Chapter 989

“Grandpa! I’m here!!”

Qi Lanyue looked excited, got up and walked quickly towards the old man in the robe.

At this moment she was already dreaming about how to call Ling Xiao embarrassed later.

Also, that Yabai was going to be punished too, a dog slave dared to scold her!


At this time, many young Tianjiao’s faces flashed with fear in the Yanyun Pavilion.

Especially those ancient disciples who had just ridiculed Qi Lanyue had their heads stuffed into their crotch, for fear that the sacred realm powerhouse of the Void Dao Sect would implicate the anger on them.

Qi Tiansheng, the Seventh Stage of the Holy Realm, is the great elder of the Void Dao Sect, and he is equally famous in the northwest of Qingcang.

At the same time, the great elder was even more fond of his grandson Qi Lanyue, holding it in his palm since he was a child, for fear that he would be a little wronged.

Of course, this also indirectly led to Qi Lanyue’s arrogant and arrogant character.

Young Master Ling Xiao does have a background against the sky, but the foundation of the Void Dao Sect is also not weak.

Now it’s in the Void Realm again, in the Dao Zong site, you say that Qi Tian Sheng will kill Ling Xiao, that’s not daring.

But today, Young Master Ling Xiao is afraid that he will bow his head to apologize.

After all, the longevity battle of the top forces, the immortal battle, has not happened for 100,000 years.

The Ling clan is strong, but it may not necessarily declare war on this ancient sect because of such trivial matters.

“Big…Big Elder!”

Yabai’s lips trembled lightly, and a cold sweat broke out on his head.

With the character of this Taoist elder, Qi Lanyue was humiliated, and he mostly wanted to support it.

But today, once Young Master Ling Xiao suffers humiliation in this Rock Cliff City, do you think the Ling Clan will give this city to Tu Kong?


The wild demon stood behind Ling Xiao, and his fierce eyes suddenly bloomed with blood.

But at this time, no matter whether it was Ye Qingchan or Gu Chaoci, there was no wave on Qiao’s face.

“Grandpa! It’s him, Ling Xiao, who just insulted me! You hurry up and teach him a lesson!!”

Qi Lanyue looked triumphant and stretched out her hand to Ling Xiao.

only! !

At the moment when her voice fell, she felt a sudden pain in her arm, and then everyone was stunned to see that Qi Lanyue’s entire right arm was cut off shoulder-to-shoulder.

With blood spraying, the girl’s face suddenly paled.

Then, a scream of pain and despair instantly resounded through the entire Yunyan Pavilion.


At this time, everyone in the pavilion was in a daze.

This Qitian Saint came to Yanya City not to give Qi Lanyue her head?

Only Ling Xiao, his eyes calm, bowed his head and sipped his tea lightly, ignoring the storm in front of the hall at all.

With his spirit level, how could he not feel Qi Lanyue’s small movements.

It’s just that under the public, we, a light of the right way, can’t kill people casually.

However, I am Ling Xiao, proficient in divination, especially good at tarot cards.

I glanced at it, and this Qi Lanyue Yintang was dark, and it was destined to be unlucky tonight.

Of course, even if there are people from the Void Dao Palace, not to mention the Heavenly Supreme Puppet that Ling Xiao controls, just the ghosts, Thunder Mountain and others, how can a Void Dao Sect Great Elder be able to contend?

However, now it seems that Qi Tiansheng is decisive, and if he goes down with this sword, he can be regarded as temporarily saving Qi Lanyue’s life.

“Things that do not know life or death, Young Master Ling Xiao can also point your finger? Don’t you kneel down for me!!”

Qi Tiansheng gave a cold cry, his face extremely gloomy and cold.

That’s right, from the moment Qi Lanyue sent him a letter, he thought about giving up this granddaughter completely.

The Primordial Ling Clan is a taboo for any strong person above the holy realm of the Azure Realm.

When this Young Master Ling Xiao was born, the Ling Clan dared to be jealous of Heavenly Sovereign Blood, but Qi Lanyue’s brain was broken, so he dared to show a trace of disrespect to him?


Qi Lanyue was at a loss, her pretty face pale.

A broken arm is not a serious injury to the cultivator. Just use some spiritual treasures, and the broken arm can be reborn.

However, today’s shame is too big a blow to Qi Lanyue, and her Dao heart will be completely shattered because of this.

“Don’t kneel down for me!”

Qi Tiansheng slapped Qi Lanyue’s face fiercely, all over the body of Saint Majesty, and he saw the killing intent in his eyes.


Qi Lanyue staggered to her knees, blood overflowing from the corners of her mouth, she looked desperate.

“Young Master! I blame me for being too pampered with her on weekdays. If there is any offense, Qi will apologize on her behalf.”

Qi Tiansheng walked to Ling Xiao’s side, bowed and bowed, his tone was humble, there was no trace of the majesty of the holy realm.


Ling Xiao nodded calmly, and gently sipped his cup of tea.

Seeing this scene, Qi Tiansheng’s eyes condensed slightly, his hands flickered, and a pair of bronze ancient bells suddenly appeared.

“I heard that the young master and the female emperor are both present. Although this pair of Tongxin bells is not a treasure, it is also a superb imperial weapon. It is a meeting gift given by Qi to the young master and the female emperor.”


Hearing this, Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, and a gentle touch appeared on his face, “Lady, what do you think?”

Gu Chaoci gave Ling Xiao a cold look, just about to open his mouth to refuse, and seeing Qi Lanyue look sad, he sighed lightly in his heart, “Elder Qi is bothering.”

When the words fell, she saw her jade hand stretched out and took the pair of emperor bells. Although her expression was indifferent, Qi Tiansheng breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes filled with gratitude.

With Ling Xiao’s character, if Gu Chaoci had just said something outrageous, Qi Lanyue would be gone today.

Although this girl has a domineering personality, in Gu Chaoci’s eyes, she is not guilty of death.

“Haha, Elder Qi will still spend more time in the future to discipline and discipline younger generations. It is me that you met today. If you were to be someone else, it would not be so easy to escape.”

Ling Xiao had a calm tone and a gentle expression, but what he said made Qi Tiansheng’s heart tremble abruptly, “What the young master taught! Qi will definitely follow his teachings in the future.”

Then, he grabbed Qi Lanyue and disappeared outside Yanyun Pavilion like an escape.

However, Ling Xiao looked at Gu Chaoci intently, with a playful smile on the corners of his mouth.

Being stared at by him, Gu Chaoci suddenly flashed a touch of boredom, and threw the pair of ancient bronze bells in front of him without saying a word.

“Huh? The lady doesn’t plan to take it anymore? I thought you really like it, Aman, go and summon the elder Qi back.”


Gu Chaoci gritted his silver teeth, but no matter how angry he was, he didn’t know how to vent it.

Starting from Shengzhou, she found that all her thoughts seemed to be easily handled by Ling Xiao.

Even now, she has a close sage cultivation level, but she has no resistance in front of this young man.

“Hehe, such a beautiful bell, of course I have to take it with me.”

Ling Xiao smiled and took out one green bell and tied it around his waist, while the other was pushed in front of Gu Chaoci.

Yes, if it were not for Gu Chaoci, Qi Lanyue would undoubtedly die today.

But from beginning to end, Ling Xiao knew that this fairy empress looked cold, but she was loyal and kind in her heart.

How could such a woman escape Ling Xiao’s palm?

What I give you, you can’t push it off, and what I don’t give you, you can’t grab it.

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