Chapter 981 Return to Ling Clan

“Don’t think about it!”

Qin Chen gritted his teeth fiercely, and the black light in his eyes flashed alternately, indescribably strange.

“Don’t think about it? Boy, even if you resist, you will be affected by my demon sooner or later. Do you think you have other options? I’m just worried that you will be blamed by the young master if you decide later, when the time comes It’s a pity that the two of us are getting fate.”

At this time, this voice seemed to come from Qin Chen’s soul sea, containing endless magical qualities.

“Don’t worry, as long as you are willing to sacrifice the flesh to me, you will still occupy the control of this body, and I will forge it into a perfect tool for killing and cultivating immortals. Isn’t it about killing and eternal life? ”

“I will never be deceived by you a second time.”

Qin Chen snorted coldly, and the brilliance in his eyes bloomed leisurely, suppressing all the magical intent.

“Three brothers, Han Yu, don’t worry, I will avenge my blood and hatred for you!!”

Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, the imperial palace hall.

A shadow in white clothes travels from the sky, and layers of golden lotus bloom in the void, revealing the supreme Buddha nature.

Yaoguang Buddha’s jade hand twisted the Buddha beads lightly, looking at the two guards wearing golden armors in front of the temple, leaning slightly, “Amitabha Buddha, two donors, I don’t know Ling Xiao, the young master of the Ling clan, can you be in the temple?”

She chased her all the way from Ling Clan, but she always passed Ling Xiao.

Therefore, until this time, she had never known if Ling Xiao was a devil in her heart.

Fate, evil too?

“Buddha stopped, Ling… Young Master has left the Holy Spirit Immortal Chao.”

The expressions of the two golden armor guards were gloomy, their eyes gloomy.

“Amitabha, thank you donor.”

Yaoguang sighed lightly, turned and walked along the street.

I don’t know if it was an illusion. During the ten days of searching for Ling Xiao, she suddenly discovered that the evil thoughts in her heart had quietly dissipated a lot.


She has been on this journey and has comprehended many Buddha conditions.

Bodhicitta, glass body.

The Buddha Yun world is empty, but cause and effect are not empty.

Maybe the various things in the lower realms are just an experience of one’s own Dharma success?


Outside Yaoguang, suddenly there were thousands of white clouds and Buddha’s glory.

At this moment, she had an understanding of her mind and self-determination of cause and effect, and she had a breakthrough opportunity.

only! !

As soon as this killing thought was put down, another thought couldn’t stop its rise.

Seemingly greedy and ignorant, she blocked her state of mind in front of the holy.

The Three Lives Sutras, practice the nine precepts and three conversions in one lifetime, master Buddhism and rituals, cultivate thousands of tribulations and difficulties in one lifetime, master the glazed glaze, cultivate the mind without two thoughts in one lifetime, and the bodhi will lead to life.

In her first life, she was in retreat for two hundred years. She read Buddhist scriptures in the Holy Land Cangjing Pavilion, understood its true meaning, and cultivated as a god emperor.

In her second life, she grew up and returned to the secular world, proclaimed herself a cultivation base, walked in the blue sky for a hundred years, and was accustomed to the sufferings of the world, and her body became honorable.

In the third life, she experienced the calamity with her heart, originally wanted to universalize all sentient beings, and show her saints in front of others, but she did not save her when she met him.

Yaoguang’s figure trembled lightly, the jade feet were stained with dust for the first time, and bloodshots fell on the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, she seemed to realize that, killing thoughts, greedy thoughts disappearing, and vice versa…

She also didn’t seem to realize that, why did she have cultivated Buddha for three hundred years, and her Buddha nature was born, so she was bound by this most shallow form of greed, anger, and delusion?

God battle domain, the ancestral land of the Ling clan.

Ling Xiao stood on the head of the dragon, whizzing from the sky.

Along the way, all the strong Ling clan looked respectful and bowed down.

“Little Lord!”

Before the temple, Ling Yuanxing was dressed in white, with a gentle smile on his face.

What happened in the Shenwu Emperor’s dynasty in the past few days is naturally inevitable from his eyes and ears.

Although Ling Xiao’s actions were somewhat paranoid, they were harmless.

