Chapter 940 Master of the Puppet Courtyard


The infinite magical intent envelops Ling Xiao’s figure in an instant with the vast and endless fairy rhyme.

At this moment, he could feel that every inch of skin on his body had become crystal clear under the celestial temperature, containing strands of divine meaning.

And his breath, at the moment when the devil bone entered the body, instantly began to climb.


Above the ancient hall, a celestial light suddenly burst into the sky, shattering the sky, reaching nine days.

In the entire Azure Realm, the void was surging, and countless miraculous scenes began to emerge in the thousands of star fields.

Countless strong men in seclusion walked out of the clan land one after another, looking up in the direction of the center of the blue sky realm.

The sky there has long been concealed by divine splendor.

At the same time, in the four poles of the blue sky, there was also the glow of the sun, rushing into the sky, and faintly echoing the divine in the middle of the realm.

Countless miracles appeared one after another, an aura that was several times stronger than before, suddenly swept the entire Azure Realm.

Reiki recovery? !

There is an ancient breath awakening from the deep mountains, and there is a thick surprise in his eyes.

As early as 100,000 years ago, many practitioners with a cultivation base had already noticed that the aura of heaven and earth in the Azure Realm was already a few points weaker than before.

Although this world is vast and endless, this kind of obscure weakness is not obvious.

even! !

Due to the flow of time and the time gap, many monks instinctively thought that the aura between the world and the earth was like this.

But in fact, just as many ancestors of the Ling clan guessed, the sky-passing pillar connected to the main hall of the realm may be the means of the immortal clan to suppress the luck of the mortal realm.

“The evil evildoer was born, and this turbulent world has finally completely begun.”

A lot of old and terrifying auras stood on the top of the sky, looking at the center of the blue sky and the four poles.

As everyone knows, as long as the ancient Zongmen can stand in the center of this world, it must be the top power in this world.

And unlike the ordinary world, there are also four forces in the Azure Realm that are equally terrifying, and even the original Realm Master could not completely tame them.

It’s just that although the forces of the Quartet did not surrender, they had to converge and avoid remote places in this realm.

But now, as the four poles have their gods, everyone knows that in the next hundred years, this Qing Cang Yi will fall into extreme chaos.

Tianjiao is born and must contend for world hegemony.

It happened that the landlord was missing, and the clan that was suppressed in the wild and remote in the Quartet would definitely take this opportunity to retake the territory.

Of course, although the Brahma Holy Land is in the extreme west, it is not suppressed by the master, but willing to avoid the world and avoid cause and effect.

But the three clans of ghosts and monsters Xuanyuan were not like that.

only! !

Slightly surprising, the divine brilliance in the center of the blue sky did not light up from the main hall of the realm, but from…the Primordial Ling Clan! !

The splendor does not fade for seven days, the Xianxia stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, and there is a golden haze falling from the sky, and the waves are magnificent.

In the end, everyone only saw the five heavenly gods illuminating the heavens and the earth, separated in the middle of the southeast, northwest, and radiant each other, as if to illuminate the arrival of a great world.

During these seven days, Ling Yuanxing had already sent out invitations in accordance with Ling Xiao’s instructions, inviting several top forces in the center of Qingcang to come and observe the gift.

For the Taikoo Ling Clan, many forces originally had a lot of curiosity.

In other words, in the past tens of thousands of years, people with foreign surnames who have the honor to step into the land of the Ling clan are really few and pitiful.

But now, the birth of the young master of the Ling clan gave everyone a chance to get a glimpse of the mystery of this clan.

It is even said that the young master of the world master hall has already come uninvited, stepping out of the temple, and coming towards the battlefield of the gods.

For a time, the entire Qing Cang world was completely noisy.

Countless powerful Lingwei drew across the sky and descended in the realm of God’s Battle.

It can be said that the birth of the young master of the Ling clan is far more sensational than the preaching of the Taoist saint.

After all, the saint preaching came from the Qing Cang younger generation.

Occasionally, some ancient existences come, but they are just discerning one’s own Daoism, and looking for breakthrough opportunities from other people’s Daoism.

But in these seven days, everyone who came to the battlefield of the gods were all famous figures in the Qingcang realm.

It is an honor for many forces to be invited by the Ling clan to come here to watch the ceremony.

Therefore, in addition to the Shaojun Xuexiyan who came from the Hall of the Realm Lord, the other forces are all powerful people from the generation of clan owners and ancestors to show their respect.

Ling Clan Temple, before the main hall.

Ling Cangming stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at the divine celestial clouds that kept falling from the sky.

Behind him, the nine elders of the direct line stand side by side, and in the place behind, there are many elders and line masters of the Ling clan.

Around the main hall, three thousand black demon guards were standing in formation, holding halberds in their hands, like a statue, guarding the belief in their hearts.

Speaking unceremoniously, just these Ling clan powerhouses in front of the palace alone are enough to destroy nearly 90% of the forces in the Qing Cang realm.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg of the Ling clan.

“Hahaha, the Ling clan event, I didn’t expect my Daotian Academy to be honored to participate. It’s really an honor.”

Above the void, there was an old and heroic laughter, and only saw a stalwart figure stepping on the top of the sky, falling in one step.

Around his body, there is a thousand zhang Linghui blooming, like a round of sun, piercing people’s eyes.

Daotian Academy, the contemporary master of the puppet courtyard, Hong Guji, the powerhouse of the Seven Stages of the Holy Realm.

Regardless of this person’s rough appearance and bold personality, it is not his cultivation level in the holy realm that truly makes the Qingcang world jealous, but his achievements in the puppet.

It is said that Hong Guji was born in the Wang clan on the Qingcang side, but he was a concubine. He was ridiculed by cold eyes. When he was eighteen years old, he suddenly showed his unparalleled talent as a puppet and… People, all refined into puppets, have moved the world since then.

This person has been in the sky for nine hundred years, one person dared to call one, and fought against countless strong people. Although he had defeated, he had never failed.

Until he met the Lord of Daotian Palace, he was shocked by the great aspirations in the heart of this human saint, and since then he converted to school, cut off his enmity, and became the lord of one of the four houses of the puppet house, preaching and teaching.

Nowadays, the puppet courtyard has disciples all over the world, and they are mostly famous for their superb puppet mechanism skills, which shocks all souls.

Especially the first disciple of the puppet courtyard, he heard the people stop the war, and inherited Hong Guji’s puppet talents. He was two hundred years old and he realized the puppet avenue. Due to his thoughts, all souls are puppets, but the green blue one. A well-known evildoer in the world.

At this moment, behind that Hong Gu’s body, a black-robed young man stood quietly, his face pale, and his expression gloomy. If it hadn’t already been well-known in the Ten Thousand Territories, he would probably be punished by someone as an evil cultivator.

The ancient Ling clan, Qingcang’s most mysterious and powerful ancient clan.

This family has never been born, but when this troubled time arrives, there is a young master who appears in this world.

If the ambition of this clan to fight for the hegemony of the world, no one would believe it.

But the same, because the Ling clan has a special identity, there won’t be too many actions at this juncture.

And this young master is afraid to shoulder all the expectations of the Ling clan.

only! !

What kind of beauty is it to be so valued by the Ling clan, to announce to the world, and to welcome him to the world with the prosperous gift?

“It turned out to be the Master Hong, who came here personally, and the Ling clan Pengxun is shining.”

Ling Cangming’s expression was indifferent, although his tone was polite, there was no awe on his face.

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