Chapter 976

Outside the Immortal Phoenix Palace, there was a sudden and stern exclamation, which instantly interrupted the voice of the third ancestor of the Gu clan.

Those who can stand in the temple at this time are all figures of the Gu clan with heads and faces.

Who is so innocent, dare to yell in the imperial palace?

“Ancestor!! Ancestor!!”

At this moment, outside the gate of the temple, a figure suddenly ran up and knelt in front of the crowd with a plop.

“Ancestor! It’s not good!!”

“Huh? Gu Ping? I didn’t tell you to go to the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty with Qi Tian…”

Suddenly, the face of the third ancestor of the Gu clan changed, and he seemed to think of something, “Where is Qi Tian? Where is Qi Tian?”

Gu Qitian is the grandson of the third ancestor of the Gu clan, and he is also the one he plans to promote to the throne.

The sixth grade of the Holy Land is the most talented person of Gu Hongtian’s generation.

However, the Gu family’s emperor line is in Gu Hongtian, and Gu Qitian can only assist him even if he is in the vertical position.

How unwilling! !

“Ancestor!! Lord Qi Tian and I just arrived at the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, we were stopped by the ancestor of the Ji family, and then…then…”

Gu Ping flicked his head against the ground, his expression extremely frightened.

“What happened then!! You said it!!”

“Then, the ancestor of the Ji family directly slapped Master Qi Tian into scum with one palm!”


Hearing this, the faces of the strong Gu clan changed drastically, and the eyes of the third ancestor of the Gu family were full of shock.

That’s right, the Gu clan and the ancient Xianhuang dynasty are now in decline, but this Ji clan ancestor directly killed the Gu clan’s holy realm, is it too rampant?

“It must be because of you. It’s all because of you, a lowly benevolent, who was involved in the young master of the Ling clan, and made Ji Zu think that I deliberately inflicted on the Holy Spirit Immortal Chao!!”

The third ancestor of the Gu clan suddenly turned his head and looked at Gu Chaoci, the killing intent in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

With the strength of his fifth-grade earth supreme, it is impossible to avenge this blood for Gu Qitian.

And even if the other three ancestors of the Gu family were born, how could they dare to be an enemy of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty?

What’s more, even though he wasn’t the fault of this matter, Ling Xiao’s blending in this way would definitely make the Ji clan panic.

Killing Gu Qitian, then dismissing the relationship with the Gu clan, this ancestor of the Ji clan is a good calculation! !

Ling Xiao didn’t dare to offend, nor did he dare to offend death.

But Gu Chaoci, now that you have lost your trust, and you have caused Young Master Ling to go away in desperation. Shouldn’t there be no objection when I kill you?

Of course, if it were under normal circumstances, with the disposition of the third ancestor of the Gu clan, he would never dare to make things so absolute.

But at this time, the inheritance of his Three Vessels was also broken, so there are no worries.

“Three ancestors! What do you mean by this? The resignation is clear…”

Gu Hongtian stood in front of Gu Chao’s resignation, his hands clenched, and there was a ray of resentment between his eyebrows.

After the ancestor of the lineage died, the current Gu Hongtian is no longer the original leader of the Gu clan.

In front of these ancestors, he was just a puppet, not half-powered at all.

Originally, Gu Hongtian really wanted to use Gu Chaoci’s marriage as a bargaining chip for the continuation of his roots.

But now it seems hopeless after all.

In other words, from the beginning, he underestimated the greedy ambitions of these people.

The immortal way is vast, it is the weak and the strong.

Even among the same clan, it is intrigue, and the strong is respected.

This is the true Xiantu grand scene, without strength, without foundation, how can it be stable?

People are greedy.

“Shut up for me!!”

The third ancestor of the Gu clan shouted angrily, his supreme aura surging leisurely, and then he directly waved with one hand, knocking Gu Hongtian to the ground fiercely.


Gu Hongtian’s cultivation was not in the Holy Realm, and he did not die at this time because the third ancestor of the Gu family had not killed him.

But even so, a casual blow from a supreme powerhouse still caused half of Gu Hongtian’s face to collapse and twist, making it look extremely terrifying.

And his figure fell into His Highness, hitting the stone pillar before landing.


Rao is Gu Chaoci’s temperament. At this time, he couldn’t help but flicked his eyebrows, and shouted in surprise.

Can! !

Just when the third ancestor of the Gu family raised his feet and wanted to walk towards Gu Chaoci, Gu Hongtian struggled to get up from the ground and walked to Gu Chaoci again, showing determination.

Gu clan, he didn’t keep it.

He didn’t keep the emperor vein.

Daughter, he didn’t want to be humiliated anymore.

Perhaps, at this time, Gu Hongtian felt guilty in his heart.

If he hadn’t been selfish, forcibly pushing Gu Chaoci to the throne, now she should use the sword to sharpen her Dao Xin.

Then he would not take the risk, divided into nine souls, and eventually ended in failure and lost his cultivation.

“Ancestor, this matter has nothing to do with the resignation of the court, besides…you dare to hurt her, are you afraid that the young master of the Ling clan will blame it afterwards?”

Gu Hongtian sighed, his eyes filled with sadness.

Unexpectedly, the master of his dignified Gu clan would protect his daughter in this way.

Borrow the remaining power of the young master of the other clan to frighten the ancestors of the clan.

It’s ridiculous! !


Gu Chaoci’s eyes were clear, but at this moment, there was some inexplicable touch in the bottom of his heart.

In the past, she worked hard to practice in order to shelter the immortal dynasty.

Now, she just wants to protect the child in her body.

Although she cut the avenue by herself and concealed it with the chaos dao, after all, his bloodline of the demon would still be exposed, and the world would not tolerate it.

From the very beginning, Gu Chaoci knew that Ancient Emperor Xianhuang couldn’t protect him.

But now, her Dao is dissipated, her cultivation base has fallen, and she is also powerless.

Suddenly, in her always proud state of mind, there was a trace of regret.

If she was not stubborn that day, would the ending be different?

Ling Xiao, where are you…?

“Gu Hongtian, don’t you scare me! Gu Chaoci is spiteful and self-willed, and provokes Young Master Ling Xiao. If I can’t kill him today, and the Ling clan will blame him in the future, will you bear this responsibility?!”

The third ancestor of the Gu family snorted coldly, stepped forward, and wanted to print the palm of his hand again.

At this moment, Gu Ping, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his head and swallowed fiercely, “Sanzu!!”


The eyes of the third ancestor of the Gu family trembled, apparently startled by Gu Ping’s sudden roar, “You and he… are looking for death!!”

“Three ancestors think twice!”

“It’s a good one to think twice! I have acted in Gu Yanqing’s life, and I have never regretted it! Gu Chaoci disregarded the rules of the clan and offended a powerful enemy. In the name of the third ancestor of the Gu clan…”

“Three Patriarch! Ji Ying is dead! The Holy Spirit Emperor is also dead…”

Before the voice of the third ancestor of the Gu clan fell, Gu Ping suddenly screamed and knelt down on the ground again.

From the moment he knew about it, he had already understood that the Gu clan’s three veins were over.

Not only the third ancestor of the Gu family, everyone, even servants like him, are afraid that they will not escape!


Hearing this, the entire Xianhuang Emperor Palace suddenly fell into depression.

Even Gu Chaoci had a strange expression on Qiao’s face, as if expecting, but also…paniced.

It’s just that she now dared not have hope anymore, but there was an inexplicable joy in her heart after all.

“Yes…who did it?”

Gu Yanqing swallowed fiercely, his original aura vanished, and there was only a shock in his eyes.

“Young Master Ling Clan, Ling Xiao!”

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