It’s just a fairy dynasty, let alone killing its prince, it means digging out the ancestors of the Holy Spirit from the tomb and slaughtering them before burying them. The Emperor Shenwu dare not say a word.

What’s more, he always felt that with Ling Xiao’s scheming, such a domineering and arrogant man must have deep meaning.

“Do you want to send someone to destroy the Ji clan?”

Ling Yuanxing said indifferently, but Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, “No need for now.”

Qin Chen is mostly a destiny, and he still needs to use this time to find his trace.

This Qing Cang realm is too vast, and the double shadow is now in this realm for the first time.

“Young Master, there are still a hundred days to be the day when Daotian Palace Master will preach the scriptures, when Qingcang many princes will go there, the Gu clan…”

“Gu clan, no one is allowed to move.”

A chill suddenly flashed in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and Ling Yuanxing’s expression flickered, and finally understood why the ancestor Midie returned in anger.

It seems that the female emperor of the Gu clan really occupies some weight in the young master’s heart.

But it shouldn’t.

The upper realm of Lingxiao was only ten days old, how did he get involved with the female emperor of the fairy dynasty?

“Thirteenth Ancestor, unless I personally summon it in the future, all the powerful members of the Ling Clan should not interfere with the Qing Cang matter.”

Ling Xiao glanced at Ling Yuanxing calmly, raising his foot towards the middle of the hall.

It’s not that the Ling clan can’t be used, it’s just that this troubled world has just begun, and the Ling clan’s background must be his card to save the world at the most critical moment.

The devil, standing high for nine days, overlooks the common people.

The troubled times are me, and the creation is also me.

In the main hall, Ling Yuanxing didn’t say a word again, bowed down, and didn’t get up for a long time.

With the Ling Clan’s ancestral order bestowed by the ancestor, Ling Xiao’s safety doesn’t need to worry too much.

Moreover, even though it was only ten days, the young master’s xinxing methods had already made him, the supreme and powerful man who had lived for 60,000 years, feel jealous.


Ling Xiao’s thoughts moved, and the figure suddenly appeared in the realm.

At this time, Feng Ruge, Su Yan and others were all cultivating, but Ye Qingchan and Zi Yan stood in front of the hall one after another, as if waiting for him to return.

“Huh? Qing Chan? Zi Yan?”

“The son.”

A smile bloomed on the faces of the two women, “You are back.”

“You are waiting for me?”

“Yeah! Young Master, since I have returned to Qing Cang, I want to… go back to the Demon Realm and have a look.”

Zi Yan’s face seemed to flicker with sadness, after all, there was hatred in her heart, and she couldn’t let it go.

Although Ling Xiao is now the young master of the Primordial Ling Clan, he is the young master of Ling Xiao, but there are many strong people in the Demon Territory, and they are hostile to the Human Race.

Once Ling Xiao shows up rashly, it will inevitably not cause trouble.

Therefore, she intends to go to the demon realm and be a secret pawn.

When she was kicked out of the Thunder Dragon clan, she was still young and pure-minded.

Now that he has followed Ling Xiao, his cultivation has entered the realm of exaltedness, and he has hundreds of years of expedition in the sea, confident that he will never run away again.

It’s also time, it’s time to go back and meet his father.

“Do you want me to walk with you?”

Ling Xiao raised her brows slightly, but Zi Yan suddenly blushed and waved her hands, “No! Son, I just go back and have a look.”

“Well, if you are not happy, then go back to the Ling clan to find me.”

Ling Xiao didn’t say much. After all, Zi Yan had no luck, but her talent was not bad.

If she entered the demon realm first, she might play an unexpected role at the critical moment.

“Yeah! Son, before leaving… Zi Yan… Zi Yan wants…”

“what do you want?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes revealed the playfulness, and before Zi Yan opened her mouth, she had already embraced her in her arms.


“My son… I don’t mean that. I just want to thank my son for your kindness…”

Zi Yanqiao blushed with shame, especially in front of Ye Qingchan at this time, which made her feel… a different kind of excitement?

“The son… is going to be broken… Meow Meow Meow…”

“Qing Chan, you too.”


Above the Temple of Heaven, suddenly there was a sudden cloud and rain, and the fragrant wind was wanton.

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