Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 142 Chaos creatures, facing the Supreme Court

at this time.

Su Qi wore a piece of rag, not to cover his private parts, but to prevent others from mistaking him for being an inhuman mature body.

After all, it is too shocking to say that a mature body of non-human beings can still maintain rationality.

Once exposed, the earthquake caused may not be less than his ability to purify pollution!

Seeing the two law enforcement officers wailing towards him, Su Qi couldn't help but sigh, he still looked down on the world's heroes.

According to his calculations.

You should have enough time to leave.

Unexpectedly, the speed at which the other party came all the way was beyond his expectation.


It doesn't matter.

These are all minor issues.

It might be a little difficult to kill this team of law enforcement officers, but if it was just a matter of safe evacuation, he would still be confident enough.

Think so.

The next second.

Su Qi's figure disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already at the side of a law enforcement officer who rushed over.

The huge arms were raised high.

A terrifying elbow strike landed directly on the opponent's weak neck.


The person who came here only felt that after a burst of severe pain, his mind went blank, and he felt like his head was being torn apart from his body.

Then the whole person was shot away like a cannonball. After hitting the ground hard, it bounced up and flew away like water, splashing a cloud of dust.

After knocking one person away with a sudden explosion, Su Qi's offensive did not stop for a moment and teleported to another person again.

But the law enforcement officer responded very quickly.

"Damn it!"

With an angry curse, his body merged into the power of heaven and earth, preparing to teleport away.

It's a pity it's too late.

Su Qi followed the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth, as if predicting it in advance, grabbed the opponent's ankle, interrupted his teleportation, and smashed it straight to the ground!

Bang bang bang!

The man was beaten to pieces, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and his face was filled with shame and anger.

He has never been insulted like this since his awakening!

So he yelled.

The energy and blood all over his body exploded, and the energy condensed to the extreme was suddenly mobilized. At the moment of landing, he slapped the ground with a palm.

With that reaction force, his body twisted.

The long legs cracked the air like whips and swept towards Su Qi's face like lightning.

The momentum is like thunder.


Su Qi just tilted his head slightly and easily dodged the blow.

Then he picked up the other person and threw him out, hitting the wall hard.


The strong and violent collision force caused a human figure to be dented in the wall, and clusters of soil continued to fall downwards.

When Zuo Qing saw this scene, he couldn't hold back on the spot. He took a false step, his energy and blood roared, and his whole body seemed like a sharp arrow shooting out.

In the blink of an eye, he teleported directly to Su Qi.

Punch out.


The void produces fine lines!

Fortunately, Su Qi reacted in time and raised his arms in front of him to block this terrifying blow. Even so, he still felt a heavy and heavy force like a 'mountain', and his whole body was directly blown away.

This was the first time Su Qi suffered a small loss.


It can be avoided.

I just didn't expect that the opponent's combat power was so abnormal. Even he, who transformed into a chaotic creature, couldn't fully withstand this blow.

It can be seen from this attack that if you want to kill the opponent, you will probably have to use all your firepower.

But it's not necessary.

Because his goal is not to kill the other party, but the most important thing is to guide them to confront the people of the Hua Shen Cult, and through them, he also wants to convey the message that the power behind the cleanup company is unparalleled.

Chi Jiaran, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, saw this and gritted his teeth and said: "Keep him alive and ask for clues to the conservatives of the Evolutionary Cult!"

This night, they have been led by the nose, and one can imagine the feeling. For these proud people, it is a kind of frustration!

Zuo Qing looked indifferent. In fact, he would do the same without reminding him. After all, his goal from beginning to end was to slaughter the conservatives in the third basement.


When they heard them shouting out the conservatives of the Evolutionary God Sect, the three sisters Shen Chan suddenly felt shocked in their hearts.

The power contained in this name is really terrifying.

That was the top force that was once comparable to the Mechanical Temple.

I didn’t expect that after disappearing for so many years, I would actually appear in their 13th District!

this moment.

Their eyes flickered and they stared at Su Qi carefully, as if they wanted to find out how he was different from the Evolution God Cult they had come into contact with.

Su Qi sneered.

It was just a small mistake on my part, but I was treated like a little animal on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Hmph, you want to capture me, what are you daydreaming about!?" Su Qi's voice completely changed at this moment, like the roar of metal and machinery mixed together, crazy and calm, evil and sacred, two extreme characteristics They seemed to be perfectly blended together, like gods and demons, without a trace of human emotion.

"Whether it's a dream or not, you'll know after the fight." Zuo Qing said calmly.

As he spoke, he raised his fist, and the air around him seemed to be drained instantly, and the power of heaven and earth was shrinking at the same time.

He jumped up and dropped his fist boldly.

Before the fist came close, the pressure like a mountain suddenly came down.

Nearby, the two law enforcement officers who were blown away by Su Qi also saw the opportunity and attacked from the left and right.

despite this.

Su Qi did not dodge, his eyes were calm and calm, and the power of chaos all over his body suddenly exploded, forming sharp spikes that pierced out like spears!

‘The Thorn of Darkness’!

360° ability to attack and defend without any blind spots. If you hit me, you will hit yourself.


The three opponents felt the cold light on the dark spikes and knew that this thing was not simple, so they immediately stopped their attack.

However, this instantaneous burst and forced suspension of energy operation will cause them to become temporarily stiff.

Although the time is short.

But it was enough for Su Qi.

He rushed out of the encirclement and teleported to leave.

Unexpectedly, Chi Jiaran, who had been slow to take action, joined forces with the three sisters Shen Chan to burst out with majestic spiritual power, immobilizing the power of heaven and earth and forcing Su Qi out of the teleportation.

Su Qi snorted secretly, taking his time.

The left arm turned into a black-red devil's hand and punched into the void. The power of heaven and earth fixed by spiritual power was instantly blown up.

A brush sound.

He took the opportunity to rush out.

Chi Jiaran saw that the other party was running away so decisively, his eyes were cracked and his teeth were almost broken, so he immediately chased after him desperately.


Zuo Qing was faster and passed directly over Chi Jiaran and others, quickly closing the distance between him and Su Qi.


"Some strength..."

Su Qi felt the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth behind him, and immediately blessed himself with a 'Revelation Punishment'. The speed increased instantly, so that the law enforcement officer responsible for the siege outside felt that his eyes were blurred, and he didn't even have time to take action. ran away.

"Gan, chase me!"

The law enforcement officers outside did not expect that the other party was so fast, and immediately became angry. Each one of them burst out with a burst of blood, and pulled out a long sharp roar in the void.

Zuo Qing stared straight at the opponent's back.

This time.

No matter what, we can't let him escape!

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