Chapter 936

Territory, heaven.

Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky, looking at Xuanyuanyue and the others in front of him.

“Mother, I have returned to the Ling clan.”

“Xiao’er, how can people of the Ling clan recognize your identity?”

Xuanyuanyue had a touch of concern on her face, but also a trace of loneliness.

Ling Xiao’s return to the clan also meant that their mother and son were going to be separated.

Even though there was the protection of the Ling clan, Ling Xiao’s status in this Qingcang realm was extremely high, but when he thought of the fact that the mother and the son would gather together again in the future, Xuanyuanyue’s eyes suddenly revealed a trace of sadness.

“Mother rest assured that everything is under the control of the child.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and saw Su Yan, Bai Zhixi, Feng Ruge and others looking forward to the side, and immediately smiled, “Don’t worry, I will take you to the Azure Realm later.”

“Brother, is there anything I need to do.”

Only Bai Ling has a calm face, but there is a deep love for Ling Xiao in his eyes.

Since she merged with the Celestial Wheel Danhai, her cultivation has been even faster, chasing everyone.

Now that Ling Xiao has just reached the upper realm, she naturally needs to rearrange her forces. What she cultivated is to kill Dao, and hiding in the dark is more helpful to Ling Xiao.

Therefore, she never expected to stand beside Ling Xiao, she just wanted to be his shadow quietly, no matter where her brother went, she would be waiting in secret.

Invincible, invincible! !

“Not in a hurry, wait for Duel Shadow to find out the distribution of Qing Cang realm’s power, and then make plans.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, even though the Ling Clan is now under his control.

But this power is a Demon Lord’s inheritance, and it is impossible for a person of luck in the clan to appear.

And these people in front of him, each possesses good luck, and possesses his own good fortune.

In other words, although the Ling Clan is now his support in the Azure Cang Realm, he wants to fight against the Immortal Clan. In the end, Feng Ruge, Bai Ling and others can stand by his side.

“Let’s go, I will show you this Azure Cangling Clan first.”

Ling Xiao thought, and saw everyone suddenly appear in the Ling Clan Temple.

Ning’er, Baizhixi, and Huahua suddenly had a touch of shock on their faces, and they were amazed.

But Han Qingqiu, Feng Ruge, Lin Meng, Zi Yan and others are much more stable, but there is a touch of surprise in their eyes.

“Let’s go! Don’t be restrained here.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and stepped out of the hall.

Behind him, all the women looked happy, but Zi Yan, who knew the most about the Taigu Ling Clan, was also the most jealous.

For a whole day, Ling Xiao and others ran around in the battlefield of the gods, enjoying the mountains and scenery.

It’s just this kind of stability, in the eyes of everyone, it is the beginning of a separation again.

There are countless arrogances in the upper realm of Qingcang.

And when will this fairy road stop?

Until night fell, Ling Xiao and others returned to the main hall, Ling Shisanzu and the nine elders of the Ling clan had waited for a long time.

only! !

When they saw the women next to Ling Xiao, the faces of the powerful Ling clan were surprised.

They are not surprised by the passion of the young master, but it is these women, each peerless, and they all have the meaning of immortality, and they are all rare geniuses in the world.

“Thirteenth Ancestor, I wonder if there are strong people in my clan who accept disciples?”

“I accept it! I accept it!!”

At the moment when Ling Xiao’s voice fell, he saw that in the depths of the ancestral land, an ancient and terrifying aura suddenly rose into the sky, and suddenly a thunderous scream came from above the void.

Immediately, I saw a rough-looking, sturdy old man stepping from the sky and falling in front of Ning’er.

There was an undisguised joy on that face covered with scum, “Hahaha, hahaha, I didn’t expect that the old man would see such a talented body refining seedlings in his lifetime! Girl, you would like to ask the old man for it. division?”

“I only want my brother, not a teacher.”

Ning’er took a few steps back with an expression of trepidation, and stood beside Ling Xiao with a bit of shyness in her eyes.

