Chapter 945

“Qing Chan, you and I don’t need to be polite.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was gentle, and he always gave people a kind of jade-like good-chun feeling.

It stands to reason that this identity of the Taikoo Ling Clan is enough for Ling Xiao to look down upon this realm, arrogant and innocent.

Even seven days ago, and just before he challenged all the Tianjiao’s remarks by his side, he still showed endless dominance.

However, under this hegemony, there is another kind of tenderness in him that cannot be concealed.

Young Master Ling Xiao, what kind of person are you?

At this time, many ancient ancestor Tianjiao, the big clan girls are curious.

At first, everyone thought that watching the ceremony today could reveal the secret of Ling Xiao’s body.

No matter how bad, you can know this person’s behavior preferences.

Inexplicably, everyone at this time just felt… even more confused.

Of course, no matter what character he is, if he can have a relationship with him, it will be a supreme good fortune to the women in this world and the forces behind them.

What’s more, what kind of behavior is not good, Young Master Ling Xiao’s fairy face, what bad thoughts can there be!

“The son.”

Ye Qingchan pursed his lips and chuckled, her pretty face turned out to be a kind of playfulness that was extremely inconsistent with her temperament.


Everyone’s expressions shrank, and they felt inexplicably that the two people in front of the temple were surprisingly right.

With this fairy face of Ye Qingchan, I’m afraid it is only that of the Xianhuang Gu clan, is it comparable to that?


Midie’s beautiful eyes were gloomy, and she looked at Ye Qingchan coldly. There seemed to be a general trend falling from the sky invisibly, apparently deliberately shocking.

But to Midie’s surprise, Ye Qingchan at this time obviously felt her hostility.

It’s just that on her face, she didn’t see the slightest panic and fear, and she was always calm.

It was as if a Tianzhi ancestor of the Primordial Ling clan had no deterrence in her eyes.

How can this be?

The mere divine emperor, dare to make a mistake?

If it weren’t for the fear of Lingxiao, Midie had already taken action and killed the enchanting girl on the spot.

Ye Qingchan raised his head, glanced at Midie calmly, and then stretched out his jade hand, took the white jade sword box from his shoulder, and handed it to Ling Xiao.

“My son, this is Futian, the great saint of the fairy treasure of the Ye Clan. Today I dedicated him to the son, and son of He was born.”


“It’s actually Futian Ancient Sword!!”

The entire square fell into a dead silence for an instant, followed by bursts of unconcealed panic.

In the eyes of many people, an incredible color has been revealed.

The Great Sage Futian is a famous sacred sword in the Qingcang realm.

Rumor has it that this sword is a thing of the immortal family and possesses the power of punishable devil.

even! !

In the ranking of Qingcang ancient swords, this sword ranks first, defeating the seven famous swords of Longyuan Sword Tomb!

These holy relics are already where the sect of one party lies.

Even if it is as strong as the ancient Ling clan, there has never been a supreme implement ever.

Shengpin Lingbao, in the realm of Qingcang, is the heavenly treasure.

Although the Ye Clan is weak, it is a vassal of the Immortal Clan at any rate. This Great Sage Futian is a symbol of his clan and a proof of immortality.

But now, this Ye Qingchan came with this sword, He Lingxiao was born?

Xuexiyan frowned lightly, and there was coldness in her beautiful eyes.

Prior to this, the Ye Clan had always been closely related to the Realm Lord Hall. From the perspective of outsiders, the Ye Clan was an alliance of the Realm Lord.

But today, this Ye Qingchan dared to be his face and took the initiative to donate the heirs of the clan, which is tantamount to hitting the face of the Realm Master Hall.

“What is the idea of ​​this Ye Clan?”

“The ancestor was condemned, and he actually took the initiative to offer treasures and surrender? This Ye Clan is worthy of being a vassal of the Immortal Clan, and it is servility in his bones.”

“Looking at the immortal beauty of Ye Qingchan, he didn’t expect it to be a temperament. You can’t wait to get on Young Master Lingxiao’s bed?”

