Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 253 The dark waves are surging, the temptation of the Evolutionary Cult


In response to the flattery of the top extraordinary beings in major urban areas, the destructive ones in the Evolution Cult showed extremely indifference.

Although the Evolution Cult has made high-profile claims to suppress this disaster, as the core of the Cult, they are well aware of it.

If you take action, you will take action.

However, when everyone fell into despair and Weird's true face was revealed, he took action at that time.

If not for the news that Pei Jing had been promoted to the destruction level.

They would never descend on this area so quickly.

To know.

Here, there are still those bastards from the Supreme Court staring at them.

have to say.

This time, the conservative faction showed up and actually helped Pei Jing enter the destruction level. It didn't look like the three melons and two dates that jumped out of history, and the plan was very big.

Therefore, due to pressure from the upper echelons of the cult, they could only arrive early.

No matter how much they looked down on the former conservatives, they still knew very clearly that the two factions of the Evolutionary Cult were fighting each other. Although the conservative faction lost, they still took away part of their heritage.

This is very tempting for the Evolutionary Cult, which has inherited most of its heritage.

They know very well how terrifying power is contained in those foundations.

For this reason, they must find out the situation in District 9 before the support from the Holy City arrives. Otherwise, it may be difficult to intervene.


When they appeared in major cities, they began to summon the cronies they had previously sent from other worlds.

The role of these cronies is to detect the situation in District 9 in advance for them to facilitate their subsequent actions.

after all.

What is the strength of the conservative faction hidden in District 9? If you can't even figure out this, what if you act rashly and get yourself involved?

Obviously, as a non-human alien who can maintain rationality and step into the destruction level, he still cherishes his life.

"Back to the Archbishop, the conservative faction in District 9 is reclusive. Our investigation..."

"It's not going well."

"However, relying on the information from the bishops of various strongholds that experienced the disaster in District 13, we still have some gains."

"The most powerful conservative who once appeared in District 13 was probably the inhuman alien who killed You Chong. Judging from his performance, he should not have reached the level of destruction, but had mastered some kind of Only a special secret method can defeat You Chong."

After hearing such a report, the destruction-level powerhouse of the Evolution God Cult instantly became furious: "What else?"

"You won't tell me that after being here for so long, you can only collect this little information!?"


All the confidants lowered their heads in shame.

No wonder they are.

The conservatives really belong to the rat zodiac. In District 9, they used all kinds of means to buy some insiders from all walks of life.

The weird thing is...

In such a large urban area, no matter what class, no conservative member has been seen in person.

Let alone the real realm.

Not even knowing whether they were male or female or how many there were.

It was as if it had never appeared at all.

"big eater!"

"You guys are so disappointing!" Out of anger, some destructive-level inhuman aliens even took action and killed several of their henchmen.

The battle between the two factions that started with the Cataclysm and continued to the present is about to begin, but they can't even find out a little bit of information about the other party. This is really unacceptable to them.

Among them, there was a destruction-level inhuman alien, with terrifying wind and thunder brewing in his eyes.

He said coldly: "I will give you three more days. I want to know the number of people and the approximate strength of the conservative faction in District 9. If you still don't know anything, then there is no need to exist!"

As soon as these words came out.

The faces of his cronies changed drastically.

Three days! ?

What's the difference between this little time and killing them now?

The conservatives in District 9 have shrunk to this extent. What can they do?

You can't just knock on the door and force the other party to show up.

At the same time, one of the Destruction-level non-human aliens seemed to have discovered something in the crowd, and suddenly asked: "Where is Mr. Lu Muxian?"

"Where did he die?"

"You dare to be absent at this time. You really think that after hitting the destruction level once, you can be on an equal footing with us, right?"

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

Regarding the existence of Lu Muxian, his original status was higher than that of his close relatives. Therefore, although they came out together, they did not dare to ask about each other's whereabouts.

after all.

If you offend the other party in some way, and the other party successfully steps into the destruction level, wouldn't you be asking for your own death?

However, there were also some cronies who wanted to get into Lu Muxian's relationship, and they replied nervously: "I probably know this. After coming out, Mr. Lu said he was going to the 23rd District and wanted to ask Hou Yong. Something to say about conservatives.”

"It's just that I heard that after they left District 23 in a hurry, they disappeared without a trace."

Hear this.

The destructive-level inhuman alien snorted coldly: "He'd better find some clues, otherwise, even if he is also an archbishop, he must bear the responsibility!"

The meeting dispersed.

Everyone left without stopping and headed for the ninth district.

This time.

The archbishop has issued a death order. If no clues can be found about the conservatives, they may have to shed their skin even if they are not dead.

Only believers who have stayed in the other world headquarters truly know.

The top leaders of the Cult of Evolution really know how to eat people!

The Archbishop of the Evolution Cult appeared in various major urban areas. As soon as the news was sent out, the people in the major urban areas immediately cheered, and some even held up banners to express their welcome.


Lin Nan, who was thousands of miles away, instantly became solemn after hearing the news.

At the beginning, Su Qi had made it clear that the destruction-level powerhouses in the Evolution Cult might be coming to the Ninth District.

Therefore, Lin Nan did not dare to be careless at all.

I quickly and thoroughly checked the internal personnel. I didn’t know if I didn’t check, but I was shocked when I checked.

It turned out that it was in a secret place that he didn't know.

There are many staff members in the City Lord's Mansion who have come into contact with people of different identities and have experienced being asked about conservative matters.

Following the list provided by the staff, Chen Zhen checked it out.

It was discovered that none of these people were still in District 9, and they seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden.

Lin Nan instantly realized something and quickly informed Su Qi of the matter.

When Su Qi got this information, he didn't feel too surprised. If the Evolutionary Cult showed indifference to the emergence of conservatives, then there would be a big problem.

Now, it should still be the other party's investigation stage.

If you want to check, just check.

Anyway, nothing can be found.


ninth District……

There are no conservatives at all!

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