferocious tentacles protruded out, connecting to the bodies of the ship's entourage.

at the same time.

The attacks from the other three destruction-level experts also fell on one of the ship's entourage.

However, an extremely horrifying scene occurred.

I saw the terrifying attacks of the three destruction-level experts, but they were like a flickering match, extinguished in an instant!

"I go!"

"What the hell is this!"

The three destruction-level experts were so frightened that they immediately retreated!

This is weird!

The abilities are terrifying and the categories are complex.

According to rumors, every weird thing that wakes up is likely to have mastered some kind of broken rules!

Or maybe they are the embodiment of broken rules.

Whether its ability is strong or not cannot be determined intuitively. We can only continue to test and speculate.

And in this process, those who are unlucky may pay the price with their lives!

"Lao Zhang, what's going on?"

The destruction-level strongman who destroyed the ship, while staring at the strange old Hu with vigilance, asked his companions in a nervous tone.

"I don't know either……"

"I feel that as soon as the energy and mental power approached those puppets, they were annihilated involuntarily!"

When the destructive powerhouse who was called Lao Zhang came out, he realized that his voice was trembling, so he suppressed the fear in his heart and forced himself to calm down: "Could it be that the energy is approaching the opponent?" Will it collapse on its own within a certain range?”

As soon as they heard this, the expressions of the others suddenly changed, but someone quickly reacted: "It shouldn't be that perverted, right? If so, wouldn't this thing be going against the will of heaven!?"

Without the support of energy and mental strength, is it possible to fight physically?

For a moment, the four of them fell silent involuntarily, staring at the strange thing in front of them, trying to figure out something.


One of them seemed to have thought of something, and shouted at the strange old Zhang: "Old Hu, if you are still alive, please let me know!"

As soon as these words came out.

Others also reacted.


The most important thing now is not the fight against the strange, but the life and death of Lao Hu.

If Lao Hu died, they would just turn around and run away while still struggling with the hammer.

The reason why they had to confirm Lao Hu's life and death before deciding whether to evacuate was because they had reached an agreement before. If they abandoned Lao Hu this time, it would be their turn next time.

In this way, there is no need to think about going to the frontline city area and seizing opportunities. It is safer to return directly to the Holy City.

Just as the four of them were staring at the strange and haunted Lao Hu.

Lao Hu's originally dull and stiff face suddenly moved and made a weak sound: "Squeak..."


Seeing that Lao Hu was still breathing heavily, not only did everyone not feel happy at all, but they started to curse inwardly.

You immortal bitch, you're not even dead yet!

It’s obvious that he is having trouble with everyone!

Your whole family owes this old guy a huge favor!

The faces of the four destructive-level experts were frighteningly dark. Now that the matter has come to this, they can only bite the bullet and do it.

at this time.

Old Hu, who was haunted by the strangeness, once again said a weak word: "Be careful... this strange thing... can disintegrate all the attacks you see..."

After learning the specific information about the strange abilities, the expressions on the faces of the four destruction-level experts suddenly fell down before they could be happy.

It is obviously impossible for hundreds of people accompanying the ship to avoid attacking from so many pairs of eyes.

"We can only defeat them one by one. Get rid of these puppets first!"

"I hope it's not too late!"

In order to avoid accidents, the four of them acted very decisively, their foreheads glowed, and mysterious runes appeared all over their bodies. They opened their own fields almost at the same time, and instantly enveloped one of the ship's entourage.

Now it's a race against time.

Either they get rid of these puppets and surround Weirdness, or Weirdness invades Lao Hu's body and frees up his hands to deal with them!

I have to say that their method worked.

This strange thing can neutralize the attacks it sees, but in the field, how can a pair of eyes resist all-round strangulation!

In an instant.

The terrifying offensive like a tidal wave exploded in each field. If it were not separated by the power of the field, the shocking fluctuations might even turn countless mountains into powder!

Along with the death of each strange puppet.

The strange body hanging around Lao Hu seemed to feel threatened and let out a shrill roar.

So much so that the flesh and blood on both sides of Lao Hu's face struggled and twisted to an extremely exaggerated degree, as if the flesh and blood would burst out in the next second.

at the same time.

The tentacles of the puppet were missing, flying all over the sky.

The ends of those ferocious tentacles suddenly burst open, revealing oozing eyeballs.

"My day!"

"Fight, this damn thing is going crazy!"

Such a scene was quietly staged in many support teams.

Most people never thought that the existence they looked up to on a daily basis actually had such a hidden disease!

Only extraordinary people who have reached this level know.

This is the price they have to pay for mastering extraordinary power. Only by being promoted to the natural disaster level can they have the opportunity to get rid of the strange gaze and walk on the earth openly.

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