Chapter 952

“Young Master! What happened?”

Lu Xinghe stepped to the side of Xue Xiyan in a panic expression, looked at the blood stains on the corners of his pale mouth, his eyes trembled fiercely.

At this time, the entrance to the realm was already surrounded by powerful forces in the Qing Cang realm.

Everyone looked at the one-thousand-zhang divine cauldron, with a trace of doubt in their eyes.

“Young Master Xue! Where is my Young Master?”

“My apprentice! What happened!”

Mi Die and Dai’s eyebrows were tightly clumped, but they were not as flustered as Hong Guji.

This game was arranged by Ling Xiao personally, and with the Lord’s xinxing means, there is absolutely no possibility of accidents.

It’s just that the person who smells the person stops the Ge, and most of them are afraid that it is really cold.

only! !

What makes people feel strange is that at this time Xuexi Rock actually ignored no one, only looking at the entrance of the broken domain with deep eyes.

Until the light and darkness there disappeared, there was a sudden flicker of complex loss between the eyebrows.

He is by nature cold, and regards common people as a superfluous.

I don’t want to be today, but I saw a trace of conscience in a human youth.


Can! ! !

Just as the space crack was about to close, a white palm suddenly came out of it.

Then, a bloody, wilting figure rolled out and fell to the ground.

“Little Lord!!”

Midie’s eyes condensed, and she stepped out, instantly holding Ling Xiao in her arms.

“The son!!”

Beside him, Ye Qingchan’s pretty face also showed worries, and his jade hand held Ling Xiao’s palm tightly, “What’s the matter! What’s the matter?”


Xuexiyan’s cold and indifferent face suddenly relaxed.

“Dip! The destiny’s guard is reduced. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 1,000 points, and the villain for 10,000 points.”


Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled lightly, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

He had just sacrificed his life to save the world, and Xue Xiyan was not touched yet, but he did not expect to let go of his guard at this moment.

The fairy rhyme on the young master of the world is really terrifying, and the fairy and magic clock contains divine spirit and wisdom. If you want to harvest it, you can only tell him to put down his guard first.

After all, he was the one who underestimated the fate of the blue sky.

Especially Xue Xiyan, both being able to suppress the Qing Cang realm with the respect cultivation base, no matter the strength of the heart and nature, it is not comparable to the destiny of the holy state.

This leek has thorns.

“I’m fine!”

Ling Xiao struggled to get up, staggering, and just walking a few steps, bloodshot fell from the corner of his mouth again.

“The son!!”

“There are creatures in this tripod…”

Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, boosted his spiritual power, and released the golden cauldron space.

Then everyone was stunned to see, a group of figures escaping from it, in addition to despair, there was only endless panic in their eyes.

only! !

Just when the strange creatures were at a loss, they saw the black figure standing in front of the crowd, and in an instant, the fear on their faces completely disappeared.

“Yes… is the God of salvation! See the God!”

“God’s benevolence! Save me is the clutch!”

“God benevolent!!”

Countless creatures knelt on the ground, and even the wild beasts and monsters who were still awake, fell down, as if worshipping.

“what is the problem?”

“The sky demon is now in the world, and I fought him with Young Master Ling Xiao and Taoist Wenren. In the end, the order in the lower realm was broken. The sky demon was injured and fled. Young Master Ling Xiao was also seriously injured in order to save the creatures in this realm.”

Xue Xiyan’s voice was cold, but the coldness in his eyes was not as indifferent as before.

And hearing what Xue Xiyan said, all the powerful people of the ancient clans around them looked shocked, looking at the thin black figure in awe.

“The son… Da Yi…”

Suddenly someone sighed softly in the deadly Tianmu Territory.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of cheers like a tsunami suddenly resounded throughout the entire God’s Domain.

“My son! Righteousness!!”


Ling Xiao raised his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet, “Here you will stop fighting and die in the lower realm! He should be remembered by the world!”

“Stop Ge!!”

Hong Gu’s body trembled and slowly closed his eyes.

He had already anticipated Zhi Ge’s fate with the height of the sky, even after nine deaths.

But I didn’t expect that for half of his life, he taught countless puppet Tianjiao, but today he saw the true meaning of Xiantu in a disciple.

“My son, you should return to the Ye Clan first and recover from your injury.”

Ye Qingchan’s tone was a little worried, but Ling Xiao just nodded lightly, “The demon is here, you should come to the Ye Clan to discuss countermeasures.”


The powerhouses of the ancient Qingcang clan have solemn expressions, and they are obviously also somewhat jealous of the destruction of the world by the heavenly demons.

“Qing Chan, properly settle these creatures.”

“My son, don’t worry.”

Hearing this, a touch of admiration once again appeared in everyone’s eyes.

With such a badly injured body, it is actually these lower realm ants that are thinking about it.

Dare to ask all the saints present, how many people are willing to commit danger with their bodies under the power of the gods to destroy the world and save the spirits from death?

Originally, in the eyes of the world, the Ling Clan was indistinguishable from the lofty realm master.

Even compared to the main hall of the world, the Ling clan is more mysterious.

But today, the young Ling clan master who was just born has unveiled a corner of the Ling clan’s mystery for the common people.

Integrity, decisiveness and fearlessness.

This is the new emperor of the Ling clan, who should have the responsibility and outstanding posture! !

“This is what the Master said, is the aspiration of sentient beings?”

Seeing the exhilarating and awe-inspiring creatures in the lower realm and the inexplicable brilliance outside Ling Xiao’s body, Xue Xiyan’s heart trembled, turning his head and looking at the heavenly heavenly god pillar that stood tall in the sky, “It’s really mysterious.”

Ye Clan Hall.

Xuexiyan sat in the main seat, and beside him, Lu Xinghe stood calmly, his eagle eyes cold.

“So, the demon shouldn’t be a climate yet?”

“Respect the realm cultivation base, the combat power is terrifying.”

Xuexiyan nodded lightly, without the slightest awe between his brows.

Primordial demon, the true spirit of Hongmeng.

Originally in the eyes of Xue Xiyan, this nine-day co-cause was also mysterious and terrifying.

But today, after fighting against the demon, he only discovered that this so-called rumor sometimes only confuses people’s hearts.

At the very least, Xuexiyan was confident that if it hadn’t collapsed in the last realm, or if the confrontation was in the Qingcang realm, he would be able to kill it with the ancient clock of the Immortal Demon.

“It seems that the one who destroyed Guanhai City in the first place was indeed not a demon.”

The eyes of the powerful people were dignified, and a lot of speculation suddenly appeared in the bottom of their hearts.

“It should not be.”

At this moment, behind the hall, a gentle and clear voice suddenly heard.

Everyone looked up, but saw Ling Xiao dressed in black, and the fairy face palely walked out from behind the palace.

But at this time, the blood stains and embarrassment on his body have long since disappeared, and the gods are handsome, and the fairy rhyme is piled up.

“Little Lord!”

Many powerful people got up one after another and bowed slightly to Ling Xiao.

Now they are in awe of not only Ling Xiao’s strength and background, but also the righteousness of daring to die for the common people.

Throughout history, whoever has a heart for the common people, who is not sheltered by the heavenly way, goes all the way against the magic and defeats the immortals, and achieves an emperor’s lineage.

Although Ling Xiao only cultivated in the Venerable Realm now, his body and power had already appeared, and he would surely be supreme in the human race in the future.

“Everyone, there are some things that I don’t know should be said inappropriately.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, and a solemn flash suddenly flashed on that pale face.

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