Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 210 Extraordinary things, the process of great integration is accelerated

"Su Qi, I want to awaken, I want to become a transcendent!"

Su Qi hadn't been at home for half a day when he heard his sister Su Doudou shouting seriously.

"Several classmates in my class have become extraordinary beings!"

Due to contracting part of the animal meat sales channels and urban construction projects, many family chaebols have made a lot of money. Coupled with the disaster that broke out in the 13th District, they naturally increased their efforts to cultivate the family's children.

In case of a major chaos, at least you have some ability to protect yourself.


Su Doudou was greedy.

She had seen Su Qi's large box of Heavenly Reflection True Crystals. As long as she was given thirty or forty crystals, she would definitely become a powerful transcendent!

In fact, Su Qi also had such thoughts.

But I'm still worried that Su Doudou won't be able to grasp it and will choose a mysterious path at random.

You must know that the upper and lower limits of the various paths of extraordinary beings are very different.

When facing You Chong, among the guys in the Supreme Court, only Zuo Qing could cause some damage to him. The others were inferior in terms of strength and ability in mysterious ways.

Therefore, it is best to use the aura guidance on extraordinary things to reach a more powerful mysterious way.

Su Qi already had some clues about this extraordinary thing.

Those are the long sticks held by the two humanoid beasts in the different world of District 13.

have to say.

It is an extraordinary creature that can clash with God's Hammer of Punishment without being damaged.

It should be a very extraordinary thing, but the situation was too urgent and Su Qi didn't have time to seize it.

But he had a hunch that he would step into District 13 again soon.

"Okay, I promise you, within this year, I will make you a transcendent." Su Qi thought about it, there are less than two months until the end of the year, no matter whether the world integration process in the Thirteenth District will spread , he should make a trip there.


Su Doudou was stunned, his face full of disbelief.

She didn't expect that Su Qi, a tough guy, would actually agree to what she just said casually.

Is there anything fishy here?

Su Qi laughed angrily at his sister's expression: "Su Doudou, what's your expression? It seems like you don't really want to become a transcendent."


"I just thought I didn't expect you to agree so readily." Su Doudou explained eagerly.

"I will never call you a tough cock again..."

"Huh!?" Su Qi raised his eyebrows.

The atmosphere solidified instantly.

Feeling the pressure from his brother, Su Doudou's expression suddenly changed, and he let go of his throat and shouted: "Dad, Mom, Su Qi is going to hit someone!"

Early the next morning.

Su Qi went to the cleaning company and got busy.

During the time he left, he had accumulated a lot of ferocious beast waste, and had almost run out of perfect beast meat. He could only rely on purchasing large quantities of ferocious beast carcasses to simply maintain his existence.

Looking at the dazzling array of ferocious beast waste in several warehouses, Su Qi took a long breath.

"Fortunately, my purification ability level is high, otherwise I would be exhausted here."

Although the existence of Xiaoyan and the disaster-level beasts could share some of the workload, he did not immediately launch a plan to create a large number of inhuman aliens.

On the one hand, Su Qi is still evaluating the impact this move will have on the future of District 9.

On the other hand, Xiaoyan's current strength is a bit low, and she is still at the twenty-ninth level of overlord level.

It would be better to let her absorb the pollution traits first and improve her strength.

The promotion of non-human beings is easier than that of extraordinary beings. As long as rationality can be maintained, promotion can be achieved by absorbing the power of pollution traits without brains.

Of course.

Today, Su Qi has to work alone.

Although Xiaoyan, Fan Shixing and others have already joined the cleaning company, they have just stepped out of the wilderness and have just arrived in a new environment.

It is still necessary to set aside some vacation time for them to adapt.

After working hard until noon, I briefly had a meal with Wang Zhen and got a general understanding of the company's current situation.

It didn't take long.

Lin Nan sent someone to invite Su Qi to come over.

Seeing this hurried posture, Su Qi immediately realized that it must be related to the mutation in District 13.

after all.

Now the Ninth District is focusing on two focuses: one is the resettlement of residents, and the other is paying attention to the changes in the Thirteenth District.

Su Qi didn't need to worry about the former, so only the latter was left.

As Su Qi expected, when he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, he saw many familiar faces gathered together.

There are Principal Pei, Xia Shengxuan, Qiu Ran, Chen Zhen, and the three sisters Shen Chan and other apostle-level extraordinary beings from other forces.

Among them, there are also many unfamiliar faces.

At least to Su Qi, he looked unfamiliar, and judging from his aura, he was basically at the apostle level.

Basically, the top combat forces in District 9 should be almost there.

As Su Qi stepped in, countless gazes were cast towards him.

Even though a large number of people didn't know that Su Qi was the actual controller of the cleanup company, it didn't stop them from admiring such a native apostle-level transcendent who had never set foot in the Holy City.

not to mention.

After experiencing the incident in District 13, they all knew that behind this young man was an ancient superpower - the Conservatives of the Cult of Evolution!

If nothing unexpected happens.

This person will be Pei Jing's successor, the soul figure who can lead District 9 further!

If there is a future.

After saying hello.

Lin Nan motioned to the staff to open the light curtain and display the information screen.

Su Qi was naturally no stranger to these information pictures. The ones shown above were near the 13th District and were some of the reconnaissance equipment left along the way during their great migration.

These reconnaissance devices are exposed to the wilderness and have a very short lifespan.

Therefore, every frame that can be transmitted back is precious.

"Since the last great migration, we have been paying attention to the progress of the changes in District 13."

"Through the observation and analysis during this period, it is not difficult to see that the scope of world integration in District 13 continues to expand."

"What's even more worrying is that the rate of spread is increasing exponentially every day!"

"If it continues at this rate, it will spread to the ninth, tenth, and twelfth districts in three months!"

Although, Lin Nan's tone was very steady.

However, everyone present was shocked.

This news.

For everyone, no less than a bombshell.

The expressions of the three sisters Shen Chan tightened, with unspeakable bitterness on their faces.

Is it only three months?

Three months later, they may have to face a new round of migration.

Invisible pressure makes them feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Su Qi looked at the gray scene with an equally heavy heart.

This has just been a day of relief.

Just one day.

I really wish I could pick up the Hammer of Divine Punishment and rush over and smash it all over.

If it works...

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