Chapter 906

“Huh! Winner and loser, this time, I am Kou!”

Zhou Yandao looked indifferent, and did not fall into madness without Ye Luoyun’s resentment just now.

Perhaps, as early as three hundred years ago, when he killed Ye Qingchan, he expected that there would be today.

This holy state land is a prison of the immortal clan. He is a demon, if he can’t get out, sooner or later he will become a target of public criticism.

“The God Lord is worthy of being a majestic posture.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, but did not rush to kill him.

Whether it was the Taoism or the cultivation base of this Divine Lord, it was a great tonic for Ling Xiao.

It’s just that now his body is refining the dragon soul, and this Dao body is still unable to fuse the Devil Bone, so it can only wait for a few days to swallow Dao.

In the ruins of the sacred mountain, the four frontier god emperors looked at Lingxiao, among them, those who had not planted the soul seal had their memories erased by Zi Yan and Taixuan Taoist masters, and they all looked blank at this time.

“Song, distribute spiritual treasures for good fortune, reward the meritorious, build the sacred mountain palace, and announce to the world. Anyone who is above the god king and above will come here to worship in ten days. Those who do not worship, kill without mercy, mother, trouble you Heal the eyes for Qingqiu.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes swept over everyone, and finally Zhou Yandao was included in the ancient colored glass pagoda, and disappeared in place.

At the same time, in the depths of the realm suddenly there was Jin Hui rushing into the sky, drawing the ten veins together.

I saw the two figures intertwined with each other in the place where Jinhui was hiding, and the two air currents of Yin and Yang turned away, seeming to have fallen into a state of extreme mystery.

Time slowly passed, until seven days later, there was a sudden thunder from heaven and earth, almost covering the entire boundary.

Countless thunders roared and roared, destroying the world, and lasted a full day.

But at this time, under the tempering of that Thunder Dragon Soul, Ling Xiao only felt the blood in his body surge, flowing with endless fairy rhyme.

At the center of his eyebrows, the original red vertical pattern had long since disappeared. Instead, it was an ancient rune pattern that shone with celestial splendor.

At a certain moment, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly opened, and there seemed to be a big star blooming in it, a place of thousands of miles around, aura buzzing, immortal scenery ups and downs, and endless visions manifested all around him.

The nine ranks of the god emperor, the principle of time, and the originally suppressed spirit level, directly stepped into the category of the nine ranks of the noble state.

At this time, Ling Xiao had a faint feeling, as long as he wanted to, he could turn the entire Holy State into dust at any time.

Beside him, Xi’er’s pretty face was flushed, and there was a touch of pain between her eyebrows.

It was only at this time that her physical body had already ceased to break apart, the aura on her body had also stabilized, and her realm had reached the level of a god emperor.

Even Qi Luck has reached a terrible number of 10,000.

An ancestral dragon spirit, Ling Xiao swallowed nine out of ten, and even at this time, there were countless divine powers in his meridian pill sea that had not been refined.

However, because Zhou Yandao was immortal for a moment, Ling Xiao always felt uneasy.


Along with Ling Xiao’s thoughts, the figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in the ancient glazed pagoda.

At this moment, Zhou Yandao was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Although Dan Hai, spiritual power, and even his soul were sealed by Ling Tianlin, his aura of contemptuous heaven and earth could not be changed.

“God Lord.”

Ling Xiao had a gentle expression and walked up to Zhou Yandao.

Even if he was not sealed at this time, Ling Xiao was equally confident that he could defeat him in a single battle.

The body of the demon, the spirit of the ancestor dragon, is enough to crush the souls of the holy state.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt that Zhou Yandao’s fairy way seemed a bit similar to himself.

It’s just that the good fortune he got is far inferior to Ling Xiao.

“The dragon soul, have you merged?”

What surprised Ling Xiao was that Zhou Yandao just raised his head and glanced at him indifferently. The calmness in his tone was like… an elder who cared about his younger generation.

“Who are you?”

Inexplicably, Ling Xiao gave birth to a trace of dignity in his heart.

In this Zhou Yandao, he seemed to see another person’s shadow, but this figure was misty and vague, not in his current memory.

“Who am I? I am your Kou!”

Zhou Yandao gave a gloomy smile, his figure suddenly flew out, and he wanted to rush towards Ling Xiao.

