Chapter 882

Regarding the Blood Soul Temple, Ling Xiao felt from beginning to end that most of this power was controlled by the Divine Lord.

The cloud came to the business alliance to hold the fortune, the heavenly secret door was born and killed, and the blood soul temple held the message.

In this way, with these three major forces secretly assisting, the status of the gods is not unstable.

It’s just that now, Yunlai’s lord Ling Xiao has already seen him, this wealthy clan has already secretly born two hearts, wanting to completely break away from the control of the Holy Cult.

This year, Ling Xiao ordered the dark guards to arrange secretly, to add to the flames, so that the Su League Master firmly believed in his heart.

But the eight god emperors of Tianji Gate, along with the sect master Dugu Yunyun, had died in Ling Xiao’s hands.

Now only the Blood Soul Temple is hidden from the world, and it has not been erased.

only! !

Compared to the methods of the Blood Soul Palace Master, the mysterious and ethereal power of this side was the real difficulty.

It is a pity that as Bai Ling surrendered and controlled the distribution of tasks, the veil of the blood soul temple had already been taken off by Ling Xiao.

No matter whether Bai Ling could plant a soul mark on that palace master in the end, his fate was doomed.


In the distance, there was a buzzing sound suddenly, and Zi Yan’s figure fell from the sky and landed beside Ling Xiao.

“The son.”

At this moment, there seemed to be a touch of embarrassment on her face, “When does the son plan to go to Zhongjiang to find the whereabouts of the young lady?”

“I have handed over the dragon bones to Xi’er for refining. As long as she can completely fuse them, it will be the time we enter the Central Frontier.”

Ling Xiao smiled, he could understand Zi Yan’s concern.

Without loyalty, she wouldn’t be able to push herself to the sea emperor.

After all, it’s not the force of life, who is willing to be talented and exhausted?

But this matter can’t be rushed.

At the very least, Ling Xiao had to make sure that the situation was clear before he dared to make the last fight.

“But the son…”

Zi Yan’s pretty face was anxious, and Ling Xiao just glanced at her calmly, instantly making her look panicked and lowered her head.

She had seen Ling Xiao’s scheming a long time ago, and this young man would never do anything unsure.

“It’s the subordinate who overstepped.”

“Then how should I punish you?”

Ling Xiao Xiemei smiled, and before Zi Yan could react, she had embraced her in her arms.

“The son… the son… I am the maidservant, it’s not possible…”

“Isn’t it a good thing for your master and servant to serve together in the future?”

Ling Xiao shook his head, lowered his head to print, and sealed Zi Yan’s words to the mouth.

The four eyes are facing each other, and Rao is the 9th rank god emperor Zi Yan, and there is a touch of shyness in his eyes, but it is… no sign of strength.



“Meow meow meow…”

In seven days, in the blink of an eye.

And in these seven days, Han Qingqiu, Lin Meng and other women walked out of the retreat one after another.

What surprised Ling Xiao a little was that Ning’er was the first to break through the realm of God King.

At the same time, her luck has skyrocketed to seven thousand.

Secondly, Feng Ruge and Han Qingqiu have six thousand fortunes, while Lin Meng is less and has five thousand fortunes.

As the king of gods, we can tell from the number of luck who has the more terrifying talent.

With the help of the girls to break through, Ling Xiao’s Qi luck value also soared by three thousand, and the villain’s value was thirty thousand.

Of course, with the talents of the women, coupled with the ten dragon veins in this realm, and the endless spiritual pill, it is now Ling Xiao’s expectation to step into the god king.

Just kidding, even if a pig is fed with ten Sixth-Rank Spirit Pills every day, I’m afraid it will be transformed right now.

In the realm, there is peace.

Ling Xiao sat on the bank of Daze Lake, holding a bamboo pole in his hand, looking calmly at the distant waves.

At a certain moment, the bamboo rod suddenly drooped and became tight.

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, waved up, and saw a long blue whale jumping out of the water, tens of feet long, splashing layers of waves.

“The son is great!!”

Behind him, Feng Ruge and the women clapped excitedly, with a glimmer of expectation in their eyes.

Farther away, Han Qingqiu knelt on the ground, burning incense to make tea, a faint smile appeared on Qiao’s face as well.

It seems that there is seafood to eat again.

“I’ll eat you tonight.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and dragged the long whale out of the lake and hit it on the shore.

At this moment, in the depths of the realm, there was suddenly a bloody glow, a thousand miles in a radius, thunderclouds gathered and pressed down horizontally.

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and the corners of his mouth smiled thicker.

“Ru Ge… Forget it, you go to the medicine hall to pick some fresh mushrooms, ginger, etc., and get some thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma lucidum. Ask Han to come over and treat this fish. Meng’er, how do you cut? A tree, burn it into charcoal according to the method I taught you. Qingqiu, you gather everyone to Zepan, and we will have a party tonight.”

“Yes! Master!”

When the women heard the words, a smile appeared on their faces.

Such nourishing fish, fish soup, after eating…

This month, several people are in retreat, which is really boring.

It seemed that the son had given them a good treat after finishing the party last time.

Ling Xiao stepped forward, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The battle of Zhushen is imminent.

Today’s strong in the realm, how many people will eventually follow him in the upper realm is not yet known.

After all, I won’t go all.

The journey of immortality is long, all beings are slaves, and they all fight for fate.

He has given everyone infinite good fortune, and this battle should also be their time to sacrifice their lives.

Until the figure of Ling Xiao appeared under the thundercloud, he saw a figure in a red robe sitting quietly on an ancient mountain in the distance, with white hair fluttering.

Around his body, blood spewed like a sea, faintly turning into a shadow of a hundred meters, holding the falling thunder in his hand with one hand, easily crushing it.

In the sea of ​​blood, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian blooms with brilliance, carefreely burns the eyes, and maintains a fairy charm in the devil’s will.

At this time, Ling Tian’s aura was extremely strange, the immortal and demons were very distinct, and the avenue was self-contained.

even! !

After stepping into the realm of the god king, Ling Tian’s breath did not stop at all, but it was still climbing.

“It seems that the breakthrough will be endless for a while.”

Ling Xiao shook his head. Ling Tian’s talent was originally the strongest in this realm. Now, by coincidence, he has won the Blood Emperor Inheritance again.

The blood demon immortal body is known as the nine-day supreme divine body, once it is controlled, the cultivation base will surely rise qualitatively.

It is not necessary to enter the emperor one step at a time.

“System, Xuantian Ancient Scripture, add some.”

Along with a buzzing sound, immortal glory bloomed outside Ling Xiao’s body, and the rhyme of Taoism stretched for thousands of miles.


At a certain moment, there was a sudden thunder in the heaven and the earth, and the mighty spirit descended from the sky.

Everyone raised their heads in amazement and looked into the depths of the realm.

At this moment, above the top of the day, the two colors are distinct.

One is a sea of ​​blood, setting off waves.

One is darkness, avoiding the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

Ling Xiao and Ling Tian opened their eyes at the same time, and the two magical intents were transformed into magical shadows, stepping on the heavens and the earth, overlooking Cangming.

At this time, Ling Xiao’s realm had entered the sixth-rank emperor realm, and although Ling Tian had not directly entered the emperor, he had also reached the threshold of the god emperor, the ninth-rank god king.

Such a talent is already invincible in the eyes of the Holy State, but in front of Ling Xiao, it still looks fragile.

“elder brother.”

Ling Tian stood up, looking at the figure in black clothes above his head, a bright burst of splendor suddenly appeared on his face.

“Want to try again?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but he was also curious about how powerful Ling Tian is now.

“Well, I want to touch my brother…”

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