Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 214 Actively prepare for war, the training building is completed

After Zuo Qing finished his report.

Chi Jiaran on the side thought of the disaster in District 13 and was worried, and asked: "Regarding this disaster, will there be a destruction-level powerhouse at the court to take action? Do we need to stay to assist?"

"Didn't I tell you, you have to report this to the senior management. I'm just a liaison." The other party sounded a little impatient.

"As for you, staying here won't do much good. If you really can't stand it anymore, you might as well return to the court early and lobby some elders to take action."

After saying that, he hurriedly ended the call.

This unique style of acting made Zuo Qing and Chi Jiaran look at each other.

If the other party hadn't contacted him through the channels of the Supreme Court, they would have really doubted his identity.

But the other party was right.

After coming out, they realized that the strength they were originally proud of was not worth mentioning in the face of a real disaster.


They stopped staying and returned to the court as soon as possible to report the disaster.

at the same time.

The major families in District 9 also set out to contact the forces behind it.

Try your best to seek help from extraordinary beings above the level of destruction to quell the disaster.

Compared with ordinary people, although they still have a way out, no matter how bad the situation is, the most they can do is break the pot and return to the Holy City to pretend to be grandchildren.

However, the emergence of the Ninth District Cleanup Company gave them hope of rising up and surpassing their own family.

At this moment, if you don't work harder, you may be kicked off this big ship in the future.

Since these family branches in the Ninth District have shown great potential in recent times, which is specifically reflected in the dumping of large amounts of perfect quality animal meat, the weight of the originally dispensable branches has suddenly increased. This has led to changes in the attitudes of some aristocratic families in the Holy City.

Vague comfort.

"Well... the level of the disaster is not yet clear at the moment. Let's wait and see. Maybe the great integration process will terminate on its own soon."

"This disaster, if it is just loud thunder and light rain, is not unprecedented in history."

"Don't worry, the family will never ignore it, but you must also know that there are many taboos on using power above the level of destruction. Wait a minute."

Hearing these replies, many plutocratic families in District 9 felt a chill in their hearts.

This also made them realize what a correct decision it was not to recommend Su Qi to the Holy City.

The merit of a mere recommendation is nothing compared to one's own wealth and life.

At the same time, such perfunctory answers also made their hearts more closely connected with District 9.

At this moment, they see more clearly who they really rely on.

In this case...

"By the way, due to the spread of the disaster, there have been problems on many routes, so... the price of the animal meat supply needs to be raised..."


In this regard, some forces in the Holy City were speechless.

Thousands of miles away, they had no idea how far the disaster would go, so they could only let their branches increase prices all over the place.

Unless they are willing to send strong men to station in District 9, they can guarantee to grasp the actual situation.

Just as everyone was actively preparing for the disaster, the training room Su Qi requested was finally built.

Rather than saying it is a training room, it is more appropriate to call it a training building.

Nine-story building.

It has a unique shape, and all the windows are made of dark glass. This is because they are mixed with special materials to isolate energy leakage, and these windows are similar to those on large ships, and are almost completely sealed.

The air circulation system inside is also designed with reference to the large ship, and additional devices are added to prevent energy spillage.

The top floor is Su Qi's exclusive training room.

The other floors have more than fifty training rooms on each floor.

Provide training to the company's potential extraordinary individuals.

Su Qi was very satisfied with this. I have to say that Wang Zhen's ability in this area is very outstanding. He can not only complete any task you give him, but also achieve 200% effect!

Such an abrupt building cannot escape the sight of the people working in the cleaning company.

Especially those younger generations who were recruited by other big families. These people still bear the heavy responsibility of contacting the ancient forces behind the cleanup company.

To know.

That was a transcendent force that had dominated the world for a lifetime and had repelled the invasion of vicious beasts at a certain period.

Even though he has disappeared for many years, his heritage is not comparable to that of these family branches.


They had been joining the cleaning company for some time, but had not been able to get in touch with it. They even thought that this cleaning company was no different from ordinary cleaning companies.

Wei Shaobin, who once topped the Qianlong list, is naturally included in this list.

A group of them looked at the weird building, and for a moment they couldn't figure out what it was.

"Young Master Wei, could this be built for 'those people'?"

"Is it possible that they are finally coming to the stage?"

Wei Shaobin pondered for a moment: "Inhuman aliens. In the final analysis, they are just human beings who have accepted the power of pollution. Their daily life is not far from that of ordinary people. This building is a bit weird."

Another companion said with a smile: "Maybe it is to prevent some malicious prying eyes at this stage."

"After all, there is still the Cult of Evolution by their side, so they may not dare to show off in front of the world."

Just when everyone was talking about it.

Su Qi drew up a list and asked Wang Zhen to make arrangements.

Wang Zhen took it and took a look. It basically contained some extraordinary people with great potential in the company. There were also several big bosses such as Pei Jing, and he was even on the list.

"Are you going to gather everyone together to practice in seclusion with you?"

"Do we need to prepare anything? For example, a ferocious beast crystal core or something like that."

Wang Zhen was confused. As the supervisor of this building, he couldn't figure out the purpose of Su Qi's weird operation.

Is there any secret behind everyone gathering together to practice?

I've never heard of this.

"There is no need to prepare anything, as long as the people arrive." Su Qi thought for a while. The king-level ferocious beast crystal core in his hand now covers various attributes. With the energy spilled out, it should be enough for everyone to practice.


It’s a message that many people at cleanup companies have received.

"In order to give back to everyone, the company has decided to open the training building for everyone to practice for half an hour. Those who have received the invitation are asked to gather as soon as possible."

Once the message is sent.

There was an uproar immediately.


This is very different from what they suspected.

What the hell is a training building?

What's the point of collective training?

This kind of feedback benefit gives people a ridiculous feeling of "you did well in this exam, and I will reward you with an exercise book."

Why does it seem that I have entered an unreliable company?

This is what people do! ?

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