Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 190 Awakening the ferocious beast and killing three corpses at once

As Xiaoyan talks about the inexplicable connection between her and the beast, and the information revealed by You Chong after finding her.

Su Qi also finally confirmed that this girl, who possesses pollution traits but has not been alienated, may have some of the power of the ferocious beast.


He had a vague feeling that this girl might be involved in some shocking secret.

You must know that the characteristics of pollution are extremely overbearing. Whether they are extraordinary people or alien creatures, they will inevitably undergo alienation after being polluted.

If you can figure out the secret of a girl's body.

Perhaps we can unravel the origin of the pollution characteristics.

However, now is not the time to delve into it. Dealing with the corpse of this catastrophic beast is the top priority.

He was worried that if the attack of the 'extreme evil torrent' destroyed the balance of the beast's corpse, the pollution characteristics in its body would be released, and it might even cause the entire city to be polluted.

Even if this ferocious beast is abandoned in the wilderness, the huge pollution characteristics will still cause a large number of ferocious beasts to evolve violently.

Therefore, this cannot be left unchecked now.

"You Chong can use some secret technique to combine with the beast and control the corpse of the beast..."

"Then can Xiaoyan also master it?"

Soon, Su Qi thought of a way.

After all, this girl has some of the power of the ferocious beast, so maybe it's really possible to do it.

"You two, come down with me."

With that said, Su Qi did not ask for their opinions. After landing, his huge palms that were still in the transformed form held the two of them on the left and right.

The two people felt like the world was spinning, and the next second they appeared at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley.

What came into view was the head of a ferocious beast as huge as a mountain peak.

For a moment.

The two of them were so tense that they seemed to be suffocating.

Even though he knew that the ferocious beast was dead, the pressure from the life level was still shocking.

"A master who can kill a ferocious beast of this level must be so terrifyingly powerful." The two people who were so close to the ferocious beast now had a new understanding of Su Qi's power.

"Come closer and see if you can wake it up."

Su Qi motioned Xiaoyan to step forward.

"Wake... wake up!?" Xiaoyan was at a loss when she heard this: "Well, I... I'm not very good at it."

Fan Shixing, who was on the sidelines and was confused, felt his scalp explode.


"Sir, do you mean that this ferocious beast... can be resurrected!?"

Su Qi pondered for a moment and explained: "This ferocious beast was originally dead. For some unknown reason, the corpse became immortal and was awakened by someone with ulterior motives."

Then, he directed Xiaoyan: "Try injecting power into the corpse of the beast."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

After Su Qi said this, Xiaoyan also plucked up the courage to try as he said.

No matter how.

She has always longed to understand the power within herself, or the memory she once lost.

Who are you?

Why is it different from other non-human beings...

At this time, Su Qi did not dare to neglect at all, and stared at Xiaoyan's movements intently. Without You Chong's secret technique, he could only try slowly like this.

If Xiaoyan really possesses some of the power of the ferocious beast, even without the secret technique, the success rate is not low. After all, the two are from the same ancestry.


A black energy emerged from Xiaoyan's body and slowly poured into the beast's head.

Based on Su Qi's understanding of the characteristics of pollution, it is not difficult to identify that this is definitely a force eroded by the characteristics of pollution, but it seems to lack the violence and restlessness of polluted energy, and instead appears to be quite peaceful.

Suddenly, a word popped into my mind uncontrollably——

Kill three corpses in one go!

It might not be right, but it gave him a very similar feeling.


At this moment, Su Qi looked at Xiaoyan's back with a scrutinizing gaze, and couldn't help but feel a sense of horror that some shocking secret was about to be revealed.

In addition, he also coveted the power of this ferocious beast.

If there is a way to control this power, it will be a great help to District 9.

Be more confident to face the upcoming disaster.

If it weren't for his unparalleled methods, You Chong, who controls this power, might truly be called invincible.


In an instant, a sudden change occurred.

In the Great Rift Valley, countless rubbles seemed to be pulled by some force and slowly floated.

Immediately afterwards.

Two huge red lanterns lit up.

That's the giant eye of a ferocious beast!

Alive... alive! ! !

Fan Shixing's eyes were filled with horror, and he couldn't help but his scalp exploded, and all the dead souls came out!

"I seem to have some kind of connection with it..."

Xiaoyan was also shocked. Suddenly, she felt like she had an extra body part, but this part seemed a little...big!

Su Qize's expression remained unchanged and he said in a deep voice: "Can you control it?"

"It seems okay..."

Xiaoyan's eyes widened. The body of the ferocious beast lying on the ground in front of her eyes instantly straightened up its upper body. The eight ferocious claw arms clenched and opened in confusion, opened and clenched again.

Like an arm commanding!

"That's true." Su Qi felt relieved.

At this point, he seemed to understand somewhat. This catastrophic beast invaded the real world and was probably suppressed by the extremely terrifying Heavenly Law.

Perhaps in order to avoid death, the power was divided into two, and the original body was smelted into something similar to a magic weapon or a mecha. Only in this way can it be explained why this ferocious beast was not polluted after death. District 13.

Although it is still unclear what the purpose of the vicious beast is in doing this, it all seems to be advantageous to him.

"Let's go to Blackwater Marsh."

Having solved his worries and gained such a powerful fighter, Su Qi did not forget about the dimensional passage in Black Water Lake.

at the moment.

District 13 is like a crumbling shabby house.

No matter how much I try to fix it, it seems like it can't be fixed.

No matter what, it can be delayed a little, and everyone must be given time to evacuate.


The three of them stood on the shoulders of the ferocious beast.

Xiaoyan controlled the corpse of the ferocious beast and led them into the sky, heading straight for Blackwater.

And this scene came from the big ship, which almost scared everyone to death!

Oh my god.

They saw something.

That terrifying beast is not dead yet! ?

They couldn't stay in District 13 for a second.

Fortunately, the black light covering the whole city has disappeared, and many extraordinary people have begun to lead some people to migrate.

However, just when they fell into despair, the screen was zoomed in, and there were three figures on the shoulders of the beast.

? ? ?

How is this going?

Among them, some senior extraordinary beings speculated that the beast seemed to be controlled by some means.

After all, spiritual path extraordinary people also have similar means.

This discovery.

It made many people feel at ease.

Just like really controlling a disaster-level beast, perhaps the disaster in District 13 will be solved.

after all.

Destruction level, one person controls a city, this is not just for fun.

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