Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 182 Disaster strikes, the outcome cannot be changed

High in the sky.

The combination of ferocious beasts was filled with black light, and it tightly strangled the sky-like mechanical device. Eight terrifying claw arms fell like a storm, constantly blasting out pieces of mechanical parts.

at the same time.

The tentacles of the mechanical device also locked the opponent tightly, the dense barrels roared, the barrels even turned red, and the blazing blue divine light shot out from all directions, crazily disintegrating the body of the ferocious beast combination.

Such a terrifying scene, even under the cover of night, moved countless people.

The battle seemed to be in a state of anxiety!

It seems like they are competing to see which side can't bear it first.

At this moment, many people in District 13 were anxiously watching the battle, which was related to everyone's life and death!

"What the hell is this metal that can withstand destructive power!" You Chong was anxious, but he could only stare blankly at this moment, after all, the actions of the ferocious beast combination were not under his control at all.

The combination of ferocious beasts and mechanical devices, let alone who loses and who wins.

The only thing he can be sure of is that his rationality will definitely be destroyed first.

However, in the corner of the battlefield that no one noticed, the strange man had a smile on his face, and the red light in his eyes disappeared. The same red light flashed in the eyes of the ferocious beast combination high in the sky.


Accompanied by the roar of the ferocious beast combination.

An endless torrent of information suddenly passed through You Chong's mind.

"This is... the memory of a disaster-level beast!?"

You Chong simply couldn't believe that he could read the memory of a vicious beast that had been dead for who knows how many years!

The moment when the torrent of information merges.

You Chong felt in a trance that the disaster-level beast was him. He was the disaster-level beast, no different!

And most importantly.

This sudden memory contains a lot of understanding of catastrophic power.

"It turns out that disaster-level power is like this..."

You Chong murmured subconsciously, but this voice came from the vicious beast's bloody mouth.

Control was back in his hands.

Then, a trace of human contempt appeared in the eyes of the ferocious beast combination.

Changes occur suddenly.

The thousands-mile-long body of the combination of ferocious beasts suddenly sprouted countless ferocious teeth, and the bone spurs soaring into the sky on its back suddenly swelled, and red thunderbolts could be seen intertwining on it!

An extremely violent force burst out from the terrifying body!


night sky.

It was dyed red at this moment, as if the dense clouds were blown away, forming huge red rings visible to the naked eye, overwhelming mountains and seas, and spreading in all directions!

It was as if a tsunami broke out in the sky!

In just a few breaths, the waves that destroyed the world spread nearly ten thousand miles.

In the entire Thirteenth District, except for this sound, all other sounds seemed to disappear!

The mechanical device was instantly torn apart, and countless fragments exploded, falling down one after another like meteors.

The combination of ferocious beasts swam quickly in the roaring waves of the angry sea.

The huge mechanical device was knocked into pieces and completely dismembered.

Then a huge roar broke out towards the earth.

The supreme coercion that makes everything tremble and fear spreads to every corner of District 13.

"We...were defeated?"

Below, Chi Jiaran in the battlefield saw this scene, his eyes full of horror: "Even the contact person, who is known to kill indiscriminately below the destruction level, and a mechanical device with seven or three openings above the destruction level, can't kill that person. A combination of ferocious beasts..."

Zuo Qing, who had just crushed the head of a king-level ferocious beast with one kick, raised his head and looked up at the terrifying figure. At this moment, his face was tense and he said nothing.

No matter how reluctant he was to admit it, he had to face the fact that no matter how powerful the apostle was, he could not shake the power of the destructive level.

Even the residual power of the corpse of a ferocious beast that has been dead for who knows how many years!

This purge may end in failure.

Nearby, a law enforcement officer covered in blood hesitated for a moment, but finally said: "How about we retreat."

"We have tried our best. The destructive power is not something we can compete with now. It is a crime other than war!"

at this time.

After the other law enforcement officers drove back the ferocious beast, they all came closer, with indescribable complexities in their expressions.

They know it very well.

If you don't leave, I'm afraid you will have to face that terrifying beast combination next.

If Zuo Qing can maintain a certain level of strength now, they still have a chance to escape.

Although doing so is equivalent to giving up this city.

But they are all expected to reach the level of destruction in the future and kill more disaster-level beasts for mankind. They should not die here.

At this time, Chi Jiaran suddenly glanced at the huge hole where the king-level ferocious beast emerged.

That conservative...

Is he still alive?

Can he find a way to break the situation?

Although this idea is too unrealistic, what effect can more than thirty Heavenly Reflection True Crystals have...

But she couldn't help but think about it.

After all, that person acted too calmly, as if he had a pearl of wisdom in his hand, giving people the feeling that everything was under control.

On the other side of the battlefield, the three Shen Chan sisters, who were leading the other apostle-level transcendental beings in District 13 to fight against the ferocious beasts, seemed to have noticed something strange on the law enforcement officer's side.

But they didn't take another look over there, and continued to fight the ferocious beast.

Because they know very well that District 13 has no right to ask others to live or die together!

Even if they kneel down, it won't change anything.

The world is bustling, and everyone is going there for the benefit of others.

After so many years, they have already seen through it.

Thousands of miles away.

In a dilapidated computer, a message suddenly appeared on the Xiaoxiaole screen.

The fat figure in front of the computer pondered for a moment.

"13-8 crashed, they should have escaped..."

He took a sip of cold tea in an irritable mood.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned around and left the secret room with a lonely expression.

"After all, 13-8 is still no match for the destructive power. Other mechanical devices can only delay it for some time. Disaster... will still come."


the other side.

In District 13, Xia Shengxuan bypassed many strange places created by the great fusion of worlds and arrived at Dongze District.

I also saw that earth-shattering blow.

My scalp was numb and numb.

He never thought that just an extremely ordinary action against the Evolution God Cult would involve destructive power.

Where is that boy Su Qi?

He couldn't be stupid enough to get involved!

Thinking of this, Xia Shengxuan felt extremely anxious. With the other party's fearless character, this was really a possibility.

Immediately the speed soared to the extreme.

No matter what, he would persuade Su Qi to return.

The battle at this level is no longer something that an apostle-level transcendent can change.

Su Qi didn't have to face this.

After all, he is still a child who has just awakened for less than a year.

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