Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 154 Jedi counterattack and drag them all down

In an abandoned building, Fan Shixing took the stolen mobile phone and realized that so many things had happened in District 13 recently.

At the same time, he gradually figured out why the people of the Evolution God Sect let him go.

It turns out that he was just a bait to lure out conservatives and divert the attention of the Supreme Court.


They are totally wrong to think so!

With his longing for conservatives, even if he died, he would not be an obstacle for conservatives to reappear in the world!

For this reason, he also tried to leave District 13.

However, when he approached the city gate, he found that there were many experts from the Security Department and other forces, checking everyone who came in and out one by one.

With his strength, it is not difficult to cross the city wall.

The trouble is that he can't easily avoid various monitoring devices like the apostle.


Fan Shixing could only find a place to hide.

Of course, he was not one to sit still and wait for death. After thinking carefully, he immediately registered accounts on major online platforms on his mobile phone and published a clarifying article.

"Hello everyone, I am Fan Shixing.

As for the rumors that I have been in contact with the conservatives of the Cult of Evolution for a long time, I feel it is necessary to clarify.

That's right.

As you can see from some of the video materials, I do agree with the conservative ideals and have always longed for that great organization that once saved the human world.

However, it does not mean that I have a long-term relationship with conservatives.

On the contrary, if I really joined that great organization, maybe I would have stayed away from District 13. After all, I am not arrogant enough to be at the overlord level. What can I do to the organization in this situation? usefulness.

In addition, the Cult of Evolution can also prove that I have never joined that organization.

During this period of time, I have been imprisoned and interrogated by the Cult of Evolution, and now I have been released by them. The meaning of this is self-evident.

Finally, the last thing I want to say is.

The radicals of the Evolution Cult...you are so stupid. Do you think that by knocking me out and sending me away from my stronghold, I won't know where your stronghold is?

You may think I'm talking nonsense.

It doesn't matter, let me tell you a general location first - Dongze District.

The specific location will be announced when I get upset. "

Once this article was published, it instantly caused an uproar in District 13.

Someone actually revealed that he knew the exact location of the Evolution Cult's stronghold.

real or fake……

You know, this is a period of purges in the Supreme Court. Wouldn't you put yourself at the forefront of the storm by exposing yourself now?

And Fan Shixing knew very well that whether he said it or not, he was already in the vortex.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. Didn't the Evolution Cult want to use me to divert my attention to the Supreme Court? I just didn't do what you wanted, and instead wanted to drag you all down!

Moreover, what he did had a deeper meaning.

That is to ensure that the lives of those you care about will not be in danger.


As soon as Fan Shixing's father read this article, he immediately understood his son's thoughts and decisively asked others to leave District 13 first, while he stayed to take care of him.

Because, on the bright side.

The relationship between the two of them stands out the most.

"Xiaoyan, I can't let you mess around this time. You must get everyone out of the inner city safely!"

"Uncle Fan, there must be other ways. How about we cooperate with the people from the Supreme Court?" Xiaoyan said hurriedly.

Uncle Fan knew his son very well and said very calmly: "What if Xiaoxing doesn't know the true location of the Evolution God's stronghold?"

As soon as these words came out.

Xiaoyan was immediately speechless.

The first person to react was the City Lord's Mansion.

When the three Shen Chan sisters saw the last sentence, they immediately realized that something was going to happen. They quickly asked the people below to clear all information about Fan Shixing and mobilized all their efforts to find Fan Shixing and his father.

Originally, they wanted to sit back and watch while the people from the Supreme Court found Fan Shixing and dug out the conservatives hiding in the 13th District.

But now, they don't allow this to happen.


When the Supreme Court found Fan Shixing, it was equivalent to finding the stronghold of the Evolution Cult. By then, a war would be unavoidable.

At this time, the underground base of the Evolution Cult was also in chaos.

"Peng Ai, what on earth are you doing!"

"How does this guy know our exact location!"

Ruan Maoshan was furious to the extreme, the anger in his eyes almost bursting out, and the uncontrollable killing intent surged through the entire base like a flood.

Peng Ai was so frightened that he crouched on the ground without even daring to raise his head. He hesitantly defended: "I...I followed my usual method and knocked him unconscious before sending him out. Is it possible that he was just guessing?"

What he didn't dare to say clearly was.

At that time, because he was afraid of being noticed by the people of the Supreme Court, he hurriedly took him to the nearest Huabao District.

Ruan Maoshan kicked Peng Ai over with one kick and roared loudly: "There are so many areas in the Thirteenth District. He didn't guess randomly, but he guessed the Dongze District. Do you think I'm stupid!?"

this moment.

All the non-human beings looked at Peng Ai with unkind expressions. They never expected that such a big flaw would occur at this juncture.

Peng Ai couldn't argue, and his eyes were fierce: "Master Priest, I'm going to silence him right now!"

"Even if I die, I will never let the true location of the stronghold be leaked!"

Among them, many people also knew that the situation was urgent and that strong measures must be taken to remedy the situation. Therefore, several people who had a good relationship with Peng Ai did not want to sit still and wait for death, and asked for joint action.

Although Ruan Mao Shan hopes that everyone who knows the location of the stronghold will remain silent, at this point, he can only take a risk.

"We must deal with him before the Supreme Court finds him!"

"Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

"As you command!"

At this time, Fan Shixing was looking at his phone and reading the private messages.

Many of them were people he knew, and there were many inquiries and messages of threats and cooperation.

But he didn't reply.

He knows very well that now every account of his is basically under surveillance.

It’s not like he doesn’t understand the relationship between the City Lord’s Mansion and the Hua Shen Cult.


There was still a very special private message that caught his attention.

The content of the private message is not much, just one sentence - I want to know the true location of the Evolution Cult's stronghold.

He immediately realized that this was either from someone from the Supreme Court, or... a conservative!

But it doesn't seem to make much sense, because he can only guess the general range, and the specific location is not clear, otherwise it would have been announced directly.


Another message came.

Still the same account: "I can help you with anything."

This moment.

Fan Shixing realized that this must be from the conservatives.

Because the Supreme Court will definitely attach a condition - just tell the specific location of the Evolution Cult's stronghold.

Suddenly, Fan Shixing's chest rose and fell, and he felt the warmth that despite all the enemies in the world, there were still people willing to help him.


He slipped out excitedly, stole another mobile phone, and sent a message to that account.

"I'd be honored, but not necessary."


The other party sent another message: "Whether it's necessary or not, I'll let you know."

The user of this account is none other than Su Qi. Through simple contact, it was confirmed that the other party was indeed a follower of the conservative party.

"Oh, if I were really a conservative, I would think twice and hesitate."

"But, I'm just pretending..."

This person is not very important to him.

But it seems like a pretty good prop for this show.

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