Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 246 Trapped in time and space, Pei Jing’s last resort

In the mysterious cemetery.

The energy exploded, the void trembled and collapsed, and false time and space collapsed one after another.


Even though Pei Jing and others were exhausted and out of breath, they still did not dare to stop the attacks in their hands.

Because once the collapse of false time and space slows down a beat, the huge weird creature will split into countless clones in an instant, fill up time and space, and bury them completely!

But here it is.

They didn't gain anything either.

First, they destroyed countless false time and spaces and rescued Shen Chan and other extraordinary beings who were trapped in them. At the same time, they also confirmed that this mysterious cemetery feeds on extraordinary power and is in a stage of crazy expansion.

Furthermore, after those ferocious beasts were devoured by the mysterious graveyard, they gradually formed new and strange black shadows, as if they had completely transformed their life forms.

These findings are definitely extremely important key information.

Even if this mysterious cemetery is not the key to the great integration of the world, it is certainly inextricably linked to the key.

Even if this place cannot be completely destroyed, as long as it can cut off and completely devour the extraordinary power, it is still possible to terminate the world fusion process!


The most important thing right now is how to escape from here, or how to spread the news!

Otherwise, all the information discovered will be completely buried with their death.

"Ah, no, I have never been so tired in my life. Even if I faced the beast tide, I at least had time to breathe!" At this moment, Qiu Ran was panting. The explosions for several days had already made him feel deeply of tiredness.

The energy in the body is almost at its bottom, and the chest is as if it is being burned by fire. Every time you take a breath, you can clearly see the pain coming from deep in the muscles.

These words also expressed everyone's feelings.

Not only him, but the others were already exhausted and on the verge of collapse. Some even dared not stop the offensive, for fear that if they stopped, they would be completely unable to move and would be buried here forever.

"Damn it!"

"The false time and space here seems to have no end at all. I can't even remember how many false time and spaces have collapsed. Why can't I return to the real world!"

"Master Pei, think of a way. You are the strongest here, and you also control the power of time and space. If you can't do anything, then we will all die here."

At this time, everyone fell into deep despair.

Although they can still survive for a while with their own strength, this endless explosion is not a torture for them.


Even if they didn't say anything, Pei Jing was still very anxious.

It is true that he has the power of time and space, and he can see through countless false time and space overlapped here, but it is a pity that he has more than enough ambition but not enough power!


He forcibly stepped into the destruction level again, and used the power of the destruction level to penetrate the false time and space here. There might be a glimmer of life, but in this way, the spiritual imprint that he had been trying to maintain would probably collapse directly.

He will die!

"I'm a little reluctant."

"It is clear that the development of District 9 is about to enter a new era, but I cannot witness it with my own eyes..."

"It doesn't matter, a new generation replaces the old ones. My era has passed after all. The secrets of this place may be the key to ending this disaster, and these people will also be Su Qi's powerful arms in the future..."

Pei Jing's eyes swept over everyone present one by one, his eyes revealing infinite attachment.


Many years ago, he felt that his life was no longer important, so he persisted with the belief that he could contribute one more day to District 9.

However, due to the appearance of Su Qi, he seemed to have found a reason to persist again.

Unexpectedly, God always takes away the beauty in front of us inadvertently.

"Later..." Pei Jing suddenly spoke, his tone paused slightly, and then he continued.

"I will create a passage that leads directly to the real world. If I calculated correctly, it should last for about three seconds. What you have to do is to return to the real world within these three seconds. Do you understand?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was moved.

A smile called hope instantly appeared on his face.

"Pei...Master Pei, have you really found a way?"

"Excellent, I know how a person with extraordinary talents like Mr. Pei could be trapped in this small false time and space!"

Suddenly, the crowd was excited.

However, among the crowd, Qiu Ran was shocked.

Obviously, based on his understanding of Boss Pei, if the other party is sure to leave this place, he will definitely take action as soon as possible without any hesitation. On the contrary, it will be Boss Pei's trick to suppress the situation.

At this moment, he even thought of the scene when Boss Pei beat a disaster-level beast back alive to another world.

That method will have huge consequences, but can Boss Pei be able to bear it?

Qiu Ran instantly realized that perhaps Boss Pei wanted to sacrifice himself to save everyone.


There was a hint of crying in his voice: "Boss Pei, I, I... I was joking just now. I don't feel tired at all. With these false time and space, I can still survive for ten or eight days." ...We must be able to find a way out of here!"

"You can definitely find it!"

As he spoke, Qiu Ran summoned up the last energy in his body, and launched an extremely vicious offensive, pouring crazily towards the space and time, as if he was venting something.

Seeing this scene, everyone seemed to understand. They all looked at Pei Jing with complicated expressions.

Pei Jing, on the other hand, looked unusually calm, and even showed a long-lost smile. Terrifying spiritual power surged out from above his head, distorting the void.

"You...many of you are willing to set foot here because of me."

"I'm deeply honored by this."

"However, every honor has an unbearable weight. Now is the time for me to bear it."

Say it.

Huge spiritual power penetrated the sky, as if traveling through countless time and space, and a huge shadow of the world suddenly appeared high in the sky!

Among them, there is a name that shines with a dazzling light, as if it can dim the stars in the sky.

Pei Jing!

At the same time, a corona of light suddenly appeared out of thin air behind Pei Jing's head. The light was fierce, and energy like an abyss surged out of his body, as if dozens of volcanoes were erupting at the same time, making everyone Discoloration.

This moment.

Storms are moving in all directions.

Everyone present even dared not look directly at Pei Jing, as if any disrespect would lead to catastrophic disaster!

"Destroy...Destruction level!"

Everyone present suddenly felt dry for no apparent reason. A considerable number of them were from large families in the Holy City, and were familiar with the power of the destruction level.

Until now.

Only then did they understand why there were rumors that Pei Jing could match the level of destruction!


He has real destructive power!

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