Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 259 The Labyrinth of the Heart, the Path of the Secret Keeper

"I can't control that much anymore, it's important to find Wang Zhen!"

Soon, they suppressed the fear in their hearts, closed the door, and came to another room.


This room also experienced changes.

Although there is no bottomless abyss, there is a mirror space.

Inside, it seems to be where they are!

The two inhuman aliens only felt a numbness in their scalps. They did not dare to venture in for fear of getting lost inside, so they turned around and ran to other rooms.

But without exception.

All the rooms were different from what they had seen before, and they became extremely strange at this moment.

And Wang Zhen didn't even see his shadow.

"what to do?"

One of the inhuman aliens watched his companions keep opening the doors, and the fear he had finally suppressed rose again.

Another non-human alien pushed open a door very irritably and looked at the tombs standing inside. He was so frightened that he quickly closed it and said sweatingly: "I don't know this. There seems to be nothing else to do except look for it." What a great idea!"

But just as he was about to push open another door, his companion grabbed him.

The companion asked with a trembling voice: "Do you...remember how many doors you opened?"

The inhuman alien was very puzzled, but he still began to recall his previous actions in his mind.

A room connected to the endless abyss...

A room connected to the mirrored hall...

A fan...

As he counted, his breathing suddenly became rapid. The door in front of him seemed to be heavier than ten thousand, and he didn't dare to push it open!


Unknowingly, he opened nine doors in a villa with five rooms on the first floor.

Looking up, there seemed to be countless doors ahead, looming in the darkness!

"Damn, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"You didn't even ask."

While complaining, the two people suddenly realized that something was wrong. After looking at each other, they quickly retreated in the direction they came from, trying to return to the first floor to meet up with the boss before making plans.

However, something weird happened.

No matter how they walked, they couldn't find the stairs they came up from.

"Damn! Looks like we're trapped!"

One of them said in horror.

However, the other person calmed down and seemed to have figured something out. He said in a faint tone: "Are you kidding me? A villa can trap an apostle?"


the horrified companion reacted.

So what if there are no stairs, let alone a villa, even a building, they can easily penetrate it.

Previously, they had been limited to not making a big fuss and had been using conventional methods.

They were able to break through just a reinforced clay floor and return to the lobby on the first floor.

Think of this.

The man hurriedly leaned down and pressed one hand on the floor. A violent aura suddenly emerged, like dark flesh sprouts covering the ground. However, this blow that could have caused damage to the body of the king-level ferocious beast could not be done now. Shake the floor half a minute!

"Something weird!"

Even without him opening his mouth, the companion next to him realized this.

After looking around, the companion set his sights on the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

He walked over slowly and pulled gently.

Unexpectedly, the floor-to-ceiling window could be opened directly.

"Come here quickly, there seems to be a loophole here!"

Hearing this, another person came over very quickly, looked down, and took a deep breath: "Are you sure this is a loophole and not a dead end?"

The companion couldn't help but feel a little confused, so he took a look and suddenly felt his scalp explode.

Originally they were on the second floor.

But now looking down, there are actually floors one after another connected below, as if there is no end.

at the same time.

The leader of the inhuman aliens wandering on the first floor also sensed something was wrong.

First of all, the door that he had closed casually opened at some point. Although there were only three rooms on the first floor, when he thought about it, it seemed that he was searching for more than three rooms!

In addition, there was no movement from upstairs.

This is so weird.

No matter how cautious his companion was, it was impossible for him not to sense his companion's actions at such a close distance.

And now, he can't even feel the breath of his companions!

Suddenly, he had an extremely bad premonition, and his heart involuntarily thumped.


He moved very quickly and ran out of the villa door, wanting to see what was going on from the outside.

However, the next second.

Weird things happen.

The moment he crossed the gate, the entire villa seemed to move with him.

The scenery in front of him turned out to be the lobby of the villa.

But behind you...

It became an open door and a dim road beyond it.

"You want to scare me with this little trick!?" The man snorted coldly, and slammed his thick and ferocious arms towards the furniture in front of him.

Illusion, no matter how strong it is, is still fake.

To hide the truth by confusing people's perception.

It’s not difficult to crack it. As long as you find out the truth, the illusion created will be self-defeating!

It's just that he hit it.

It didn't tear the sofa apart, but it felt like it had touched some extremely hard object, causing some pain in my arm.

"Hey, how is this possible!"

"I can easily tear open a large ship. Is there anything in this community that can withstand my attack!?"

His brows jumped wildly, and he suddenly realized that maybe he was in the real villa just now.

When he thought of this, he turned around again and rushed towards the open door.

In an instant.

The world spins and the scenery changes.

He returned to the original hall again, and behind him became the gate and the road outside.


He continues to try to tear apart the falsehood with violence.

But everything in front of him was still indestructible, and everything seemed to be made of some kind of peerless material.

"Are you kidding!?"

His pupils shrank suddenly, he couldn't believe it, and a trace of uneasiness began to appear in his heart.

at this time.

Outside the villa.

Su Qi and Pei Jing, who had witnessed all this, were equally confused.

in their perspective.

Those five inhuman beings were just like ordinary people who had lost their extraordinary powers, wandering back and forth in the villa, terrified.

Wang Zhen was sitting on the sofa on the first floor, watching all this with a blank expression, acting indifferent, as if he was enjoying an extremely funny reality show.

He seemed to feel the doubtful glances coming from outside.

Wang Zhen said softly, "The labyrinth of the heart."

"It will absorb every bit of power and fear released by the enemy, and continue to evolve and grow until..."

"The extraordinary power trapped inside has been exhausted..."

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