Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 171 The conservative faction goes straight to the core of the ferocious beast combination


Hou Yong's eyes exuded a fierce anger.

The attack was as fast as thunder, the ferocious claws stirred up the endless black mist, and directly tore off a large piece of flesh from the arm of a law enforcement officer.

The intense pain caused the law enforcement officer's face to tighten immediately.

Extraordinaries are different from non-human beings. Injuries during battle will directly affect their combat effectiveness.

Although he carries the healing medicine, it is obvious that the other party will not give him this opportunity!


There have been many injuries among the law enforcement officers. It's not that they can't fight these inhuman beings, it's that their five senses have been deprived, which greatly reduces their strength.

Even if the conservative member blessed them with life levels and improved abilities in all aspects.

In the face of a fierce and fearless play style of exchanging injuries for injuries, it is inevitable that injuries will still occur.

at this time.

The Pearl of Apocalypse hovering in the sky suddenly bloomed with intense vitality!

This caused all the law enforcement officers who were buffed by Su Qi to recover from their injuries in an instant, even faster than the self-healing speed of inhuman beings!

"This is……"

"I went. I thought this was the ability to make non-human aliens manifest. I didn't expect it to have such a terrifying healing effect, which is comparable to the holy medicine for healing!"

"We still have helpers, are there still conservatives lurking here!?"

Due to the deprivation of their five senses, they did not see clearly that this was the Pearl of Apocalypse released by Su Qi, and mistakenly thought it was a supernatural power released by the lurking conservatives.

After all, except for the conservatives, there is probably no other force in District 13 that is willing to wade into this muddy water.

Feeling the majestic vitality pouring down continuously, these law enforcement officers seemed to have been injected with blood, and they took action without any scruples.

Fighting for your life will make you different from others!


Countless mountains and forests were penetrated, and the battle situation changed instantly.

Among them, an inhuman alien with large wings also noticed the scorching sun of life suspended in the air at this moment. After exploding with incomparable power and forcing the opponent back, his wings shook, soared up, flew into the air, and opened his arms. The huge mouth swallowed the Pearl of Apocalypse directly into his belly!


On the ground, the law enforcement officers who were fighting fiercely couldn't help but feel infinite annoyance when they saw this scene.

damn it!

For a moment, the boss actually forgot about this incident!

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

I saw that the shadow that swallowed the Pearl of Apocalypse swelled a few times, then burst open and died tragically on the spot!

"This power is simply too strong!"

"That inhuman and alien thing is really big. He dares to swallow a life of that level in one gulp. He will die from it."

The law enforcement officer felt a little scared.

After the other non-human beings saw the horror of that scorching sun of life, they instantly gave up their unrealistic thoughts and honestly fought with the law enforcement officers.

In just a few minutes, the battle became more intense.

At this moment, both sides were already fighting, and the battlefield radiated from Blackwater Lake to the surrounding areas.

Terrifying energy and blood soared into the sky, and brilliant energies intertwined with each other.

Among them, You Chong and Zuo Qing, the two sides were fighting and moving at the same time. The rocks collapsed and the nearby huge mountains collapsed one after another and were badly destroyed. However, these collapsed mountains turned into long dragons of sand and dust and merged into the statue of the mountain god. .

It became more and more solid, and the huge fist struck one after another, carrying the overwhelming momentum of the mountain, blasting the body of the ferocious beast combination apart.

even so.

Not only did You Chong's eyes lack any urgency, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

While the tide-like pollution characteristics are constantly repairing the body, carrying the terrifying black light, it sweeps over like a dragon and strikes across the sky!



Only such a war can be worthy of his three years of silence!

For him, this is not only a battle with the Supreme Court, but also a ceremony to announce to the world the arrival of the You Chong era.

If there is no destructive level powerhouse, he is the well-deserved king of this land!

Moreover, You Chong also saw that the power displayed by the other party was borrowed by using some terrible ability.

This also means that this person is not much of a threat to him at all!

The battle between the two spread more and more widely, forcing others to stay away and increase the depth of the battlefield, for fear that someone might accidentally be affected.

What no one expected was that someone would do the opposite and unknowingly get on the back of the ferocious beast combination.

It was Su Qi.

He took advantage of You Chong's full attention being focused on Zuo Qing's transformed statue and quietly stepped onto the beast's head.

The strong qi and blood erupted like a volcano, the muscles and bones roared together, and all the energy in the body was operating to the extreme at this moment!

The Hammer of Divine Punishment in his hand pierced the air with precision and violence, like a sudden flash of cold light.

Nothing fancy, nothing fancy.

Besides being fast, it’s still fast!

Aim at You Chong's head and hit it directly.


Blood splattered.

Fiery golden ripples erupted and spread to the entire audience instantly!

At the critical moment, You Chong, who patiently manipulated the destructive power, instantly felt the fatal crisis and hurriedly turned his head to the side, but his entire shoulder was still smashed to pieces.

this moment.

The extreme pain he endured seemed to be transmitted to the entire ferocious beast combination.

The huge combination of ferocious beasts instantly twitched and twisted.

At this time, Zuo Qing also seized the opportunity. The statue jumped up high, and his terrifying fist directly hit the chest of the ferocious beast, smashing out a terrifying bloody mouth!

Severe pain stimulated the ferocious beast combination, oh no, it should be You Chong to be precise.

He turned his head in disbelief and faced Su Qi, who was covered in darkness and holding the Hammer of Divine Punishment.

"You deserve to die!"

You Chong became furious in an instant, and his originally ferocious face became increasingly distorted. A large amount of pollution qualities poured out, and he repaired half of his body.

Holding it empty in one hand, he actually condensed the pollution characteristics into a long knife.

Carrying boundless killing intent, the body rooted on the head of the ferocious beast extended like a long snake and pounced towards Su Qi.

The disaster-level power is indeed extremely powerful, but precisely because of this power, he ignored the existence of this ant!

At this moment, Su Qi felt the belief that the other party would kill him, but there was no fear or fear in his eyes, but absolute calmness.

At the critical moment!

The hammer was blasted out, directly in front of You Chong.

You Chong had experienced the power of this golden sledgehammer, and he was so angry that he immediately swung the long knife.


Under the terrifying collision, the long knife transformed by the pollution characteristics in his hand exploded inch by inch.

Su Qi seized this moment and got closer.

Abandoning the Hammer of Divine Punishment, he directly stretched out his right palm and clasped it on You Chong's face.

Although the lethality of the Hammer of Punishment is extremely powerful, the opponent's recovery power is really amazing!

To kill the opponent is probably as difficult as killing this combination of ferocious beasts.

It’s better to try another method!

Su Qi grabbed You Chong's face tightly and directly used the purifying light!

This is his highest level ability!

Ahhhh! ! !

You Chong instantly screamed and screamed. He immediately grasped Su Qi's right hand with both hands and exerted force to break it.

But where the light of purification covers it, he can't shake it.

Unless he can gather the power of the entire ferocious beast combination into him!

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