Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 194 Revealing identity, the key to great fusion

"Xiao Qi, what are you..."

Xia Shengxuan's eyes widened. One moment he was a ferocious and abominable inhuman being, and the next second he turned into a handsome human boy. Even though Su Qi had warned him, the visual and psychological impact still shocked him. .

Fan Shixing and Xiaoyan felt that their world view was about to collapse.

Inhuman and alien.

To be able to do this...

Can it be considered as having truly embarked on the final evolution? ?

This is the final form that everyone, from ancient times to the present, has dreamed of, including all non-human beings.

While mastering the power of pollution characteristics, ensuring the stability of rationality, it is best to maintain a human appearance.

For a while.

Their eyes were extremely hot.

"What I control is not the power of polluting traits, but another higher-level power. That power can also lead to human alienation and affect rationality."

If his guess was not wrong, the pollution trait was most likely born out of the power of chaos, and was a deformed combination of the power of chaos and other forces.

With these words, Su Qi did not shy away from Fan Shixing.

In his mind, these two people must be recruited.

Because the power of this disaster-level ferocious beast corpse is an indispensable force for the ninth district.


He sent an invitation to Fan Shixing and the other two: "My name is Su Qi, and I come from the cleanup company in the Ninth District. Are you willing to join the Cleanup Company in the Ninth District? The treatment will be favorable."

For Fan Shixing and his wife, District 9 has always been their longed-for place.

Not to mention the cleaning company in District 9, which is already a well-known presence in this area.

After Fan Shixing looked at each other, they quickly nodded in agreement without even thinking about it, for fear that the other party would regret it.

"Sir, do we have a chance to come into contact with the power you mentioned..." Fan Shixing asked cautiously. His main purpose of becoming an inhumane was to save his father at first, and then he encountered all kinds of people. Not being a human being, he set his sights on the long-vanished conservatives of the Purification God Cult.

Now, knowing that this kind of power exists, and that there may be hope for them to get rid of pollution, makes him excited.

Su Qi thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, we will naturally conduct in-depth research on this aspect. Once we make a breakthrough, we will naturally not keep it to ourselves."

After receiving Su Qi's promise, Fan Shixing's eyes suddenly shone with light.

It is too difficult for inhuman aliens like them who are weak and weak to find a way to get rid of pollution in this world.

Being able to join such a large organization as District 9 Cleanup Company made them feel like they felt at home for a while.

After Xia Shengxuan heard Su Qi's explanation, a big stone finally fell into his heart.

As long as Su Qi is not contaminated.

Everything else is just a minor issue.

But as an elder, he still has to solemnly warn: "Although I don't know much about the power you are talking about, I also said that that kind of power can also affect rationality. You still have to use it with caution and don't be careless! "

"You must know that you have the possibility of reaching a higher level. Remember not to ruin the road ahead just because you are greedy for temporary success."

"Well, I will be measured." Su Qi nodded.

He knew very well that the meaning of Xia Shengxuan's words was not only to ask him to use the power of chaos cautiously, but also to prevent him from getting too caught up in the quagmire of District 13.

"What are your plans next?" Xia Shengxuan asked.

Su Qi glanced at the dark pit and said in a deep voice: "First let Jia Zong and others assist in the evacuation of District 13, and ask them to send a message back so that Principal Pei and the others can prepare."

"By the way, how much do you know about the great integration of the world? Is there any way to proactively interrupt the process of great integration?"

"The great fusion of the world..." Xia Shengxuan narrowed his eyes.

"This kind of invasion ranks among the top among all disasters. Many human cities have been lost in this kind of invasion."

"One of the more accurate statements is..."

"In this universe, many worlds actually exist in other dimensions. These dimensions are constantly moving. Sometimes they are far apart, and sometimes they overlap each other."

"The reason why the great fusion of worlds occurs is because there happens to be a similar aura somewhere where the two dimensions overlap, which leads to the fusion."

"The so-called aura may be a person or an object. No one can say exactly what it is."

"As long as that thing is moved to other places, the great integration process can be ended in advance. Otherwise, it can only depend on God's will."

"Aura, items!?"

Su Qi frowned and pointed at the corner of the strange building revealed above the pit: "It can't be that thing."

"To me, that thing doesn't look like the handiwork of a ferocious beast."

Xia Shengxuan smiled, not quite sure: "It's not the work of ferocious beasts, it may be built by other races in another world. What's more, to confirm whether it is this building, we need to wait for it to truly manifest in our world. Only when you come out physically can you try it.”

"Doesn't that mean we can only wait?"

"That's right."


Hearing this, Su Qi felt a chill down his back.

When an item with the aura of two worlds manifests itself, countless terrifying creatures will appear. At that time, if you want to search this place, you can imagine the danger involved.

"It's better to quickly ask Principal Pei to contact the Holy City and send destruction-level or even natural disaster-level experts to deal with it..."


Xia Shengxuan's eyes were dim, as if looking into the unknown distance without focus.

Holy city...

Count on them.

It's better to pray that this world integration can end the process as soon as possible.

at the same time.

The great migration in District 13 is also in full swing.

All forces were mobilized that night. The three sisters Shen Chan organized the army, the Security Department, major forces and various extraordinary organizations to escort the people to evacuate in batches.

The reason why all parties are still willing to obey orders at this moment.

It's not that their consciousness is high, but that the three Shen Chan sisters emptied the entire warehouse of the 13th District and promised huge profits, so they could barely support this big project.

These people know that they need to stay away from their homeland, and of course they need more property to settle down elsewhere.


Large ships took off one after another, and the dense convoy formed a long dragon, slowly squirming, and rushed toward the ninth district in a mighty manner.

after all.

The Ninth District has a cleaning company, and other districts almost have to rely on it for the distribution of animal meat, so it is naturally the best choice.

In the convoy.

Many people looked sad and silent.

In addition to the reluctance to leave my homeland, I am more worried.

This way.

We need to cross the wilderness, and we don’t know how many people will die from the mouths of vicious beasts.

If District 13 had not become so dangerous, who would be willing to give up the original stability and set foot in the wilderness?

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