Chapter 908


Ling Xiao smiled helplessly, but saw Xuanyuanyue glared at him, and immediately stopped talking.

He could understand that even though Xuanyuanyue’s move seemed to be for Mengyuan, it did not help him solve a big problem.

With her mother teaching by her side, this Meng Yuan could not escape Ling Xiao’s palm after all.

“You are all working hard. You are together every day. Apart from fighting and killing, shouldn’t you be busy doing business? If anyone can give birth to my son’s first heir, my Xuanyuan clan will directly designate him as the emperor. .”

Xuanyuanyue’s eyes swept across Feng Ruge, Lin Meng, and Han Qingqiu beside her.

Upon hearing this, the women blushed and bowed their heads.

Only Bai Zhixi pinched the corner of her clothes, stalked her neck, looked at Ling Xiao expectantly, and whispered in her mouth, “I want to do something serious, but the son won’t give me a chance.”

At this time, Ling Xiao’s eyes fell on Han Qingqiu.

I saw that the eyes of this lady of fate had turned into pink pupils like Baizhixi and Mengyuan.

Inexplicably, coupled with Han Qingqiu’s solitary and arrogant temperament, it has a unique charm.

Originally, Ling Xiao planned to fuse this spirit pill when he was the Lord of War, trying to break through the last step.

Unexpectedly, what was suppressed under this sacred mountain was actually the supreme good fortune that broke through the shackles of heaven and earth.

The girl of destiny, luck is with her body, so it can be regarded as an escape.

Oh, if Meng Yuan is really the daughter of Bai Zhirou, according to her seniority, she seems to have to call Bai Zhixi…aunt?

“Wushuang, if you want, you can follow me to the upper realm.”

Although Qin Wushuang herself has no luck, the exercises she cultivated are classics of the ghost race of the upper realm.

According to Ye Qingchan’s words, in this Qingcang realm, the spirit treasures are divided into Taoist artifacts, immortal artifacts, imperial artifacts, sacred artifacts, and supreme artifacts.

The principles of the exercises are: Profound Law, Immortal Jue, Supernatural Powers, Classics, and Handed down Codes.

According to legend, there is a spiritual treasure in the main hall of the world, which is a supreme artifact.

Back then, the master of the Azure Cang realm unified thousands of star regions and suppressed the Qing Cang billion tribe, relying on this immortal treasure.

The division of the upper realm was similar to what Ling Xiao knew.

Above the god emperor, there is a threshold of the original realm, surpassing the god emperor, but not entering the exalted realm.

Respect is a symbol of the strong, controlling the power of heaven and earth, and suppressing the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

Above that, it is the holy realm, supreme, and immortal.

And the supreme realm is divided into the earth supreme, the sky supreme, and the great emperor realm.

In short, the realm of the Qingcang realm can be roughly divided into: God Emperor, Zun Realm, Holy Realm, Earth Sovereign, Heaven Sovereign, Great Emperor, and Immortal.

Immortality is immortal, the emperor is already the pinnacle of the world, and in the true sense, heaven and earth dominate.

“My son, no, I still like to guard your territory, as long as you can remember, above this holy state, there is me.”

Qin Wushuang smiled brightly, not half sad.

But those eyes, which were tired of the world, were somewhat bleak.

In just one year, Ling Xiao’s strength has completely transcended her cognition.

After all, she is not worthy of this true dragon soaring for nine days.

Whether he is a demon or an immortal, he is still not comparable to a mortal.

even! !

Even if he could follow in his footsteps, he would not give up so easily.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t even see his spine.

After all, Qin Wushuang is a proud woman.

At the age of sixteen, she provoked the rise and fall of the entire Qin Dynasty.

It’s not that she can’t see that he is better than herself, she just can’t stand it, she is falling further and further away by him, until she parallels into two worlds.

The wind of spring will not bring the rain of summer after all.

The stars in the night sky cannot illuminate the sea of ​​dawn.

Qin Wushuang admired Ye Qingchan, Bai Zhixi, and Huahua. At the very least, they still have the opportunity and qualification to stand beside the son.

Since that day, there is no Dragon Lord in the Qin Dynasty, and her life has lost her faith.

She stood on the mottled wall of Xuanyang City with a hundred blades high, and tried her best to open her hands, but she could no longer embrace the light.

She watched that figure walking on the cloud dome, farther and farther, farther and farther…until it disappeared without a trace of nostalgia.

Qin Wushuang understood that after all, she was just a glorious scene of passing by, even if the wind was magnificent, it was only himself that was moved.

I hate you the most, I don’t want to look back after walking for so long.

I love you most, even if I know my way of death, I have no regrets or complaints.

After today, with Xia Chan as company, winter thunder bursts, and Jun Jue.

“Wu-shuang is here, I wish the son will go here, soaring to ninety thousand li, immortal demon will not stop!”

When the words fell, Qin Wushuang turned around resolutely and went down the mountain.

The mountain breeze is everywhere, and the sun is not bright.

Only the red clothes floating in the mountains, I don’t know who touched who’s heart, which eye socket was sore.

The whole hall suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Rao is Feng Ruge, a person who travels, and his eyes are full of tears at this time.

It turns out that for many people, being able to stay in the temple is actually an extravagant hope.

So I cherish it very much and never dare to be careless.

“Jiuyou, how about you?”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, looking a little tired.

“The son, just go there with peace of mind. There should be a statue of the son of all souls in this holy state.”

Jiuyou’s eyes were bright, but not as decisive as Qin Wushuang.

From beginning to end, there was only greed in her heart, but she never got the slightest response from the son.

Therefore, she does not hate.

She only hopes that Ling Xiao can step onto the top of the sky and achieve eternal achievement, so that is all the hope in her heart.

“Well, you can handle your own affairs separately from the Hui people, and gather together at the mountain in seven days, and follow me to the upper realm.”

Ling Xiao waved his hand, “Ling’er, Qingchan, you stay.”


Bai Zhixi hugged his arms with both hands, and gave Bai Ling a vicious look.

Before, although she also hated Feng Ruge and others, she was far from feeling the crisis.

But this Bai Ling, who didn’t know where he came from, was actually somewhat similar to her type?

What’s so fun about being a human loli!


I will transform! !

Just after another thought, a sly smile appeared on Bai Zhixi’s face, and then ran to Xuanyuanyue’s side, squeezed the Meng Yuan beside her, and smiled and said, “Hehehe, auntie, I am Zhi Xi, you must be very tired, come to Auntie, I will rub it for you.”

Didn’t the son just say, to deal with the affairs of their respective clan?

If I serve my future mother-in-law, is it a matter of the clan?

It wasn’t until everyone walked out of the main hall that Ling Xiao flashed a touch of radiance in his hands and threw it towards Bai Ling.

“This is a sea of ​​celestial wheels, Linger, you can merge it to rebuild the Immortal Dao.”

“Sky Wheel Danhai!”

Bai Ling’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, “Thank you, brother.”

“No, you can just stay in the realm with peace of mind and practice. You don’t need to pay attention to the upper realm for the time being.”

Ling Xiao waved his hand and brought Bai Ling into the realm, before he set his gaze on Ye Qingchan.

His eyes were facing each other, and there was no more words.

Ye Qingchan moved lightly, the blue shirt slid down on his own, and directly plunged into Ling Xiao’s arms.

“My son! Qingchan, miss you so much.”


A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and he stretched out his hand to caress Ye Qingchan Qingsi.

In the main hall, there is suddenly spring laziness, and the scenery is infinite.

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