Chapter 950


In the lower realm, Ling Xiao and Wen Ren Zhi Ge descended from the sky.

But at this moment, looking at the two young figures standing with their hands in the void, all the creatures in this realm knelt on the ground, trembling.

“Sure enough, it’s a barren little field.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, his thoughts spread, and directly enveloped the domain.

At this time, he could feel that this world was even more barren and backward than the holy state, and the strongest were no more than the god king level.

Feeling the overwhelming power contained in Ling Xiao’s soul consciousness, several figures suddenly rose into the air in the distant mountains and walked towards him.

“Worship God, I don’t know what God did when he came to this world?”

In the first place, a white-haired old man looked cautious, his lips trembled, and he was obviously extremely nervous.

“Nothing, you don’t have to intervene in waiting.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, her eyes condensed suddenly.

And in the depths of the realm, suddenly there was a magic glow blooming in the sky, standing above the sky.

“found it.”

Ling Xiao and the two looked at each other, and Wen Ren Zhi Ge suddenly reached out and stopped Ling Xiao’s figure.

“The young master is righteous, and Zhi Ge admires it. In this battle, Zhi Ge will be the pioneer of the young master, try this demon.”

“Di, the Son of Destiny is in awe of the devil, and has shown his death. Congratulations to the host for plundering Qi for 500 points and the villain for 5,000 points.”

Hearing the long-lost voice in his ears, Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth.

“it is good!”

Today, there are still two Qi Luck Plundering Talismans on his body that have not been used.

If you are lucky today, it might come in handy.


Seeing Ling Xiao nodded, Wenren Zhige finally stopped hesitating, stepping out, and suddenly a black shadow appeared out of thin air behind him.

A gloomy and vast spiritual might surged across the sky, the void collapsed, and the Tao was obliterated.

And the strong man in the lower realm who was originally standing in the distance watching the battle suddenly fled in fright, not daring to stay another moment.

Wen Ren Zhi Ge stepped out in one step, straddling the void of thousands of miles, and appeared directly in front of the demon shadow.

Then, when he waved his palm down, the several puppets behind him suddenly burst into a terrifying battle spirit, holding the spirit treasure in his hand, and rushing toward Ling Xiao’s body.

Ling Xiao didn’t understand the way of this puppet, but with the cultivation base of Wenren Zhige, most of the puppets refined were in the respected realm, and there was no threat to Ling Xiao at all.


I saw the magic knife in Ling Xiao’s hand holding it horizontally, and the magical intent lingered on it, so that people could not see the blade, but only faintly saw a blood line running through it, revealing the endless evil nature.

Then, as Ling Xiao slashed down, the puppet that was originally aggressive was cut off from it in an instant and fell down.

Wenren Zhige’s eyes condensed slightly, his hand prints changed, and the several puppets suddenly dispersed and marched towards Lingxiao from all directions.

“Huh, overwhelming.”

Ling Xiao snorted coldly, his voice was low and hoarse, and saw the ancient knife in his hand cut out again, this time not at a crowd of puppets, but at Wenren Zhige.


The world was gloomy, and the entire domain began to tremble and shatter, and countless creatures fled in panic, a mess.

Wen Renzhi Ge’s eyes trembled lightly. At this moment, he seemed to feel that a general trend of heaven and earth trapped him, and he was a little unable to move for a while.

At the moment of the moment, on his shoulder, a palm suddenly came across, pulling his figure behind him, and the ancient sword in his hand collided with the magic blade.


Overwhelming gods surging across the sky, there are magic clouds thousands of miles, covering the blue sky.

A series of terrifying cracks and ravines stretched and shattered from below the realm, and those creatures who were not at the level of god kings or gods were directly shattered by the rest of the offensive.


Ling Xiao’s footsteps trembled, and the figure suddenly flew out, falling in front of Wenren Zhige, and the aura of the whole body was inexplicably sluggish.

At this moment, he could feel that above his head, a breath had already come, but he never showed up.

Obviously, even now, the young master of the realm master still has not fully trusted him.

Wenren Zhige must die today, but he must not die too deliberately, and he must try his best to rescue him.

Because even Ling Xiao was not sure that he could punish the Young Master of the Realm Master, who was carrying the supreme weapon, on the spot.

Sixty thousand air luck can no longer be described as horror.

Among the people of destiny that Ling Xiao had seen, even Ling Tian could hardly be compared with this Xuexi Rock.

Such a person cannot fall casually.

“Young Master, how are you?”

Wen Ren Zhi Ge took control of the puppet and blocked the demon shadow that was about to rush toward the two of them.

And Ling Xiao just shook his head, his eyes were extremely solemn, “This demon is terrifying combat power.”

“You hold back and I will fight him.”

“it is good!”

This time, Wen Ren Zhi Ge didn’t hesitate anymore, if Ling Xiao hadn’t appeared in time, he was afraid that the knife would be enough to kill him.


Ling Xiao cut out with a sword, and a mighty sword intent rose into the sky, piercing through the sky, like an extraterrestrial river, stretching for thousands of miles.

only! !

Before the sword-inspired galaxy fell from the sky, he saw that the demon shadow suddenly took a step forward, and the magic blade cut it off, directly cutting off the sword river and rushing towards Ling Xiao in anger.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, and in the center of his eyebrows, the divine pattern bloomed, and endless rays of sunlight gush out, covering and suppressing the overwhelming devilish energy.

And the figure of the demon of the day, after all, appeared under this divine glory, looking hideous.

“Wenren Taoist friend!!”

“Yes! Young Master!!”

Beside him, Wenren Zhige’s eyes condensed slightly, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, rushing towards the demon shadow.

At the same time, the few puppets also waved the spirit treasure in their hands and slashed down.

Countless terrifying powers rushed into the sky and shattered the sky.

Above the void, hundreds of feet of cracks emerged, and it was difficult to close them.

It was actually the boundary barrier that was broken by Ling Xiao and others.

only! !

Just when Wenren Zhige and the several puppets appeared above the head of the demon, they saw that the demon suddenly rose to the sky and screamed, and the whole body qi gushing out, faintly turning into a hundred zhang demon shadow, stepping on the eternal life, unexpectedly Instantly shattered Wanli Qingqiang.

After all, Wenren Zhige couldn’t dodge, and was slashed by the magic shadow, turning the world into nothingness.


Ling Xiao’s face paled, the glow between her eyebrows was instantly dimmed, bloodshots fell from the corners of her mouth, and for the first time she saw a trace of horror in her eyes.

“Wenren Taoist friend!!”

But at this moment, he still didn’t hesitate at all, his figure swept out, and on the ancient sword in his hand, a dazzling divine splendor instantly bloomed.

“Drip! Congratulations to the host for successfully using the Qi Luck Plunder Talisman.”

“Di, congratulations to the host for killing the Son of Destiny, plundering 11,500 points of luck, and the villain’s worth of 11,500 points.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for the extra reward, puppet Taoist rules.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for the extra reward, 3% of the destiny casting value.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for obtaining the exquisite imperial weapon, the jade armor.”

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