At this moment, the magic knife in Ling Xiao’s hand suddenly slashed out and pierced directly at the position of his heart, swallowing all his blood and spiritual energy.

Can! !

What is surprising is that Zhou Yandao didn’t have a trace of pain on his face at this time, his expression was a little numb for no reason, and before Ling Xiao could do anything, he broke his soul directly.


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, and at the last moment, he clearly saw a ray of energy hidden by Zhou Yandao.

The Third… The Eucharist.


In the early days, the magic rune evolved Mohui and incorporated Zhou Yandao’s soul fragments into the soul sea.

The Dao in his original body was also refined by Ling Xiao.

Among them, the two ways of life and space were not yet understood by Ling Xiao.

“System, Tao is perfect.”

“Xuantian Ancient Scripture, add some.”


In just a few days, Ling Xiao had accumulated 300,000 villain points.

And with a loud roar, thunderclouds began to rise in the sky over the entire ancient pagoda.

In the depths of the thundercloud, there seemed to be a ray of magical intent rippling quietly, turning into a divine shadow, standing in the sky, overlooking the sky and the earth.

Beside Ling Xiao, two Dharmakayas evolve into infinite Taoism.

One of them, the aura of the heavens and the earth, is the pure purple energy.

The other one finally solidified completely, revealing that the chaos is immortal.

At a certain moment, the eyes of the three Dharma bodies opened at the same time, and the void in a radius of one hundred meters collapsed on its own, and order was suddenly rebuilt.

The three figures gradually merged, transforming into one person entrenched in the void, absorbing spiritual rhyme, developing Taoist patterns, and repairing immortality.

Xuantian Ancient Scripture, Dacheng!

Three more days.

And in these ten days, countless figures suddenly walked out of the territory of the Zongmen clan dynasty and came towards the Central Frontier in the land of Shengzhou.

Above the sacred mountain, the blood-stained remains have long since disappeared.

Even the shattered shrine has stood on the top of the mountain again.

Before the shrine, there were crowds of people, and countless people were eagerly waiting, showing piousness.

In just a few days, the deeds of Lord Ling Xiao leading the God Emperor of the Four Borders and slaying the true demon god master have been spread throughout the world.

Even many people were shocked when they heard about this.

If you are fortunate enough to participate in the feat of killing the gods, you will definitely be a glorious ancestor and prosper forever.

You see, the god emperor powerhouses standing in front of the temple are all proud.

Especially the fat man, with a small hand back, a small step, shaking his head and shaking his head, he was babbling, his face was arrogant, and he looked down on all beings.

Everyone drop that beat, listen to my Xiao Pian bragging.

Those stumbling blocks on the road to Xiuxian, don’t want to force me to reprimand you.

It is my brother Xiao who fights the saint teaching, and the one who kills the god is Emperor Ling.

To tell you the truth, I am Ling Xiao’s younger brother, and Ling Di is my daddy!


Of course, if it weren’t for the rumors that Young Master Ling Xiao had a fairy face and a supreme fairy posture, most of the people would really think that he was really the son of the son!


Until above the void, there was a buzzing sound spreading thousands of miles.

The avenues of golden lotus blossomed from the sky, endless visions one after another.

Among them, the woods become the sea, the stars are dazzling, there are blazing flames, the gods of thunder crack the sky, and the gods of clouds are lingering.

At this moment, the great rhyme of heaven and earth gathered together, all in the void.

Wan Lai was silent, and everyone’s eyes flashed with excitement and awe.

Even the people in front of the hall bowed their heads and looked devout.

even! !

Xiao Peng had already knelt on one knee, bowed his head, his brows clumped.

Behind him, Baijing Little Pig’s head was doing everything, and two fat guys, one big and one small, knelt in front of people, until… suddenly a figure appeared in the glorious splendor, and then shouted angrily, “Welcome to my lord, my lord will be forever. , Unparalleled in the world!”

Above the void, Xi’er was dressed in a golden robe with a calm expression. She lowered her head and glanced at Xiao Peng, with a slight smile rising from the corner of her mouth.

“Master Ling Xiao is a woman?”

Everyone’s expressions were stunned, and a trace of confusion flashed in Xiao Peng’s eyes.

But the moment he raised his head, he saw a figure in black clothes stepping out of the divine glory, appearing at the end of the world.


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