Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 165 Underground base, all parties arrive

"Damn it!"

"Why are these two little guys clenching so tightly that they can't shake them off!"

After crossing the lake and arriving at an island, Hou Yong and others followed a cave entrance and rushed into the secret passage. They realized that the law enforcement officer behind them was still chasing after them.

"If he goes deep alone, isn't he afraid of being ambushed?"

"Hmph, these two people are not old, their strength is not low, but they act so recklessly. But this is just right. After we meet up with You Chong, we can take down this person in one fell swoop. Maybe this big purge team will collapse on its own. !”


After the bishops of the Evolutionary Cult finished their exchanges through gritted teeth, they immediately ignored the tail behind them and followed the route map given by Ruan Maoshan and rushed straight towards the underground base.

However, the further they went down, the more frightened they became.

Such a huge underground fortification is really nerve-wracking.

You must know that they are all top apostles, and their speed has reached a very terrifying level. The secret passage here is enough for them to use their full strength, and they can't even see the end.

If there is no road map, entering it will probably make you blind, and you may not be able to find the stronghold established by You Chong.

At this time, Zheng Wenzhao, who had previously competed with You Chong for the ownership of District 13, was secretly shocked: "Is this what You Chong wanted to get back then, even if he went to war with me?"

It has to be said that such a huge and intricate underground fortification, coupled with the miasma of the lake and swamp above that blocks perception, is simply the stronghold and hiding place that every bishop of the Evolutionary Cult dreams of.

When there was a purge at the Supreme Court, I hid inside.

As long as you don't seek death, your chances of escaping are extremely high.

at the same time.

He was also full of curiosity about You Chong's plan to kill a purge team of the Supreme Court.

After all, hiding in such a safe place, and taking the initiative to attack the Supreme Court, I am not even 80 or 90% sure, and I am afraid I don’t even have the determination!

What exactly will be You Chong’s back-up plan? ?

Along the way, they noticed several of You Chong's subordinates, but they ignored them. They seemed to glance at them from a distance and ran away like frightened rabbits.

All the way deep.

The darkness grew thicker.

Even they didn't know how long they had walked. This didn't mean how far they had walked, but rather that they had been deprived of their perception even more severely since then, to the point where they had no awareness of the passage of time.

This discovery shocked them.

It was originally thought that the black water swamp's isolation from perception was due to the unknown miasma that shrouded the lake and swamp.

I didn't expect it to come from another source.

Fortunately, we have a road map and follow the markers in the secret passage.

A group of bishops finally arrived at the underground base.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the strong smell of blood, as well as the tragedy that greeted them, and the inhuman aliens activating their 'instincts' one by one, all indicated that a tragedy was taking place here.

A guy who was as black as a shadow wielded a golden sledgehammer and was wreaking havoc in the underground base.

Where is You Chong! ?

What the fuck is going on!

It was obvious that they wanted to come over and join forces with You Chong to surround and kill the pursuing law enforcement officers.

But why does this place look so devastated and devastated? How can we imagine that powerful forces could join forces to carry out such a big thing as annihilating the Great Purge Team?

With this discovery, Hou Yong and others couldn't help but feel the urge to vomit blood.

Their eyes stayed on Su Qi for a few seconds, and then fell on Ruan Maoshan on the high platform, and...

He sat motionless, as quiet as the dead You Chong.

After Ruan Maoshan saw these people, all the worries in his heart were instantly wiped away. He was so excited that he smiled ferociously at Su Qi and said, "Haha, I'm waiting for reinforcements. What about you, are you waiting to die!?"

"Conservatives have disappeared for so many years, and they haven't learned yet. The rotten things should be buried underground! There is no room for you in the big ship of the new era!"

Su Qi didn't answer.

He looked at this group of inhuman aliens and felt that these guys were very different from the core members he was dealing with now. He probably had to activate the state of God's Favorite to kill them all.

Compared to Ruan Maoshan's clamor, Hou Yong and others looked livid.

They immediately rushed to the high platform, stared at You Chong on the stone seat, and asked, "What's going on with You Chong?"

"My lord is still sleeping. When he wakes up, he will kill all enemies." Ruan Maoshan did not dare to neglect and replied respectfully.

After all, everyone in front of him is a bishop of the Evolution Cult, and he cannot afford to offend them.

But with Lord You Chong by his side, he didn't have to grovel.

Hou Yong and others felt chilled in their hearts, feeling like they had been deceived.

It is true that they are here to support us, but this is also based on normal cooperation.

But now.

The conservatives were indiscriminately killing people here, and they were being chased by experts from the Supreme Court.

This isn't support at all, it's just a burial, okay? ?

Geng Shu, whose face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, asked directly: "Is You Chong a pig? How can he sleep when the enemies are all approaching?"

As he spoke, he strode forward.

It seems that he wants to confirm the other party's status.

Seeing this, Ruan Maoshan stood in front of You Chong and said, "My lord cannot be disturbed at this moment. Please..."


Geng Shu flicked his hand and knocked Ruan Maoshan away.

Then he reached out to You Chong on the stone seat.

did not expect.

An accident happened.

You Chong, who was sitting on the stone seat, suddenly felt a terrifying energy surge around him, which prevented Geng Shu's right hand from getting even closer. It seemed to contain some kind of inviolable majesty, and he even wanted to break that hand!

Fortunately, Geng Shu reacted very quickly and pulled his hand back the moment he sensed danger.

Even so, his right hand was still shaking uncontrollably.

Seeing such a strange scene, Hou Yong and others immediately became vigilant. Even Su Qi, who was under the high platform, couldn't help but look away.


There's something weird about that inhuman alien on the stone throne!

At this time, Ruan Maoshan let out a sigh of relief and said anxiously: "I'm right, my Lord does still need some time, as long as you help stop that conservative."

"There's no time." Geng Shu said.

"What do you mean?" Ruan Maoshan was a little confused.

Geng Shu looked up at the entrance to the underground base and said abruptly: "How do you think we got in?"

? ? ?

Ruan Maoshan was even more confused.

Didn't you follow the route map I gave you?

"He was driven in."


Ruan Maoshan followed the other party's line of sight and saw two law enforcement officers wearing Supreme Court uniforms appearing at the entrance. A bad premonition instantly exploded in his mind.

Could it be...

These bastards must have lured all the law enforcement officers here!

Damn, damn, damn!

I originally expected you to support me.

Unexpectedly, it would cause even greater trouble. The law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court must have found this place so quickly.

You must have a share of the credit...

At this moment, Ruan Maoshan couldn't help cursing in his heart.


When Zuo Qingchi and Jiaran stepped into this underground base, their eyes were first attracted to Su Qi holding a golden sledgehammer.

Chi Jiaran quickly glanced at the injuries on the injured and wailing inhuman aliens around him, as well as the traces of battle around him.

A figure suddenly popped up in their hearts.

The conservative who used blunt weapons to slaughter all the inhumans in a basement!

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