Her character is completely opposite to that of Bai Zhixi.

The latter is not afraid of the heavens and the earth, even when the cultivation base is only breaking the delusion, it is also a arrogant and arrogant one who refuses to accept the heaven and the earth.

On the contrary, Ning’er is on the contrary. Even though she has an eternal talent and power against the sky, she is still a girl with a temperament and fearfulness.

Of course, their personalities are closely related to their childhood growth environment.

Baizhixi has been held in the palm of the palm of the great demon emperors and demon kings in northern Xinjiang since he was a child.

But Ning’er’s life experience was rather pitiful, and she was destined to have such a cowardly temperament.

“It’s old and abrupt! See you…Young Master.”

The old man was dressed in sackcloth, and bowed down to Ling Xiao respectfully.

“Eleventh Ancestor.”

Behind Ling Xiao, the elders of the Ling clan looked terrified, obviously they had never expected that the ancestor of the Ling clan would suddenly appear today.

“It turned out to be the Eleventh Patriarch.”

Ling Xiao nodded slightly, and saw that this person’s body was full of breath, faintly turning into a sea of ​​blood on the top of his head, shocking all directions, showing how tyrannical his physical strength was.

Is there another Heavenly Sovereign?

“Young Master! I think this girl is full of energy and blood, and she is a godlike body. She is a superb posture for refining the body. If you can ask her to follow the old and cultivate, within three years, I will definitely let her step into the realm of respect.”

The ancestor of Ling Eleven was named Ling Shanhai, and he was known as the strongest physical body in the Qingcang realm, and he was not much better than that of several supreme demon clan.

It’s just that this person has long been hidden, and even the upper realm of Lingxiao has never appeared, but he is shocked by Ning’er’s talent, and the idea of ​​accepting disciples is moved.

“Ning’er, follow the eleventh ancestor to practice, rest assured, if you want to return to the realm, you can come back at any time.”

Ling Xiao smiled, and Ning’er’s face suddenly showed reluctance, “Oh.”

“Hahahaha, girl, don’t worry, you will soon be able to crush this young generation. When the time comes, I will never stop you as a teacher.”

Ancestor Ling Shiyi laughed, then bowed to Ling Xiao, and immediately took Ning’er towards the depths of the Ancestral Land of Ling Clan.

“Young Master, I know that there is an ancestor who has now woken up from retreat. This ancestor is proficient in the two ways of the pill sword and is extremely powerful.”

Ling Yuanxing shook his head and smiled bitterly. These eleven ancestors were rough and eclectic, but their strength was far above him.

I just don’t know what kind of disciple he can teach with his temperament.

“The Way of Pill Sword?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, “Qingqiu, just follow this ancestor to practice.”

“Yes! Master!”

Although there was reluctance in Han Qingqiu’s eyes, he also understood that strength was the fundamental if he wanted to follow the son.

“Okay! You guys, follow the ancestors and practice hard, and everyone else can’t relax.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and only then led Bai Zhixi and the others towards the boundary of the battlefield of the gods.

Although the talents of a few women can be said to be against the sky, they all cultivated from the holy state, and there is no power in this blue and blue world.

And the ancestors of the Ling clan taught personally that whether it is Han Qingqiu or Ning’er, the strength of the cultivation base will surely be improved qualitatively.

As for Su Yan, Baizhixi, Feng Ruge and others, Ling Xiao will naturally find the most suitable fairy path for them.

Although there are endless auras and good fortunes in the realm, for the people of destiny, only life and death is their fastest way to the top of the sky.


only! !

At the moment when Ling Xiao’s figure was about to disappear, in the depths of the Ling Clan’s ancestral land, another shock appeared, and at the same time a cold shout suddenly rang through the world.

I saw a figure wearing a purple robe and a graceful figure stepping slowly from the sky. The fairy face was peerless, and even the temperament was a kind of supreme domineering.

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