Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 220 Holy City’s reaction, destructive level ban

"That's outrageous!"

"Who gave them the courage."

Sun Yao Holy City, in the magnificent hall, a middle-aged man sits in a high position, his energy and energy condensed to the extreme, and it wants to emerge from the top of his head, forming a circle of light, giving people a feeling of mastering infinite power.

A few simple words conveyed such a commanding majesty that the subordinates below did not dare to look up at him.

The subordinate lowered his head and returned tremblingly: "The Jiang family's destruction-level people are indeed a bit reckless when they want to go to the ninth district at this time. I have rejected their applications several times, but they still don't give up."

"Now he's even saying that he must go to District 9 regardless of whether he gets permission or not."

"Humph, let him go out and give it a try!" The middle-aged man was full of anger and scolded in an extremely dissatisfied tone: "The Jiang family has become more and more swollen recently."

The subordinates quickly echoed: "Who says it's not the case? During these days, a girl who manifested the illusion of history when she awakened appeared in their branch in the ninth district. If nothing goes wrong, she will be promoted to the destruction level within three to five years. It should be a sure thing, and there is even hope of hitting the natural disaster level..."

Having said this, the man's tone paused and he secretly raised his head to glance at the middle-aged man.

It wasn't until he saw that the other person's expression didn't change that he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In a moment of impatience, he told all this.

The person in front of me...

However, several attempts to attack the natural disaster level ended in failure.

"Since it's for the sake of our own branch, we might as well call him back. Is it necessary to rush through this muddy water?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"He's really not afraid of letting himself in."

"It doesn't matter if he seeks death himself, I'm just afraid that he will cause a bigger disaster."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man spoke in a deep voice and couldn't help but sigh: "Everyone in the world says that we extraordinary beings are greedy for life and afraid of death after being promoted to the Destruction Level, but they don't know that the Destruction Level leaves a mark on the spiritual world and can easily lead to strange things. .”

To deal with the ferocious beasts, you have to work hard to advance to a higher level.

After promotion, it is easy to attract strange things.

This is the predicament of human extraordinary beings.

Only with the intervention of the Supreme Lord can this phenomenon be effectively curbed.

The subordinate said: "That being said, nothing is absolute. Mr. Qin is also a veteran destructor who has experienced several strange disasters. If he can quickly solve the disaster in the ninth district and return in time, perhaps it will not cause a disaster. What's going on?"

"What do you know? If it's an ordinary beast tide, there's nothing wrong with it. But there's something strange happening over there, and the level can't be determined for the time being. Entering the scene rashly is likely to make the strangeness worse." The middle-aged man explained, and then his eyes fell on his subordinates.

"Why do you feel that today, you are speaking towards the Qin family and taking advantage of them?"

As soon as these words came out.

The subordinate's calf went weak and he almost collapsed.

"Your Majesty, you are wise!"

"I have always been loyal to you. I shed my blood without blinking an eye. How can He De, a mere Qin family, let me speak for you?"

The middle-aged man looked back and said: "There is no best."

"Tell the Qin family that if the order from above is not issued for one day, no one at the level of destruction will be allowed to step out of the Holy City!"

"If he insists on disobeying, I can't stop him, but when it comes to investigating later, they have to think clearly. By the way, what's the name of the junior they care about...what's his name?"

"Jiang Qingwei."

"Oh, that's her. If there is a destruction-level transcendent in their family who steps out of the Holy City, you will kidnap her for me. It just so happens that I still have a son who is not married."


After the subordinate retreated, sweating profusely, he quickly took out his communicator and sent a message.

"I've said all the good and bad things for you. You'd better wait patiently for the weird level to be confirmed. By the way,...add money!"

Not only in Sun Yao Holy City, but also in other holy cities, such scenes are also happening one after another.

Those destruction-level transcendent beings who were regarded as saviors were ordered not to go to the Holy City.

And at this time.

In the holy city, those ordinary extraordinary people who did not know the inside story expressed their indignation at this.

Damn it!

Are humans going to lose a large area of ​​activity again? ?

Shrink, huddle.

I know I am shrinking day by day.

If I had that level of power, I would never be like them!


No matter how fierce the public opinion is, it seems that it can't shake the upper half, which can't help but make some passionate men feel extremely disappointed.

Jiang's courtyard.

A fresh and refined woman ran into a room eagerly.

"Uncle, is there any news? When will we set off?"

In the room, in addition to a hale and hearty old man, there was also a man standing with an upright body and an aura that rivaled the sky.

The man frowned and said, "Qingwei, don't be rude."

"My uncle has his own concerns about the ninth district."

Jiang Qingwei's tone became anxious and she quickly said: "Dad, it's not like you don't know the situation in District 9. It's developing extremely rapidly now. Even the eldest and second uncles are praising them. If my uncle takes action, he will definitely lay the foundation for the development of a super city." the foundation.”

Jiang Qingwei's father said leisurely: "What you are talking about is not the development of District 9, but your childhood sweetheart."


Jiang Qingwei's face turned red.

"So what, being able to step into the apostle level in such a short time, even I can't do it, isn't it worth the family's action?"

At this time, the old man on the side spoke: "If that person is willing to come to Sunlight Holy City, maybe everything can be solved perfectly."

"He won't. Even the uncle and the others have received news that they must stick to District 9."

"Although I don't know why, but since they all made such a choice, they must have their reasons."

As soon as the Jiang family in District 9 was mentioned, the old man's expression suddenly became strange.

"I don't know what's wrong with them. I always feel that they are hiding something. Even the childhood sweetheart you mentioned seems very suspicious when he was promoted to the apostle level in such a short period of time."

"Maybe they are lying about their achievements."

"Uncle, uncle and uncle, they are not that kind of people." Jiang Qingwei raised her voice, obviously a little angry.


The great-uncle understood clearly and said, "I didn't talk about your childhood sweetheart, but your eldest and second uncle. They are not easy to worry about."


He had been informed that he was grounded.

Even if he wanted to go there, he didn't dare to take the risk easily at such a critical moment.

If he disobeys the agreement, he can still bear the consequences.

But if a greater disaster occurs because of his own departure, it is really difficult for him to be responsible.

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