“Maybe it’s morning?”

“If you have a chance to get on Master Lingxiao’s bed, can’t you get on?”

“I want to be a man!”

“I advise you to humiliate Ye Qingchan, and you’d better not bring Young Master Ling Xiao, otherwise you won’t know how to die later.”

“Speak carefully.”

On the square, there were bursts of controversy and exclamation.

The gazes of many ancient sect powerhouses are all walking around in that qingyi figure and Ling Xiao’s body.

I have to say that the two people side by side are a kind of visual enjoyment for anyone.

God’s relatives are nothing more than the same.

Only when it comes to identity, Ye Qingchan is far from the Ling clan young master.

Of course, if you talk about identity, I’m afraid that only the young master Xue Xiyan of the realm master hall dares to match Ling Xiao with a perfect match.

Unfortunately, he is a man.

“Dasheng Futian, good name.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, and he stretched out his hand to take the sword box, only to feel a stern sword intent coming down his arm, as if he was about to break free.

“I don’t know good or bad.”

Ling Xiao snorted coldly, and suddenly there was a sword intent rushing into the sky outside his body.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a sudden sound of sword chants spreading through 30,000 li, and the layers of sword gas turned into clear light and tore through the cloud dome, shocking for nine days.

The sky over the entire Divine Battlefield suddenly shattered like ice crystals, the evolving universe was reversed, and the black and yellow changed.

At this time, many powerful swordsmen only feel that their body and mind are shaking, and even the sword on their body has a momentum of riding away.

“How is it possible? This Ling Clan Young Master is actually a kendo evildoer?”

“Such a sword intent, I’m afraid it’s the descendant of Longyuan Sword Tomb, but that’s it, right?”

“As expected of the Primordial Ling Clan…Speaking of which, it seems that a sword fairy in this clan has not been born for a long time, right?”

“What are you talking about… White Clothes Linxian?”

“Yes! I wonder if Young Master Ling Xiao has something to do with this person?”


Many people’s eyes trembled, as if thinking of something terrible, they looked at Ling Xiao’s line of sight, becoming more respectful and fearful.


It wasn’t until a crack suddenly appeared on the three-foot sword box that the coldness on Ling Xiao’s face quietly dissipated.

Immediately, he suddenly grasped his palm, and the jade box containing the ancient sword suddenly turned into powder.

And an ancient bronze sword with rust all over it suddenly appeared in his hand.

The ancient sword is three feet, and the blade seems to have a cloud pattern around it. Besides, there is no trace of carving, simple and mysterious.

Rumor has it that this sword was a strong match sword of the Immortal Clan at the time, and it was also the immortal king Shenfeng that the Ye Clan submitted.

In the Battle of Xiangu, all eighteen ancestors of the Ye clan died in battle. The Xian clan was loyal to the Song Ye clan, so he presented the sword to his master Ye Luoyun.

only! !

Although this sword is a sacred weapon, it contains a dominance of the immortal clan, who refuses to obey the common people, let alone be a thing in the hands of ordinary people.

Therefore, the world only knows that the Ye Clan has a sacred object Futian, but they have never seen anyone in his clan equipped with this sword.

Ling Xiao held the sword in one hand, his eyes flashed from the tip of the sword, and there was a hint of appreciation in the depths of his eyes.

Just now, the will in the sword was enough to make the supreme strong person panic.

It’s a pity that he already had the perfect swordsmanship, and he also had the god of heaven and earth, the god of the beginning.

Therefore, at the moment when the sword intent disturbed his soul ambition, Ling Xiao was completely suppressed by the power of a rune.

Now that he is out in the sky for the first time, the magic blade of reincarnation must not be used at will, this fairy clan Qingfeng is also worthy of his personal grasp!

Looking at the figure of a young man in black clothes holding a sword in one hand, at this moment, the expressions of many Ye Clan people are a little inexplicably complicated.

Can this Futian Immortal Sword be able to surrender, is it possible that this young man really is… the destiny? !

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