Chapter 983

“Stop! Whoever comes!”

In front of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, in front of the imperial palace, two golden armor guards waved a long ge, blocking Qin Chen’s footsteps.

However, the young man in front of him suddenly stretched out his hand and held a dragon card in front of him.

“Huh? Prince Lingfu?”

The two golden guards looked at each other with surprise in their eyes, and then said coldly, “Are you the prince’s brother? Please wait a moment.”

At this time, both of them had sneers in their hearts, it was just Ji Ying’s matter, which was of great importance and could not tolerate them to make claims.

Unforgettable moments, the returning Jin Wei walked into the imperial palace welcoming Qin Chen with a smile on his face.

But the moment the latter stepped into the temple, the door of the temple closed suddenly, and there was no gleam of light.

“Are you Qin Chen?”

Above the hall, a vicissitudes of life sighed suddenly.

Qin Chen took a deep breath, then bowed to the figure on the dragon chair, “In the next Qin Chen, it is Prince Ji Ying’s righteous brother.”

“I know you, why did you come to my holy spirit fairy dynasty?”

Now the one in charge of the Immortal Dynasty is the brother of the Holy Spirit Emperor, named Ji Huan.

Originally, this person had no hope of inheriting the emperor’s inheritance, and had long been hidden from the world. He didn’t expect the great change of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, which gave him a new path to immortality.

“I heard that Prince Ji Ying had offended the Ling Clan and was killed by others, so I’m here to verify.”

Based on Qin Chen’s understanding of the third brother, although his strength is not the top of the Qing Cang, but the younger generation, a fair fight, may not be able to kill him head-on.

What’s more, the eldest brother and the second brother are all here, how could they be slaughtered by a young man who was born less than a month ago?

Among them, there must be tricky! !

“Yes! Ji Ying and his son robbed the young master of the Ling clan’s fiancée, and was killed by him. This matter is well known in the world, and there is no doubt about it.”

Ji Huan snorted coldly, a flash of killing intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

For today’s throne, he naturally cherishes it extremely.

Now Qin Chen took the initiative to send it to the door, giving him a chance to please the Ling clan.

“What! How could it be possible! My third brother has a good character, how could he do such a ridiculous thing? There must be a hidden secret in this!”

Qin Chen’s expression trembled, and he felt a little uneasy instinctively.

“Hidden? If you have any hidden information, you should ask Young Master Ling Xiao face to face.”

When the words fell, Ji Huan stood up abruptly, stamped his palm, and grabbed Qin Chen angrily.

The terrifying Shengwei exploded in the air, and the entire void was torn apart in an instant.

Suddenly, Qin Chen only felt cold, and he had no room for resistance at all in front of a strong man in the holy realm.

how come! !

How could this Holy Spirit Immortal Chao be so cowardly, even with the Ling Clan! !

only! !

Just when the golden light palmprint confined the space, and was about to fall on Qin Chen, he saw the black robe suddenly shattering outside his body.

What was revealed afterwards was an ancient battle armor that ran horizontally and horizontally like a dry tree.

In the middle of the chest of the battle armor, a scarlet eyeball revealed gloomy, seemingly disdainful.

“In the mere sacred realm, I dare to kill the host chosen by the immortal king.”

A low and hoarse voice resounded in the air, and immediately after that, the ancient battle armor burst into infinite brilliance, black mist loomed, and a faint demon shadow stepped onto the world, resisting all the gold seals.


The sky quashed, like a crack in the abyss spreading thousands of feet.

The entire Holy Spirit Imperial Palace collapsed suddenly, and Qin Chen’s figure had disappeared in the same place as the smoke filled it.

Ji Huan’s eyes condensed slightly, and there seemed to be a flash of surprise on his solemn face.

“Come on!!”


“Quickly send someone to the Ling Clan to inform Young Master Ling Xiao that Ji Ying and the party want to seek revenge.”


Outside the Holy Spirit Emperor City, two thousand miles to the west.

Qin Chen’s figure suddenly fell from the void, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and his face became paler.

He lowered his head, looking at the dead wood armor on his body, there seemed to be a touch of complexity in his eyes.

This armor was found in an ancient mystery at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Extremism.

It’s just that this battle armor is extremely evil, not only has its own spiritual sense, but also is full of unspeakable magic.

Although Qin Chen longed for power, he was extremely resistant to demons.

Therefore, at the first sight of this armor, he turned and left.

However, this battle armor’s rhetoric tricked him into saying that he was an ancient remnant soul imprisoned by this magic armor.

As long as he can help himself to get rid of the shackles, he will be grateful, and swear with a Dao heart, if there is a lie, he will perish forever.

Qin Chen was pure in nature and did not think too much, so according to the words of this “remnant soul”, he dripped his blood into the center of the battle armor.

Unexpectedly, the next scene was the beginning of his nightmare.

I saw that the center of the battle armor suddenly opened a strange blood eye, and then turned into a dead branch and vine, wrapped around him like a tarsal maggot.

Even if Qin Chen resisted desperately, in the end he couldn’t struggle until he passed out.

When he woke up again, his whole body was integrated with that armor, and he was reduced to the appearance of a human, a ghost, and a ghost.

although! !

He could feel the terrifying power contained in that armor, but this power was too evil.

Even as long as Qin Chen thought a little, his body would turn into a killing machine, changing all kinds of magic weapons at will, killing people invisible.

It was not that Qin Chen had never thought of breaking this armor to get rid of the shackles.

With his fourth-rank cultivation base, he could not shake this armor with his full wave of his palm.

In the next few days, Qin Chen also knew its name, Fusang Ancient Armor from the mouth of this battle armor.

It is said that this armor is forged from the branches of the first sacred tree of the nine heavens, Fusang sacred tree.

It’s just that Fusang is alive, and he is made into armor by the broad-eyed fairy king of the immortal clan, and there is resentment in his heart.

After hundreds of thousands of years of slaughter, the divine nature has turned into the demon nature, making Guangmu fall into the devil’s way.

In the battle between gods and demons, although the immortal clan ruled for nine days, the strong in the clan also suffered heavy losses.

And this immortal king wearing the battle armor of Fusang fell to the mortal realm of the world.

Time has changed, time has passed.

Although the body of the Guangmu Immortal King was annihilated, a strand of divine consciousness unexpectedly fits with this armor, and rebirth comes.

The dignified fairy king, whose bones are not yet cold, regenerates into an armor, which can be imagined with his inner resentment.

It is a pity that with the human body of a human cultivator, it is impossible to bear the Immortal King’s holy power.

What’s more, the wood of Fusang God is the Nine Heavens Treasure, which is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It wasn’t until Qin Chen appeared and was deceived by Guangmu that the two merged into one, and the latter was able to see the sky again.

The two people today say that they are masters and servants, rather than a symbiotic relationship.

As long as Qin Chen is willing, the Immortal King Guangmu can completely fit with him and turn it into a part of his body, thus turning his mortal body into an immortal treasure of heaven and earth.

“What kind of kid, I saved your life again, should you thank me well?”

The Immortal King Guangmu sneered, but Qin Chen’s eyes flickered for the first time with hesitation.

Originally, the way he believed in was evil and righteous.

But now, he traveled all over the blue sky, but he didn’t see anyone upholding morality and justice.

But they are all cowardly people who tend to be inflamed and greedy for life and fear of death.

Especially the practice of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty today has caused a trace of unquenchable resentment in his heart.

If you can’t find immortals, it’s better to seek evil! !

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