Chapter 970


Ten thousand miles of void was suddenly cut through by a golden light and shadow.

The golden brilliance falls, like a meteor light, the speed is extremely fast.

Even with Ling Xiao’s strength, at this time, he could only see a halberd smashed from the sky, smashing the space into an abyss of hundreds of meters.


With Ling Xiao’s strength, he didn’t seem to be able to react as much as he was standing still, his expression didn’t show any waves.

The corner of Ji Ying’s mouth raised a smile unconsciously. The second demon spirit he awakened was the great demon, the purple electric and golden winged eagle.

This eagle is not good at killing, but is good at extreme speed.

On that day, Ji Ying fell from the high mountain and died ten years ago.

But at a critical moment, he grew a pair of golden light wings. At that moment, Ji Ying saw the wind.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the Ji clan contained half of this demon carving bloodline.

In the same realm, no one can shake its prestige.

After all, there is no way to defend or control such a speed.

When the ancestors of the Ji tribe opened their borders and expanded their territories, they were famous for their bloody killings.

Unfortunately, after the ancestor of the Ji family fell, there was no descendant of the awakened golden eagle demon spirit in the Ji family.

Until Ji Ying returned, after receiving countless ridicules, he strangled his big emperor brother Ji Ba to death in the vine world in just one breath.

That’s right, everyone didn’t see clearly when he appeared in front of Ji Ba and how he used Qingteng.

Seeing the pair of golden light wings spreading behind him, everyone was shocked!

Ji Ying, unexpectedly awakened the double demon spirit in the rumors! !

Moreover, one of them was the demon spirit of the holy spirit’s ancestors.

The Zidian Golden Winged Sculpture, which was originally an extremely fast speed, is now shown on a human youth, and it can almost be regarded as a generation of horizontal pressure.

only! !

Just when the golden halberd fell and was about to hit the top of Ling Xiao’s head, he saw that the young man suddenly stretched out his palm, holding the cage toward him in an unhurried posture.

There was a flash of surprise on Ji Ying’s face, although the speed under Ling Xiao’s palm was extremely slow in his eyes.

But it was just right.

It’s just that, with the power of the physical body, to contend with the power of an imperial weapon?

Ji Ying shook his head, the killing intent in his eyes suddenly bitter.


The golden brilliance bloomed like a round of sun, piercing everyone’s eyes with pain.

In the distance, the faces of the ancestors of the Ji family changed again, and they were inexplicably worried.

On the one hand, they didn’t want Ling Xiao, the young master of the Primordial Ling Clan, to be harmed even in the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty.

On the other hand, Ji Ying is the hope of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty to win the Qing Cang Jue Peak, and they do not want him to be killed by Ling Xiao.

Riding a tiger is a dilemma.

Just panic! !


The sky was shining brightly, and the entire fairy dynasty city suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone looked at the place where the glow flickered with complicated expressions, quietly waiting for the end of the battle of the top evil spirits in the blue sky.

Can! !

Just as everyone was pondering in their hearts, they saw a figure suddenly retreating from the golden light, and there was a bit of horror on their face.

At this moment, Ji Ying’s face was pale, floating in the air and glancing in the air.


At this moment, in the golden glory, there was a terrifying sound of breaking through the sky.

A golden light flashed out like lightning, pierced through the void in an instant, and rushed towards Ji Ying in anger.

And Ling Xiao’s figure finally reappeared in the sight of everyone.

At this time, he was hunting in black, and his fairy face was indifferent. It seemed that he didn’t feel any surprise at all because of Cai Ji’s offensive.

And that golden shadow that penetrated the space was actually Ji Ying’s imperial weapon divine halberd.


The void collapsed layer by layer, like a long river rushing.

But the golden halberd arrived in front of Ji Ying in a flash, pushing his figure back hundreds of meters away again.

At this time, the face of the Prince of the Holy Spirit clearly showed a strong shock.

He couldn’t figure out how Ling Xiao relied on the power of his body to stop this emperor’s halberd.

Just a moment ago, Ling Xiao only stretched out his palm and snatched the emperor halberd from his hand.

With that kind of supernatural power, if Ji Ying hadn’t retreated decisively, even he would be dragged to the front of the young master of the Ling clan and killed with a punch.

how is this possible? !

It wasn’t until this time that Ji Ying found that this high-handedness didn’t seem to be due to Ling’s background alone.

His strength is enough to stand out from his peers.

What’s more, from the beginning to the end, Ji Ying had a feeling that Ling Xiao hadn’t tried his best. He seemed to be forcing himself to show his cards little by little, and then crack them one by one.

This kind of temptation is not because of fear, but more like a kind of…


Until Ji Ying’s wings shook the sky, he swept to the side of the golden halberd, grasping one of them, and then, a frightening scene appeared.

With Ji Ying’s strength, facing the divine halberd thrown by Ling Xiao casually, he was directly dragged hundreds of feet away by that extra energy, and it was difficult to stagnate.

But, at this moment, above Ji Ying’s head, that peerless figure in black had already stepped forward and stepped on it.

Ji Ying’s expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly raised the golden halberd to the top of his head.

At this time, he discovered that with his unparalleled speed, he had never had a chance to escape.

The speed of this young man seemed more terrifying than him.

Just kidding, Ji Ying awakens the demon spirit and controls the principles of the wind.

That’s why other people can take advantage of the source of the wind to make a fortune.

However, the way of wind he understood was only in the realm of Dacheng, while Ling Xiao… was the realm of perfection.

Under the suppression of the Tao, the so-called extreme seems so ridiculous.


The monstrous power fell, and Ji Ying’s face suddenly paled when Ling Xiao’s sole touched the golden halberd.

But his figure fell directly from the sky at a terrifying speed, and smashed onto the imperial palace square.


The entire Immortal Emperor City shook for a moment.

In the center of the square, a deep and gloomy gully suddenly appeared.

But Ji Ying’s breath had long been annihilated and disappeared, and there was no more movement.

The faces of the powerful immortals trembled, but they did not dare to move anything.

“elder brother!!!”

Ji Hanyu’s pretty face was dull, and then a touch of extreme resentment poured out.

Can! !

Just when she moved her Lianbu lightly and was about to pounce towards Ling Xiao, a strange wave of fluctuations suddenly came from the depths of the gully.

It was a breath of vicissitudes and ancient times, as if the gods were awakening, and it was like the rebirth of ancient Qiang.

Layers on top of each other, boundless and endless, but there is a kind of reincarnation in the past, and the world is empty.

Ji Hanyu stagnated, and turned his head to look at the gloomy ground with a look of confusion.

But at this moment, a ray of gold tears through the darkness, blooming like the sun.

At first it was just a touch, and then, it suddenly illuminated the entire Immortal Palace.

Above the void, Ling Xiao stood with his hand in his hand, and the breeze slowly blew the hair of his robe at will.

At this moment, there was no hint of surprise on his face.

Obviously, the Son of Destiny is finally about to play his final hole card.

But this breath… really is the mark of reincarnation?

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