Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 255 Half-truth and half-falsehood, the Evolutionary Cult being led astray


Chu Qingfeng realized that his tone was inappropriate, and quickly smiled shyly: "My lords, you must not listen to such rumors. Think about it, as an overlord-level extraordinary person like me, how can He De be able to follow The conservatives are implicated.”

"Even if I wanted to, a thing like me wouldn't be able to catch their eye, don't you think so?"

One of the inhuman aliens sneered and said in a mocking tone: "Indeed, even we don't bother to look at you for a thing like you, but the Supreme Court behind you is different..."

"I advise you to be wise and tell all the details about the conservative faction."

"Of course, you can also choose to continue to pretend to be confused. Then let's do the math. Your Supreme Court will clean up the accounts of our religious stronghold. After all, we have come here, so we can't let us go away empty-handed."

The threat was palpable in his words.

Chu Qingfeng naturally understood. Judging from the other party's posture, he also knew that what happened tonight would not be easy.

His expression changed for a while, and then he took a long breath, as if he had made some kind of decision.

For a moment, his demeanor seemed to change, and he compromised and said, "Well, that's right, the conservative faction of your religion does have some contact with us. If you want to know anything, just ask."

"As a Overlord, I don't know much. I hope you can understand this."

Hearing this, all the non-human beings were overjoyed.


Their analysis is correct, the conservatives do want to unite to the Supreme Court!


They then asked the question they wanted to know most: "Among the conservative faction that has come back now, what is the most powerful one and how many are there?"

Chu Qingfeng pondered for a moment, as if thinking about it carefully, and replied with a somewhat uncertain tone: "The strongest person... I really don't know this, but according to them, at least five destruction-level people from the conservative faction have come back."

The number of people here was not made up by Chu Qingfeng.

Instead, it was compiled based on the number of destruction-level powerhouses from the Evolution Cult who are making high-profile appearances today.

Five destructive-level powerhouses from the Evolutionary Cult correspond to five destructive-level powerhouses from the conservative faction. This contrast in strength should allow the other party to act with caution.

as expected.

The expressions on the faces of these inhuman aliens changed instantly when they heard that the conservative faction had five destructive level powerhouses returning.

this means.

They were causing trouble in the realm of five destructive-level powerhouses, plus the newly promoted Pei Jing, that is, six destructive-level powerhouses.

Once discovered, they may not even know how they died.

While this frightened them, they were also very glad that they did not take strong measures against some senior officials of the Ninth District Cleanup Company, otherwise their existence would most likely be exposed.

Of course, some of them doubted Chu Qingfeng's words.

First, this news came too easily, and second, this number happened to be the same as the number of destruction-level powerhouses produced by the divine sect, which was too much of a coincidence.

"The conservatives came to you. What was the content of the discussion?"

As soon as he said this, Chu Qingfeng immediately realized that the other party's inquiry about the content of the discussion was false, and doubted that his nonsense was true, but he still acted calmly and replied matter-of-factly: "At your level, I don't know whether you You know, in fact, in this generation area, there is a destruction-level powerhouse in our court hidden."

"The conservatives don't know how they learned this."

"Therefore, I want to contact the powerful person in the court through me to reach some kind of cooperation."

"It's just that, in my capacity, I don't actually know the identity of that strong man, and I also have no contact channels. I can only report the matter to the senior management, and I haven't received a reply yet."


The faces of this group of inhuman aliens suddenly became solemn, and their eyes couldn't help but look at one of their henchmen.

The confidant was deeply favored by a certain archbishop and knew more secrets than the average person. Everyone could not help but take a breath when the confidant nodded.

They didn't expect it.

The information gained tonight is so great.

If you can report this matter, I believe this punishment will be exempted.

"Then if you reveal such information to us, aren't you afraid of being sanctioned by the Supreme Court?" At this time, an inhuman alien shouted loudly, and until now, he is still doing his duty to distinguish the authenticity of the information.

At this time, a smile suddenly appeared on Chu Qingfeng's face: "Then you don't know something. From the fact that there has been no reply from the top management of our court, it is not difficult to see that in fact, in the eyes of many high-level officials, the conservative faction and today's Evolutionary Cult are not the same. There’s not much difference.”

"Otherwise, they would reply to the message early and reach cooperation."

"At that time, how will you be able to set foot here so easily?"

Hearing this, this group of inhuman aliens suddenly had doubts in their hearts.

Judging from their dealings with the Supreme Court over the years, this is indeed the case. The Supreme Court seems to have a deep hatred for non-human beings. In its daily purge activities, it does not even consider whether those non-human beings have killed ordinary people. people, but directly choose to obliterate them indiscriminately.

If so.

So the cooperation between the conservative faction and the Supreme Court may not go so smoothly.

at the same time.

They also realized that it seemed that it was necessary to save the life of the weak and timid law enforcement officer in front of them, so that he could at least detect the movements of the conservative faction for the cult.

However, Chu Qingfeng was afraid that the other party would not believe it, so he added: "You should all know that the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court are usually held by apostles. It is not very capable for an overlord like me to get this position."

"But he was really treated as an outcast and exiled to District 9."

"So, except for my own life, nothing else matters. Do you understand?"

This group of non-human aliens feel the same way. In name, they are the forerunners of the arrival of the powerful Evolution God Cult. In fact, they are just chess pieces thrown out to test the movements of all parties.

They came to the real world and announced in a high-profile manner that the powerful Evolution Cult was about to come to suppress the disaster.

It was observed that the Supreme Court and the Holy City seemed to have no other actions in this regard. In this way, the level of destruction in the divine religion had truly arrived.

"Doesn't that mean we also have the opportunity to cooperate?" An inhuman alien said abruptly.

Chu Qingfeng smiled: "Everyone in the world wants to benefit. If there is really enough benefit and appropriate cooperation, it can still be carried out."

"In this case, I hope you can tell the truth about more details about the conservative faction of the Evolutionary God Cult, and we will naturally not treat you badly."

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