Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 187 The torrent of extreme evil gathers the malice of all living beings

"You Chong..."


In Heishuize, Shen Chan's voice trembled slightly with excitement, holding the communicator high and projecting the light screen.

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone on the battlefield.


"There is actually someone who can fight with that terrifying beast. Where did this destructive level powerhouse come from?"

Apostle-level extraordinary beings from all major forces showed shocked expressions when they saw the scene projected in mid-air.


There is a feeling of excitement that after a thousand sails, there is hope.

The haze and depression in my heart were relieved a lot at this moment with the vague and powerful figure in the projection.

Zuo Qing and other law enforcement officers also stared at the projection, and they seemed to have a glimpse of each other's identities from the figures that appeared from time to time.

"Not a destructive level powerhouse."

"It seems to be the inhuman alien we encountered before!"

Compared with the conservative member who fought side by side just now, they were more impressed by this inhuman alien, especially Zuo Qing who had fought against him head-on. According to his inference, the opponent's strength should not be enough to compete with the ferocious beast. hybrid.

How could he suddenly reach such a state? Could it be that he had hidden his strength before?

"Yes, it's him." There was an indescribable strangeness in Zuo Qing's eyes.

Rather than saying that he stubbornly stayed here to wait for a miracle, it would be better to say that he was actually expecting the destructive powerhouse of the Supreme Court hidden in this area to take action.

But he never expected it.

Those who have been fighting for humanity until now are still inhumane aliens.

Although he is a conservative who has been silent for a long time, after all, he is the same type as the Evolution Cult believers he hunted.

In a trance.

Something seemed to be shaking in his heart.

And at this time.

The companions around him who were thinking of evacuating also felt extremely ashamed at this moment, their faces burning.

An inhuman alien can still rise to the challenge and fight to such an extent.

As a law enforcement officer of the Supreme Court, he usually keeps saying that he wants to establish a new order for mankind, but at this critical moment, he wants to quit.

The projection in mid-air now seems to be making a silent mockery.

"No, our Supreme Court cannot be compared to others, even the conservatives of the once-popular Evolutionary Cult!"

"I'll kill another king-level beast!" Someone gritted his teeth and rushed into the battlefield again, looking for the beast to vent his anger.

"Wait, I'm going too."


Suddenly, with the addition of these extremely brave law enforcement officers, the pressure faced by Shen Chan and others was suddenly relieved.

"Can that inhuman alien really compete with the combination of ferocious beasts?" Chi Jiaran on the side couldn't help but ask.

"Conservative..." Zuo Qing muttered this title in his mind and did not answer.

Regardless of the outcome, the other party at least won his respect.

Only those who have actually faced off against that ferocious beast combination know that not everyone dares to face that kind of terror with apostle-level strength!

On the other side, Hou Yong and others were shocked when they saw this scene and saw that there were actually inhuman beings in District 13 who could compete with You Chong.

To know.

Below the apostle level, non-human beings can be promoted faster and stronger than ordinary extraordinary beings.

However, destructive-level non-human aliens are very rare in the Evolutionary God Religion. Basically, those who can maintain their rationality at that level will be accepted by the Evolutionary God Religion headquarters.

"It seems that this time, conservatives are really going to declare their return to the earth."

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing." Hou Yong said in a faint tone.

Indeed, many people in the Evolutionary Cult today sneer at the conservatives. They have made such great contributions in the past, but they cannot see the future, but they still suppress their power and act like ascetics.

This is simply against human nature.

Only when you reach their level can you deeply understand the value of rationality.

"Hmph, relax, you can't reach the Destruction level, You Chong is almost invincible." A bishop of the Evolutionary Cult didn't seem to take Su Qi seriously at all.


The battle between Su Qi and You Chong.

It affects the attention of the entire Thirteenth District.

Who can win is related to the fate of everyone.

Some people even gave Su Qi's 'Demonized Doomsday Judge' form a name that could be easily spread - the incarnation of God's wrathful eyes.

This battle.

The killing was such that no one dared to look directly, the sky and the earth were dark, and the rumbling thunders came one after another.

You Chong fired the real fire, roared angrily, blasted out his eight claw arms at high speed, and engaged in hundreds of collisions and exchanges with Su Qi. From time to time, he spit out destructive light from his mouth, piercing the void.


Su Qi relied on the 'devil barrier' he held up from time to time to withstand most of the attacks.

Very calmly, he pulled the battlefield further away.

It was this action that completely angered You Chong, and sometimes he even couldn't help but think about swallowing up another part of his power first, and then killing this guy.

But the pride in his heart drove him to get into the opponent's rhythm.

after all.

Although he only has half the power of the ferocious beast, it is still a real destructive power.

How could he not kill the other party! ?

No one believed him, but the other party's attitude of being able to deal with him as long as he was lured away made him extremely unhappy!

"You are dead!"

"No one can save you!"

"You want to protect those ordinary people, right? Very good. Just wait for me. After I capture you, I will personally kill everyone in front of you!"

Obviously, You Chong was extremely angry and even said something like massacre of the city.

And this time.

Su Qi had already sensed this place and was out of the densely populated area.

The place for the decisive battle has been chosen.

Then he wouldn't have any scruples.

"You don't have this chance." Su Qi chuckled.

The divine power of chaos surged out of his body like a tsunami, causing drastic changes in the world.

It gives people a scene of doomsday coming.

The body of a disaster-level ferocious beast is simply too huge. Coupled with its endless ability to repair polluted matter, and the lack of a large-scale attack method, it is really difficult to deal with it.

In an instant.

Su Qi seemed to be transformed into the Nine Heavenly Gods and Demons, feeling the malice of all living beings.

Some people are submissive on weekdays, but they vent their malice on the Internet.

Someone suffered from the crying of a neighbor's baby and had the urge to go over and strangle it to death.

Some people suppress their dissatisfaction because of an unintentional remark from their husband's family, and have the idea of ​​stabbing someone.

Even if he is a close friend, a married couple, or a good old man who has no temper in his life...

In the mind, more or less, there will always be evil thoughts.

These evil thoughts are nothing more than the difference between being implemented or not.

All beings are evil.

In this terrible world, no one is a saint.


The evil thoughts of everyone in the city were clearly felt by Su Qi...

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