Chapter 901

“each other.”

Ling Tianlin descended from the sky and stood in front of Ling Xiao.

As for the ghost image, Xiong Huan and the others also watched with a guard look at the white figure walking slowly from the distant mountains and forests.

Barefoot like snow, fairy face like painting.

It’s just that compared to the appearance when Ling Xiao met her before, Bai Zhirou at this time has an inexplicably ethereal and ethereal rhyme and…a trace of a demon that is the same as Zhou Yandao.

Above the void, Zhou Yandao looked gloomy, not knowing what he was thinking.

He naturally understood the identity of Bai Zhirou.

It was the princess Qingqiu who sent the ancient glazed pagoda to get him the devil bone, and only then did he have the strength to kill Ye Qingchan.

It’s just that he can’t figure it out, this Bai Zhirou obviously has the restriction he arranged, how did she get out of Qingqiu?

“Sister? Why are you here?”

Bai Zhixi looked puzzled, turned his head and glanced at Ling Xiao, “Brother…what the hell is going on?”

“If I didn’t guess wrong, this is not your eldest sister, am I right? Patriarch Ye Luoyun?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, with lines growing in his eyes, evolving into mountains and rivers.

Until then, all the speculations in his heart were confirmed.

When Ye Luoyun’s soul was annihilated, Ling Xiao had doubts.

An ancient strong man who followed the fairy clan, and the ancestor of the Ye clan who was ordered to garrison in this realm, how could he be killed so easily by himself?

In the skull of the gods, there are the runes of the beginning, which are the nemesis of all gods and souls.

And Ye Luoyun has sealed it for thousands of years, but how can he not feel the breath of the rune?

Therefore, that soul, perhaps just an incarnation of her soul.

And her true soul, perhaps as early as three hundred years ago, had taken away the princess Bai Zhirou, the Qingqiu princess.

As for why she was, Ling Xiao didn’t know, but the problem should come from Zhou Yandao.

From within the main body of this god, Ling Xiao could feel a trace of magical intent.

This demon intent was not from the heavenly demon intent, it was more like the breath in his bloodline and bones.

I just don’t know what method he used to seal the devil’s intent, even the pupil of Lingxiao’s silence, the eye of the demon can’t see through it.

Of course, it now seems that the ancestor of the Ye Clan was probably the one who seriously injured Ye Qingchan in the first place.

“You are smart.”

Ye Luoyun nodded and chuckled, but his eyes stayed on Han Qingqiu for a moment.

“However, I admire him more.”

In the end, Ye Luoyun looked at Ling Tianlin, and there was a cold flash on Qiao’s face.

“When you came to this realm that day, I noticed your breath, but I didn’t expect that your dormancy would last for hundreds of years.”

“It seems that the Blood Demon Emperor should have fallen.”

Ling Tianlin’s expression was indifferent, without the slightest surprise on his face, obviously he knew Ye Luoyun’s existence a long time ago.

“Hmph, if it weren’t him, why would I be so laborious and spend thousands of years arranging this game?”

Ye Luoyun snorted coldly, but Ling Xiao had a lot of guesses in his heart again.

I am afraid that the inheritance that Ling Tian got is the Blood Demon Emperor who died in the hands of Ye Luoyun.

Only with this Devil Emperor’s cultivation base, even if Ye Luoyun killed him, he would eventually end up in a broken body, and his cultivation base would fall.

However, the master of the dignified Ye Clan, her layout led to the old part of the Heavenly Demon hidden on the land of the Holy State, Ling Xiao could understand.

But why did she hurt Ye Qingchan so badly, erase her memory, and help Zhou Yandao go up, pretending to hide weakly in the lower realm of the Four Desolations for hundreds of years?

“Ye Zu, I can’t figure out a few things.”

Ling Xiao stood beside Ling Tian, ​​frowning slightly.

Since Ye Luoyun dared to pick out his identity at this time, he was afraid that he would have enough certainty to fight with the two of God Lord and Ling Tianlin.

