Chapter 846

In the realm, the Lingxiao Dao body stood with his hand in his hand, looking at the demon-qi ups and downs of the ancient forest below.

Beside him, Jiu You and Bai Zhixi both had a confused look on their faces.

Neither of them had seen this area before.

I could feel the aura and Taoism shrouded in the void, and even Jiuyou felt extremely shocked.

Practicing in this celestial land, I’m afraid that one day will be able to beat the outside world for several months, right?

Moreover, I don’t know if it was an illusion. At this moment, Jiuyou actually felt that the time rules in this fairyland seemed to have been changed.

It seems that this year, the son must also have many adventures in his body.

Okay, son?

What’s the matter with you changing your clothes in this moment?

“I will take you to meet someone.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were deep, and he raised his foot and fell towards the ancient forest.

Now Meng Yuan’s Dao Xin has long been shattered by Ling Xiao.

It’s just that this holy girl, Supreme Weiguang, has no intention of surrendering him at all.

Probably in Meng Yuan’s heart, Ling Xiao and the god master who deceived her are both demons and damned!

“The son? The evil spirit in the forest…what…what…”

Bai Zhixi wanted to speak but stopped, with some doubts in her pink eyes.

At this moment, how could she not feel that the demon spirit in the mountains and forests was no different from the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

But, haven’t you heard of anyone missing from Qingqiu?

“Same as your body?”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth. He had already seen that Mengyuan’s blood had something to do with the Qingqiu Fox Clan, but he couldn’t be sure.

Moreover, since Jiuyou has awakened his memory, he should also let this holy woman intuitively take a look at how cruel the god she once enveloped was.


As the three of them landed, the demon spirit in the forest immediately dissipated.

In the depths of the ancient forest, Mengyuan’s eyes opened, and there was a trace of magic in it quietly rippling.

That’s right, Ling Xiao said that day, she can walk around here at will.

But in the end, Mengyuan never left, or in other words, did not dare to leave.

Suddenly, she discovered that she had a special affection for this place that had ruined her innocence and rebelled against her destiny.

The world is illusory, only here is the most real.

“Huh! There is a nice young lady here.”

Bai Zhixi blinked a pair of smart pink eyes, and looked up and down Meng Yuan.

It’s just that the more you look, the more serious and surprised the look on her face.

Especially the girl’s eyebrows in front of her are three-thirds like her.

It’s just that the breath of Mengyuan’s body is clearly a personal race, but what’s the matter with the demon spirit in the forest?

“You…who are you?”

“She is called Mengyuan, and she is a holy woman.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly, her eyes calm.

And Meng Yuan also frowned at this time, staring at Bai Zhixi.

The blood of the two of them was originally the same, and at such a close distance, they naturally felt a kind of familiar blood power.

“Holy girl?!”

Jiu You and Bai Zhixi’s faces were taken aback, could it be possible that… the son is…

“Zhixi, your Qingqiu clan, can any tribe intermarry with the human race and give birth to heirs?”

“My clan has been named Qingqiu for three hundred years, and there has never been a single person out of the clan!”

Bai Zhixi shook her head blankly. She knew that her eldest sister had given birth to an heir with the human race, that is, Ye Fan, who was killed by Ling Xiao before.

Didn’t you hear that the eldest sister still has a daughter?

Except for Bai Zhirou, no one in the Qingqiu clan has stepped out of the clan for nearly 300 years, and it is even more impossible to marry the human clan. This is Qingqiu’s ancestral motto!

“No? Your eldest sister, who on earth was imprisoned by the Qingqiu clan?”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, without the slightest surprise.

This Meng Yuan seems to be young, but in fact it is already a figure three hundred years ago.

Only when the divine master trained her divine body on the excuse and sealed her for two hundred years before he suppressed the demonic energy in her body.

Now, by chance, Ling Xiao broke the seal with a magical intent, exposing his body.

“Which divine lord? I don’t know about that, but…the divine lord nowadays often comes to my Qingqiu to visit my eldest sister…”

Bai Zhixi sucked her finger, a hint of surprise was revealed in her pink eyes.

Although her disposition was simple and simple, her mind was clever, and she quickly understood the meaning of Ling Xiao’s words.

“My son…you wouldn’t think that this elder sister is the eldest sister and the god lord…impossible! The eldest sister has been in the abyss of Qingqiu since she was captured by her mother. She has never left for half a step. Never knew her whereabouts!”

Bai Zhixi’s small head shook like a rattle, but Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed with deep meaning.

Zi Yan once said that before Ye Qingchan’s fight with Zhou Yandao, she suffered a very serious injury.

It was precisely because of this that she had just died in the hands of Zhou Yandao, who had never really stepped into the noble state at the time.

And looking at Shengzhou, how many people can hurt Ye Qingchan?

Ling Xiao thought for a while, it didn’t seem to be.

Therefore, the reason why she was injured was probably caused by a sneak attack by someone close or trusted.

In other words, the princess of the Qingqiu clan has a problem.

With the spirit of the god master, if this Bai Zhirou betrayed him, how could he just suppress it?

There must be some ulterior secret between these two people.

Combined with Meng Yuan’s identity and blood, Ling Xiao guessed that Meng Yuan was mostly the daughter of the god master and Bai Zhirou.

It’s just that Ling Xiao could not guess whether Bai Zhirou was forced to be born, or a period of love.

However, this answer will soon be revealed.

Now that the God Lord is in retreat, it will be impossible for a while to come out.

Moreover, the demon who stole the Holy State was too cautious after all.

In order to prevent Dugu Yunyu and the other three gods from jointly betraying, he actually ordered the four of them not to contact privately.

The advantage of this is that once the four of them have a heart of betrayal, they will inevitably reveal the clues as soon as possible, and this will consolidate Zhou Yandao’s rule on the other hand.

But the disadvantages are also obvious, he left Ling Xiao a chance to defeat them all.

Of course, even if Ling Xiao stood up and said that the god master was a demon, few people believed it.

Even if they believe it, how dare they be addicted to gods with mortal bodies.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Ling Xiao never thought of using such a means to defeat Shengjiao.

This battle is the winner and loser!

“It is said that Qingqiu was sealed by the Queen of Nine-Tailed Fox, and it is impossible for outsiders to enter, Zhixi, can you?”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, did not argue with Bai Zhixi, and asked in a deep voice.

“Ah? Son… Are you going to Qingqiu? But… I haven’t told my mother about our relationship… I’m so ashamed to say…”

Hearing this, Bai Zhixi’s pretty face blushed, her jade hand rubbed the corners of her clothes, and she shook her body slightly, lowering her head shyly.


Ling Xiao sighed lightly, stretched out a finger and flicked Bai Zhixi’s head fiercely, “What are you thinking about! I’m going to see your eldest sister.”

“See my elder sister?”

Bai Zhixi’s expression was stunned, her face is undoubtedly more ruddy, “Oh.”

Only at this time, the loss in her eyes was never hidden, until Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled bitterly, “By the way, visit the Queen of Nine-Tailed Fox.”

“Hehehe, okay! Son, my mother must see you…uh…the ancient motto of my Qingqiu clan, not with the human…that…”

Bai Zhixi was half talking, his face solidified with excitement, and he lowered his head and shook the fox’s tail, “It’s so tangled.”

“Don’t worry, I am not a human being.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but what she said made Bai Zhixi even more confused.

not human?

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