Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 207 Changes occur suddenly and natural disasters come

The extraordinary people who were supporting the troops in District 9 were lamenting about the disaster-level beast.

The evacuation of District 13 is also nearing completion.

Everyone looked behind them at the city they once lived in, and took a long breath, with longing for the future on their faces.

Although some memories existed, they all dissipated completely in the face of that terrifying disaster.


In the face of survival, all emotions will become eclipsed.

This is the current state of mankind.

Disasters are approaching step by step, and people have no time to be sentimental.

"It's time to leave."

Su Qi glanced at the greatly changed District 13 at his feet with a complicated expression, and motioned for Xiaoyan to control the beast to follow.

Humanity has lost another habitat.

How long will this situation last?


Where no one notices.

Above the sky and in the city, the terrifying figures all turned around, as if staring at the direction in which the people were evacuating.

this moment.

Not only Su Qi, but also ordinary people felt extremely palpitating.

The expression of excitement and joy on his face seemed to be strangled by an invisible force.

Stop suddenly!

"It...they are all moving!" accompanied by a scream of terror.

Su Qi and others turned back suddenly.

Saw a scene that I will never forget.

Those huge and strange figures in mid-air seemed to have opened their eyes, like relatives who were reluctant to leave, stopping and refusing to leave.


Who needs your affectionate retention?

At this moment, the sky seemed to darken suddenly, and there was no light from the sun and the moon.

Another fragmented world emerges more clearly, as if the clouds are overwhelming like Mount Tai, they are overturning directly towards this side.

Along the way.

The surrounding scenery is changing rapidly.

A spiritual thought containing unparalleled violence shook all directions!

Immediately afterwards.

Then he saw a huge beast head made of dark clouds, enough to cover the sky and the sun, appear.

For a moment, the void shook.

The entire world seemed to be imprisoned by a vast and boundless force.

Time, energy, the power of heaven and earth, and spiritual will have all become sluggish, and a storm of chaos has erupted in my mind. I don’t know what I am going to do next, or even who it is. It seems like it will last forever. The end.

Among them, only Su Qi can still move.

This is because he has been exposed to this kind of horror early on and has become more or less accustomed to it.

But that was in the world of spiritual consciousness, but now this weird way of heaven is manifesting in the real world.

Its power is several levels higher.

So much so that he could only maintain a trace of thought and move his trembling body slightly.

"Damn it!"

"Can this level of power be manifested casually!?"

"Is there no limit at all!?"

Su Qi had a look of surprise on his face. He had guessed that maybe the final great migration would not go smoothly and might cause some kind of weirdness.

But he didn't think about it.

The last thing we have to face is the interception of a manifestation of Heavenly Dao!

This is far beyond the destruction level, natural disaster level, and even comparable to the power of the Supreme Holy Lord!

With a population of several million, how could He De be involved in such a level of existence.

Isn't this a joke! ?

Or rather.

In fact, this is not the manifestation of heaven from another side, but some kind of existence that he has never understood?

Whatever it is.

This thing is not something they can face directly at this stage.

Could it be...

The phantom of Ozma, the god of chaos, needs to be awakened again in order to fight against it.

However, last time the phantom of Ozma, the God of Chaos, manifested independently, Su Qi did not master the trick to manifest it.

He tried hard to recall the details from before.


Then something came to mind.

"Last time, it seemed that it was contaminated by the other party. The shadow of Ozma, the God of Chaos, was stimulated by some kind of stimulus and manifested itself. Is it necessary to do it again?"

Su Qi's eyes narrowed.

This approach is extremely risky. If the guess is wrong, you may truly become an inhuman being.

Just when he was extremely confused.

Between heaven and earth, a voice like a yellow bell suddenly sounded, chanting about nothingness in all directions.

"You're going too far."

High in the sky, between the ink clouds, billions of golden lights suddenly burst out, vast and majestic, all the darkness was driven away, and the heaven and earth were instantly radiant.

The huge animal head composed of dark clouds was instantly pierced by countless high-energy particles, and then slowly dissipated in a violent shock.

During this period, an earth-shattering roar came from the disillusioned beast head. The roar was mixed with anger and fear, as well as a hint of unwillingness.

Even the fragmented world in Su Qi's vision suddenly blurred and collapsed, fading rapidly at this moment.

The violent impact shook the entire Thirteenth District, turning most of the buildings in the Thirteenth District into dust on the spot!

"What's wrong with me?"

"It seemed like I had a nightmare just now..."

"Me too, but I can't remember it."


"District 13 is gone!"

They suddenly turned around and discovered to their surprise that the city they had just left had been reduced to ruins at some point!

For a moment, everyone looked at their trembling bodies, feeling an indescribable cold feeling that spread along their spines to the back of their heads.

Even though they were as strong as Zuo Qing and other law enforcement officers, there was still uncontrollable fear deep in their hearts.

The scary thing is that they don't know the source of this fear at all.

At this moment.

Zuo Qing suddenly remembered that he once asked the high priest in the Supreme Court.

"Why have no battle videos recorded above the natural disaster level been leaked?"

The great priest replied gently: "Even if a battle at that level happens in front of you, you can't see it clearly, remember it, or recall it. Even with the best shooting equipment, you can only capture hundreds of millions of people at most. One in 10,000 aftermath.”

"Could it be that just now..."

"A battle of natural disaster level or above broke out!?" Zuo Qing's pupils shrank sharply, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He took a deep look at the ruins of the city behind him, and his eyes revealed a fear that could not be hidden.

The magnitude of this disaster.

I'm afraid it's far beyond his imagination!

This guess was so shocking that it took him a long time to react to the shock brought about by this guess.

"Set off!"

"Everyone, move!" Shen Chan gave the command in pain.

Obviously, District 13 disappeared so cleanly in the blink of an eye that it was hard for her to accept it.

That's the city they spent half their lives trying to maintain.

Unexpectedly, it collapsed suddenly in such a bizarre way.

But now, panic has taken over everything. With a command, the big ship rises, and the sound of countless engines shakes the wilderness.

On the shoulders of the disaster-level ferocious beast, Qiu Ran looked back, still feeling frightened.

If District 9 is like this...

How scary it must be!

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