Chapter 995

“Shi Haotian has a elder brother, who is a strong quasi-sequence of Qing Cang contemporary, named Shi Yi, this man has a deep heart. Although it is your opponent who is missing, you still have to be careful.”

Gu Chaoci sat in front of the case, poured a cup of tea, and said softly, “Also, this supreme secret realm may not be as simple as you think.”


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, but he felt a little emotional in his heart. Gu Chaoci seemed indifferent, but now it seems that he has worried a lot for him in private.

“I have checked ancient books. The most famous person who fell in this place is the Heavenly Supreme. It is said that this person is a powerful person in the reincarnation of the heavens, and it is extremely mysterious.”

Gu Chaoci’s tone was indifferent, but Ling Xiao’s face was quiet at this moment.

The powerhouse of reincarnation Tianfu?

In that case, Qin Chen might not be the only gain from this trip?


According to the standard routine of the Son of Destiny, this tomb of the reincarnation of the Tianfu powerhouse is likely to be an exclusive copy of someone with luck.

Now Ling Xiao already has two reincarnation marks in his hand. According to Bai Ling, there are three of these marks in total.

Only by collecting the three seals can it be possible to find the true sect of the Reincarnation Tianfu.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao’s heart seemed to be a little pondered.

There are still a hundred days, that is the day when the Daotian saints will preach the scriptures, when all the Tianjiao will gather at the Daotian Academy.

And no matter where the master of the academy is now, I am afraid that Ling Xiao can’t handle it.

However, since he is preaching, he will inevitably be distracted.

This may be Ling Xiao’s only chance to conspire with Devil’s Bone in the past 100 years.

“It’s late at night, I want to rest.”

Gu Chaoci put down his teacup, his voice was clear and authentic.

“Don’t worry, there will be a good show tonight, so please feel at ease and so on.”

Only at this time, Ling Xiao only shook his head and smiled, looking up at Langyue in the sky, as if waiting for something.

There has been news from Duplicate Shadow, and Qin Chen has secretly searched for Gu Chao’s residence today.

Obviously, this man of destiny is afraid that he will do something.

at the same time.

Void Dao Zong, the direction of the back mountain.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound from the heavens and the earth spreading through thousands of miles, and I saw a ray of light rushing into the sky, reflecting the nine heavens and ten earth.

Endless fairy sounds go up and down, Dao Wen evolves thousands of visions.

Faintly, there seemed to be a fairy shadow stepping on from the sky, turning into a ray of clear light and falling leisurely.

At this moment, the emptiness of Dao Sect, there are ten thousand spirit treasures buzzing at the same time, blooming uncontrollably.

“What’s the matter? Could it be that that supreme ruin was born?”

“It shouldn’t be? Didn’t the Sect Master say that it will take at least three days?”

“What’s the matter? My life spirit treasure is out of control!!”

“It’s going to collapse!!”


At this time, in an ordinary disciple hall in that mountain, a young man dressed in white suddenly opened his eyes, a touch of shock and excitement on his face.

I saw that he was holding an ancient stone in his hand, and there seemed to be a brilliant bloom on it, filled with an unspeakable breath of mystery.

And the golden light falling from the sky, impartial, just shining on him.

A gate of Tianfu appeared in the void above the young man’s head, and there seemed to be countless immortal treasures and spiritual objects on display.

“The jade bone and golden body was finally repaired by me!!”

“I am also to blame for my poor talent. It took five hundred years to enter the realm of nobleness, breaking the seal on the stone, and leaving the inheritance of this senior who had already stepped into the realm of heavenly supremacy during his lifetime, otherwise it would be impossible. Have such a thorough understanding of Dadao.”

The young man murmured to himself, looking up at the sky far away, “According to what this senior said, he left a mark and inheritance waiting for someone who is destined, and most of the last battle will fall in the void. Could it be… that supreme ruin is the predecessor’s. Fallen Land?”

“Reincarnation Tianfu? Isn’t this the name of an ancient power, why did the seniors say that only by obtaining the Reincarnation Tianfu can the real Taoist Treasure of Ten Thousand Soldiers be opened?”

“It doesn’t matter, Ten Thousand Soldier Daozang is still far away from me. Now I have cultivated a jade bone and golden body according to the method in this mark. With the power of my current physical body, there is no need to worry about the ordinary state, but… the remaining two Where is the mark of Tao?”

Thinking about this, the young man suddenly sighed slightly.

“Swish swish.”

The young man’s expression shrank, and he put away the stones in his hands, pretending to be asleep.

“Huh? Junior Brother Zhao, you mean that Xianhui just now fell into this partial hall?”

“I Gan, you mean, Yang Yuan is the one who has been sheltered by the immortal?”

“Puff! Are you kidding me? It took three hundred years to force into an inner door, and he has just entered the venerable state when he is more than five hundred years old. Can he be sheltered by an immortal? Is the immortal blind? ”

A group of disciples of the Void Sect kicked open the door grinningly, looking at Yang Yuan who was suddenly awakened from the bed, their eyes were full of sarcasm, “Brother Yang.”

That’s right, according to Yang Yuan’s age, he was actually a bit older than these disciples. Although his process of entering the inner gate was relatively bumpy, he was…older.

“Ah! Junior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Zhao, Junior Brother Qian, why are you here so late?”

Yang Yuan’s eyes are sleepy, and his expression is suspicious.

“Let’s see if the brother sleeps in such a big disciple hall to adapt to it.”

The three of them glanced at each other, their eyes full of sarcasm.

Before Yang Yuan had stepped into the venerable realm, he had been staying in the Trial Hall under the mountain as a disciple of the outside sect.

It’s not that Yang Yuan’s cultivation level is too low to be qualified to enter the inner door, but that his age is too big and his roots are poor, but he is the famous five scum of Wudao Sect.

even! !

Before he stepped into the noble state and passed the trial, he had already lost 9,103 games in a row, most of which were defeated by some disciples whose cultivation level was lower than his.

If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t know what kind of shit luck, I suddenly stepped into the respected state, I am afraid that this life would have no chance to worship the inner door.

“Haha, the three juniors have bothered me. I slept peacefully here.”

Yang Yuan frowned lightly, but his tone remained unchanged.

He was originally a young man from a mountain village, with no background and talent. By chance, he set foot on the path of immortality.

Now that I have finally entered the inner door, I definitely dare not provoke others at will.

only! !

The three juniors in front of him worshipped with him under an elder of the Void Dao Sect, but they just like to trouble him if there is nothing to do, which is really irritating.

“It’s good to be stable! Then the senior brother will go to sleep and have your spring and autumn dreams!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The three disciples of the Void Dao Sect laughed at each other and turned around to leave.

“Junior Brother Zhao!”

only! !

At this moment, Yang Yuan, who had always been taciturn, suddenly opened his mouth and called to the three of them.


The three disciples surnamed Zhao raised their brows slightly, and turned to look at the simple-faced young man in surprise, “Brother Yang, what’s the matter?”

“Brother, I just worshipped the inner gate, and I don’t know much about the gate, but… I heard that a supreme secret realm has appeared in my Void Realm recently. I don’t know which senior should be sent by the Zong Sect to experience it?”

Yang Yuan smiled humbly, but the eyes of the three disciples surnamed Zhao flashed with mockery.

“Senior Brother Yang, you are not planning to go hunting for treasure in that secret realm, are you?”


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