Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 238 Disturbing time and space, complete chaos

"you are done!"

"I have almost mastered the safety range of this location. If you are still stubborn and unwilling to tell the laws of time and space changes here, your death will be next!"

Lu Muxian looked fierce and contemptuous.

An apostle-level extraordinary person only used some dangerous time and space to cause himself to be in such a mess.

But that's it, everything that restrains him will no longer be a problem.

"Really?" Su Qi looked indifferent and his eyes wandered. It was obvious that his attention was not entirely on the other party.

The other party has a safe range of time and space, which Su Qi had already expected when this person began to suspect that he had insight into the changing laws of time and space here.

The reason why he still stimulated the other party and caused the other party to turn back and break out a war was just to confirm a conjecture in his heart.


The degree of light and darkness projected by the walls in the hall is not constant.

As the battle broke out, energy raged, the void shook, and the light and darkness were distorted at the same time.

This means that the more intense the battle, the more distorted the time and space here will be, and it may even reveal the time and space location of the spiritual medicine!

It's not so much that Su Qi had expected it.

It would be better to say that this was the scene he had been looking forward to.

"Huh, you're just like a frog in a well, you know nothing about my power!" Lu Mu was completely irritated by Su Qi's calmness, and his breath was surging, filled with endless agitation!

The moment he took action, black flames billowed, and there seemed to be a ghost of Chong Chong squirming in it.

The next second, the black flames exploded, and a ferocious claw stretched out, aiming at Su Qi and slapping down hard. Before the claw even reached, the terrifying energy fluctuations contained in it already caused the void to tremble!

Feeling the shuddering energy fluctuations, Su Qi also punched suddenly.

At the moment when this punch blasted out.

A series of berserker path abilities such as 'violent power', 'violent blood', 'power awakening', 'hunger' and 'blood memory' are activated.

The energy and blood in the body were ignited like a volcano and erupted violently.

The extremely rich power of Qi and blood pushed the power of Shenge Fist to the extreme.


The moment the fist collided with Lu Muxian's attack, the terrifying energy squeezed the space and made a muffled sound, like an avalanche or a tsunami.

Everyone present felt as if they had been hit hard.

at the same time.

From their perspective, the appearance of the main hall changed drastically in an instant. In a trance, as if the years were turned back, countless bizarre and terrifying scenes emerged.

They can see clearly.

In the main hall, sometimes the claws of some kind of terrifying existence were revealed, and sometimes they passed by the weapon racks with countless magic weapons. Even on the high platform, there were several figures sitting on them, casting extremely profound gazes over them.

Time and space were completely in chaos at this moment.

Several non-human beings were covered by the horrific scene, which seemed to trigger some kind of taboo and were directly obliterated.

Suddenly, Lu Mu felt an inexplicable horror, and felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. Then, he seemed to capture the scene of the hall being burned down. Before he even had time to say something terrible, most of his body was directly ignited, and the blazing flames roasted him terribly. Called Lianlian.

In panic, he stepped back continuously, but was directly penetrated by a beam of divine light.

His feet stumbled, and the terrifying cold air instantly froze his lower body into ice, which then shattered.

Even Xia Shengxuan and the other three were attacked to varying degrees.

Fortunately, he was protected by the power of the disaster-level ferocious beast, so he was only slightly frightened and was not seriously injured.

Su Qi was the only one in the audience.

The figure moved around like a ghost, unscathed.

That's right.

In this extremely chaotic time and space, he can still accurately capture the chaotic light and darkness, and then follow the safe space and time area to move.

At this time, Hou Yong, who had half of his shoulder cut off by a terrifying phantom, seemed to realize something and shouted loudly: "We can't fight anymore. The time and space here are extremely unstable. The aftermath of the battle will cause the originally safe position to change." It’s no longer safe!”

So far.

Lu Muxian, who was covered in scars, suddenly felt it.

This place seems to be stitched together by countless time and space. It looks calm on the surface, but once there is any fluctuation, it will be shattered and everything will be separated.

The time is quiet and cannot be disturbed!

On several occasions, he even felt waves threatening his life.

He did consider that the outbreak of a battle here would lead to some unknown changes, but he did not expect that it would lead to such chaos.

Just when Lu Muxian was shocked in his heart.

Su Qi on the side suddenly said: "Xiaoyan, take everyone away!"

Immediately, after receiving the order, Xiaoyan controlled the body of the disaster-level ferocious beast to surge, protecting Xia Shengxuan and Yunrou tightly, and then looked at Su Qi anxiously: "What about you?"

Su Qi looked directly at Lu Muxian: "I still have something to do."

Just now, he glanced.

It was discovered that the spiritual medicine was not manifested in the main hall.

This may be caused by not enough volatility!

Seemingly sensing Su Qi's calmness, Xia Shengxuan also said decisively: "Xiaoyan, let's evacuate first. Su Qi seems to have mastered the secrets of this place by evacuating, and the chaotic time and space has no effect on him!"

Say it.

Xiaoyan gritted her teeth and controlled the disaster-level ferocious beast, resisting countless strange attacks in time and space, and rushed straight towards the door like a dragon out of the sea.

Now that he's gone, Su Qi has no worries at all.

His fists once again emitted dazzling golden light, and he moved around. Every landing seemed to have been carefully calculated, and the terrifying fists hit Lu Muxian's chest.

At this time.

Lu Muxian, who had just escaped from several strange attacks in time and space, saw the opponent coming to kill him again.

He was so frightened on the spot that he shouted in horror at the top of his lungs: "You're crazy!"

"Do you want everyone to die here!?"

However, when he came into contact with Su Qi's extremely calm gaze, he seemed to think of something in his mind.

"You...you want to use fighting to force out the spiritual medicine!"

this moment.

Lu Mu felt an unprecedented panic. He was completely afraid and backed away: "Aren't you afraid that everyone will die here before the spiritual medicine is forced out!?"


He got a reply.

Countless punches exploded in his chest, erupting with extremely bright light, enough to make anyone who looked directly at this scene lose their vision.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person was thrown directly away, drawing a long line of blood on the ground. During this period, he also suffered several strange attacks!



Even so, the opponent still refused to give in. He looked like a ghost, darting left and right, approaching at a very fast speed.

Until then.

Lu Muxian felt so regretful that he realized how irrational it was to provoke the other party here.

No resistance.

He might be beaten to death!

If you resist, the energy shock will intensify the chaos of time and space. Once it reaches a certain level, you may not be able to escape death!

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