Ling Tianlin’s breath was erratic, and Ling Xiao didn’t know whether he had stepped into the noble state.

But according to the setting of this realm, no matter how high his cultivation level is, he would be like a ghost, and he would not be able to display the combat power above the noble realm.

Therefore, now the three parties are the weakest in Lingxiao.

He still needs some time to wait for Xi’er to merge with the dragon soul.

“Say it.”

Ye Luoyun’s eyes were calm, and the clouds were light and breezy.

With her strength, Mo said that an injured Zhou Yandao, even at the peak of his time, would not be regarded by her at all.

As for Ling Tianlin, Ghost Shadow and others, she has no worries.

This sacred state yoke, even if the blood emperor could not break, would not fall into her hands, let alone the remnants of these demon?

What she worries about is the opportunity and… the means for these people to appear in the Holy State.

If Ling Tianlin, Ghost Shadow and others can break through the barriers of the boundary and come to the Holy State, they may have the means to return to the blue sky.

In order to prevent Ling Xiao, the reincarnation of the heavenly demon, from escaping from this world, she also painstakingly arranged a lot of back-ups.

“Why are you killing Qingchan? And… who exactly is Ye Fan, and how do you know that I have returned? What are you doing all this for?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, pretending to be gloomy.

“I wanted to join forces with Ye Qingchan to plot the world, but she didn’t know good or bad, and didn’t dare to betray the immortal clan. I have told you before that when you were born, the skull of the devil had a vision. I guess it’s because One of the magical runes of the early days retains a piece of your soul consciousness, as for Ye Fan…”

Ye Luoyun shook his head and chuckled, taking a deep look at Ye Qingchan, “You are so smart, can’t you guess Ye Fan’s identity?”

“In the beginning, you deliberately left the Liuli Ancient Pagoda to Ye Fan, but was it actually for Ye Qingchan?”

“Yes! The remnant soul in Ye Qingchan’s body was also part of the memory I erased and placed in her soul sea. The purpose is to make her reveal Zhou Yandao’s identity one day and expose the fact that he has the devil bones in her body.”

Ye Luoyun smiled coquettishly, but there was chill in her eyes.

“You left the Liuli Ancient Pagoda in Ye’s house, in fact, to get Qingchan to get it, but how did you know that Qingchan will definitely meet Ye Fan? If I remember correctly, Qingchan’s line seems to have not returned for a long time. Ye family, right?”

Ling Xiao nodded calmly, and Ye Qingchan would expose the devil bones on Zhou Yandao’s body. Ye Luoyun obviously arranged this step for himself.

The return of the demon will definitely find traces of the demon bone in this holy state land.

Therefore, in the end, Ling Xiao will also oppose Zhou Yandao and have this battle.

But how is Ye Luoyun sure that he will meet Ye Qingchan?

“In the Liuli Ancient Pagoda, there is a map fragment that I put in. Although it is not complete, it is enough for Ye Fan to find a secret realm if he seeks it carefully. Of course, if he is lucky, he can find the remaining three fragments. Any one of, can completely control the location of that secret realm, and in the secret realm… there is a magic knife.”

The corner of Ye Luoyun’s mouth raised a smile, “This knife is a sword with a heavenly demon, and it contains the meaning of a heavenly demon. As long as Ye Fan gets it, he will fall into the demon way sooner or later and lose his mind. Ye Qingchan has the memory of his soul. The hatred of the heavenly demon is deep into the bone, and in the four wasteland, that remnant soul is enough to crush everything, so…the magic blade and the tower will fall into her hands.”

“At that time, she only needs to inquire a little, and she will know that there is a secret formation in the demon race that can step into the holy state. Once the reincarnation magic blade appears in the holy state, you and the old part of the demon behind you will always find a clue. Ye Qingchan’s identity will definitely be revealed, and you only need to search for her soul, Zhou Yandao’s body carrying a demon bone, isn’t it logical to be known to you?”

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