Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 242 The extremely evil torrent, Su Qi’s true strength

The three forces chased each other across the wilderness, creating powerful fluctuations that caused a large number of ferocious beasts to flee.

"The inhuman alien at the back seems to be advancing to the destruction level!" Yunrou's expression suddenly changed on the shoulder of the disaster-level beast.

When she followed Hou Yong, she had seen Hou Yong attack the destruction level.

Unlike extraordinary beings, non-human aliens only need to complete their own accumulation to reach the destruction level, and once promotion is initiated, the pollution characteristics in the body will spontaneously run rampant, providing a steady stream of assistance.

The price paid is the crazy loss of rationality!

When Su Qi saw this, his expression began to become serious. He did not expect that the other party could escape the strangeness and even fully recover in an instant.

"Devil tree."

In an instant, Su Qi thought of the key.

After all, he still didn't understand the depths of the wilderness well enough, and he actually ignored the existence of that thing.

However, now is not the time for review. He must get rid of the other party, or...

Kill the opponent!

That's right.

At this time, Su Qi began to think about the possibility of using the 'Evil Torrent' to kill the opponent.

If the other party found a place to steadily advance to the destruction level, and then came out to cause trouble, Su Qi would not have such an idea.

After all, no matter how powerful the 'Evil Torrent' is, You Chong, who only wiped out the corpses of parasitic disaster-level ferocious beasts at the beginning, is still close to killing the real destruction-level ones.

But now.

Not only did the opponent get ahead, but for fear of losing their traces, they pursued them while advancing forcefully, and there was even that weird darkness behind them chasing after them.

In this way, the likelihood of success will be greatly improved.

As long as the opponent is severely damaged before he is promoted...

Thinking like this, Su Qi moved very quickly with his hands, and the huge divine power of chaos surged out instantly, and the whole world seemed to change color.

In the wilderness, countless malicious thoughts gathered like a tide, overwhelming and almost condensing into substance.


When his mental power was condensed to the extreme, it shot straight into the sky like wolf smoke, and he vaguely seemed to see a vast and boundless world.

"The spiritual world!"

Su Qi reacted instantly.

At the same time, he could feel that it was filled with endless chaos and coldness, which was very similar to the malice he sensed in the wilderness.

"The spiritual world... By the way, there is a collection of the spirits of all living beings, and the malice in it..."

"Perhaps it can be called the real malice of sentient beings!"

This sudden discovery made Su Qi become very interested.

He wants to try...

Whether it is possible to communicate malice in the spiritual world.


Su Qi was very decisive and directly focused his mental power on it.

this moment.

He seemed to have glimpsed something extraordinary.

The endless malice among them, after being sensed by Su Qi, actually invaded him.


"It's going to explode!"

Su Qi was shocked and cut off the connection with the spiritual world in a very short time.

At the same time, the malice condensed in him has reached an incredible level!

Even Xia Shengxuan and the other two people standing next to Su Qi felt that they could not breathe, and their minds instantly lost control. They subconsciously took a few steps back, and there was a strong and extremely frightening feeling in their hearts.


The person standing next to them is not Su Qi, but a big devil who is ready to destroy the world!

That overwhelming malice almost affected their minds!

Fortunately, the malice disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. In an instant, Su Qi melted it into an Eye of All Evil, making the originally ferocious 'Demonized Doomsday Judge' form even more terrifying.

Lu Muxian, who was chasing after him, also noticed this scene and suddenly felt a physical and mental tremor for no reason.

For a moment, he felt as if he was being targeted by some kind of terrifying entity.


He did not turn around and leave, but suppressed the inexplicable fear in his heart and continued to pursue him.


The other party has the spiritual medicine he desires.

There is a secret method to manipulate the corpse of a disaster-level beast!

You can also switch between human form and non-human alien form at any time, which seems to be the secret of the conservative faction reappearing on the earth!

Get one of the three.

It's enough for him to go further in the future of the Evolutionary Cult!

How can this not make people crazy!

"Hmph, no matter how powerful your methods are, there has never been a precedent for an apostle-level counterattack and destruction level in this world!"

"I only need three minutes!"

"In three minutes, we will truly reach the level of destruction!"

At this moment, the madness in Lu Muxian's eyes was almost ready to burst out.


The next second.

He then saw an extremely thick purple beam of light sweeping towards him. It was so majestic that no sound came out, as if all sounds had been annihilated.

Lu Muxian shouted loudly, and the degree of alienation in his body suddenly intensified. Countless black flames rose up around his body, spinning around, with an aura that wiped out everything, and made a harsh sound in the nearby void.

This is his most powerful defense method. Any energy bombarded by him will be completely crushed and disintegrated!

He is confident that as long as he can resist the opponent's attack, he can dominate everything here!


As soon as the two forces collided, the vicious torrent knocked the black flames away, and then the remaining force blasted Lu Muxian's body.

At this moment, Lu Muxian immediately noticed something was wrong.

"my body……"

In his horrified eyes, every inch of flesh and blood in the body seemed to have independent consciousness, filled with thoughts of destroying everything. They started to fight each other crazily, and then burst apart.

Unable to control his body, he was blown away.

The aura of destruction wrapped in the purple beam of light, mixed with Lu Muxian's broken body, slammed into the strange black tide sweeping from behind.


A dull loud noise that only one can detect with mental power erupted somewhere unseen.

So much so that Xia Shengxuan and others couldn't help but cover their ears. Even so, they were still severely shaken.

at the same time.

The strange black tide seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and its sweeping force suddenly stopped. Then, countless ferocious claw arms protruded from it, tearing Lu Muxian's already broken body into countless pieces.

Every piece was roaring and struggling crazily.

The scene is extremely horrific!

As for Xia Shengxuan and Yun Rou, although they were also in District 13 at the time, they had never witnessed You Chong being killed. This time, they were completely shocked by Su Qi's methods and could not even speak.

An inhuman alien who is about to enter the level of destruction...

It was solved easily like this.

It's unbelievable!

After a long time, Xia Shengxuan rubbed his stiff face and asked: "Su Qi, what level have you entered now? To be honest, I can bear it."

On the side, Su Qi lifted the form of the ‘Demonized Doomsday Judge’ and returned to his original appearance.

He thought for a while and then said: "It feels like... I should be promoted to the destruction level soon. If nothing else happens, it will be within this period of time."

Hear the words.

The bodies of Xia Shengxuan and the three of them tensed subconsciously.

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