Chapter 863

On the top of Jiuyou Mountain, thunder light is ups and downs.

There are endless formations surging into the sky, covering all the demons.

And under that thunder formation, thousands of purple thunders wandered around, like a thunder dragon destroying the world, shocking people’s hearts.

only! !

Before the demons were panicked, countless figures wearing blood armors suddenly emerged from all over the top of the mountain.

The auras of these people are all at the level of the gods and gods, and they are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the demon kings.

Unfortunately, this amount is shocking.

Immediately afterwards, a group of blood guards suddenly raised their hands, set up a spiritual crossbow, ran the spiritual power of the whole body, and pointed at the demons far away.


Ling Xiao smiled lightly and threw Long Xuan’s body to Huahua.

With the latter’s devouring talent, the bloodline demon pills of these demon races are big tonic, far more rare than spirit pills.


Above the void, there are thousands of arrows fired, densely packed, which makes people panic.

Just in the face of such an offensive, the panic on the faces of the demons instantly turned into a touch of gloomy sarcasm.

A trivial group of gods and kings also tried to kill the emperor?

only! !

Just when the demons waved their hands, thinking that they could easily resist the arrow, they saw that the end of the arrow suddenly burst with aura, and instantly penetrated the cloud dome and fell into the group of demons.


The expressions of the demons froze, but before they could react, the moment the arrow collided with the demons, a blue mist suddenly spread in the void.

And some strong monsters who were too late to react turned into a pool of blood under the poisonous mist that day almost instantly.


“It’s poison!! It’s poison!!”

The demons were in chaos, countless figures rushed into the sky, and wanted to escape the poisonous fog, but the thunder array above his head flourished and turned into a thunder waterfall of ten thousand meters, like a galaxy falling from the sky, crashing down.


The screams of pain and screams one after another, the monsters are coming fiercely, with a large number of people, under such an offensive, all the monsters are inevitable, and hundreds of monsters die in an instant.

Suddenly, the eyes of the Eight Great Demon Kings flashed with fear.

They seemed to remember the grudges they had left when the Poison Centipede fell.

Is it…retribution?

Ling Xiao held his hand and stood on the top of the mountain.


The Qinglong Emperor’s expression changed drastically, he raised his head and glanced at the thunder array above his head, his eyes faintly flickering with fear.

With his strength, under the power of this thunder formation, he actually felt a slight depression.

Obviously, those who can arrange this formation may not have a cultivation base under him.

Could it be that it was the handwriting of the black armored general?

“court death!”

The Azure Dragon emperor gave a cold cry, his figure stepped out, and a scaly palm was printed across the air, heading towards the suppression of the blood guards.

The void was gloomy for an instant, and strong winds were everywhere.

A hundred-zhang dragon’s palm came like a hole through the ages and crashed down.

Beside Ling Xiao, Xiong Huan’s expression remained unchanged, and he stepped out to greet the palm print.

Behind him, a hundred-zhang demon shadow stepped out of the sky, standing in the sky, directly lifting the palm of the dragon with the momentum of lifting the sky.


The moment the two collided, the mountains and rivers shattered, and the void collapsed.

The golden light overflowed from the sky, blowing the poisonous fog away, revealing a group of powerful monsters in panic.

Compared with before, the demons had no arrogance on their faces at this time.


The eyes of the black-clothed boy who looked at the mountain top were filled with a strong look of fear.

Who could have imagined that a Human Race teenager slayed the Demon Emperor and killed hundreds of Demon Race powerhouses while waving his hands.

From the beginning to the end, Jiuyou Mountain didn’t seem to waste a single soldier.

It’s very inexplicable. The demons are full of chills, and they always feel that the Jiuyou Mountain and his party today have come and gone.


Can! !

Just as the demons were indulging in their fear, the demons once again bloomed with brilliance.

“Ah!! Great Elder! What are you doing!!!”

“For the holy religion!!”


Countless strong monsters suddenly shot, but not at the people of Jiuyou Mountain, but at the companions next to them.

The poisonous mist thunder array just now killed countless monsters, but most of them were people of gods and gods.

But at this time, under the rush of several god emperors, two demon kings were seriously injured and fell from the sky.

only! !

After all the monsters reacted, they all shot together, instantly killing those monsters “traitors” on the spot.

In this regard, Ling Xiao did not have the slightest surprise.

These people are naturally the servants who had been planted by him before, and their mission was not to punish the strong monsters, but to bury a thorn in their hearts.

Tell these seemingly united Monster Race people to dare not easily expose their backs to others.

In such a big battle, the demons will inevitably be distracted, for fear that they will be attacked.

In this way, the Yaozu’s general trend was completely lost.

“White Elephant!! Kill the Son!!”

The Emperor Qinglong shouted angrily, his figure disappeared suddenly, and went straight to Xiong Huan.

In today’s battle, Yaozu has completely fallen into a disadvantage.

Only by slaying Shengjiao Shengzi as soon as possible will they have a chance to speak of.

Beside him, the eyes of Emperor Bai Xiang condensed slightly, but in the end he didn’t dare to hesitate, and suddenly waved his palm down, “Kill me!!”


Several great monsters descended from the sky, carrying infinite demon power, rushing towards Lingxiao in anger.

However, just when Zi Yan’s body was twisted with thunder light, and she wanted to show her real body, Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a smile.

Immediately, he was holding a golden ancient decree and held it above his head, “Second Divine Envoy, since it has arrived, is it possible that you really want to watch this holy son fall here?”


Above the void, there was a golden sun blooming suddenly, bursting with dazzling brilliance like the rising sun.

Yuan Jue stepped out of thin air and stood in front of Ling Xiao, crushing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers with his spirit power, and with his own strength, he stopped the Bai Xiang Emperor and the three powerful demon kings.

At this moment, how could she not feel the terrifying power emanating from the divine order in Ling Xiao’s hand.

The people of the sacred religion, see this order as see the god.

Although, Yuan Jue didn’t know where the divine lord had gone now, and she had even suspected that the saint son… had a problem before.

However, once she dared to disobey the divine order today, this holy state is vast, but it is difficult for her to have a foothold.

What’s more, in the current battle, it is obvious that the Yaozu has been defeated.

At this time, she appeared in a battle, but it was just the icing on the cake, and there was no risk of falling.

“Second Divine Envoy!!”

Emperor Bai Xiang stagnated, standing in the void, looking surprised at the middle-aged beautiful woman in front of him.

“Emperor Baixiang, it’s been a long time.”

Yuan Jue sighed lightly. She was a strong monster of the demon clan and had a close relationship with Emperor Liao, so naturally she couldn’t bear to slaughter the monsters in the northern border.

But… if the Yaozu had the upper hand and killed the holy son of the holy religion today, perhaps she could open one eye and close the other, hiding from a distance to watch the battle.

However, relying on the power of ten thousand demons, she was completely grasped by a human youth, and she had no choice.

The journey of immortality is long, some people seek fame, some people seek profit, and what she seeks from the beginning to the end is longevity.

“Yuan Jue! Do you really want to join forces with the Holy Cult to slaughter your clan! Have you forgotten how Emperor Luo treated you in the first place!!”

As soon as Emperor Bai Xiang’s voice fell, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Regarding the whereabouts of the Liaofeng clan, although he had never heard the Qinglong Emperor mention it, he still had some guesses in his heart.

In the final analysis, the disappearance of this clan is due to the joint arrangement of the god master and the Azure Dragon Emperor. Yuanjue must hate, and the one who fears hatred is also the monster clan!

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