Chapter 824

“Dragon Qi? Has it been refined?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and soon understood the deep meaning of Zi Yan’s words.

This dragon soul is not easy to think about since it has been sealed in Central Xinjiang and sealed in the world.

I am afraid that even a ray of dragon energy, for this holy state powerhouse, is also a great fortune.

After thousands of years of suppression, the dragon energy in this seal can be imagined, but now it has been refined by people.

Dugu Yunxuan is now dead, and there is no trace of dragon energy fluctuation on his body.

Therefore, the refining dragon gas is likely to be the god Lord Zhou Yandao.

“Yes! I suspect that Zhou Yandao opened the seal and is plotting that dragon soul!”

Zi Yan’s pretty face is dignified, and the fear in her eyes does not seem to be fake.

Because she had followed the young lady and saw the terrible dragon soul with her own eyes.

With her Thunder Dragon bloodline, she actually felt humble and insignificant in front of her.

Once Zhou Yandao finds a way to swallow it and fuse it, Shengzhou will truly become the world of demons.

Of course, Zhou Yandao has a human body, and the probability of doing this is very low.

It’s just that as a villain, he never put his life on probability.

“Plotting Dragon Soul?”

Suddenly, there seemed to be a floating light flashing in Ling Xiao’s heart. He seemed to have thought of something, a little surprised, but he didn’t know where the surprise came from.

“Who are you? Why do you know so many secrets of the holy religion?”

In the end, Ling Xiao didn’t want to understand where the surprise came from, but instead set his sights on Zi Yan.

This woman has always been treacherous and sinister.

She can’t believe it all.

Therefore, it is still slaughtered, and the search is accurate.

“You’d better not know who I am. As you said, as long as we have common interests, we can’t be called an enemy.”

Zi Yan shook her head lightly, her expression resolute.

Just now Dugu Yunyu’s madness, she saw it, could it be that the young lady was really reborn and returned?

But the demon was already an enemy of heaven and earth, once he knew the news of the young lady, it would inevitably not happen.

After all, compared to Zhou Yandao, the false god, the mission of the young lady is to truly suppress the demons in this world!

“Oh, but I can’t believe you, Taoist.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, a ray of killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Beside him, Taixuan Dao Master stepped forward, carrying Wan Dao, and walking towards Zi Yan.

“Ling Xiao! You will regret it!”

Zi Yan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and there was an unbelievable flash on her pretty face.

She couldn’t figure it out. She had already analyzed the situation so thoroughly. Why did this young man even kill her?

Could it be that he really has the confidence to face a strong person in the Yuan realm or even the respected realm alone?


Zi Yan’s silver teeth clenched tightly, but did not dare to hesitate, the jade handprint was printed, and there was a bright silver light blooming from the sky.

Thousands of thunders converged, the runes surging, and finally turned into a seal, which was slammed down towards the master of Taixuan Dao.

At the same time, in the palm of his hand, a jade symbol shone with cold light.

In a breath, the world was silent.

A wisp of chill quietly filled the void, freezing the void, freezing everything.

Feeling the icy chill, Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and he immediately shouted, “Stop!”


Taixuan Dao master stagnated, his whole body hung in the sky.

And Zi Yan’s expression also shrank quietly, and she looked at Ling Xiao in a somewhat puzzled manner, obviously not understanding what exactly this young man had made.

“Who are you? What is your relationship with Qingchan?”

That’s right, the jade talisman in Ziyan’s hand just now, the fluctuations that came out were almost complete Jibing Dao.

And looking at Shengzhou, Ling Xiao had only seen Ye Qingchan comprehend such Taoism.

Even if Snake Si, what he understands is only the way of ice, far less profound than this extreme ice horror.

“Qing Chan?”

Zi Yan’s beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Ling Xiao somewhat inconceivably.

As his holy son, it is not surprising to know the name Ye Qingchan.

What’s more, since he calculated that the great demon was as warm as jade, it was impossible to not know his past.

Okay, Qing Chan?

Is it a slightly ambiguous rancid smell?

That’s right, the jade amulet in her hand was the trump card given by the lady when she was in her heyday.

Today, she fought the Dugu Yunyu first, and then the Taixuan Dao master, which was a dead end.

Originally, she expected to use this charm to inflict heavy damage on the Taoist master, but she didn’t expect this young man to call Miss…Qing Chan?

“Who are you?”

Zi Yan did not answer, but instead asked.

This son of Ling Xiao has a treacherous mind and must not be believed rashly.

“Ye Qingchan, this is my woman.”

Ling Xiao said faintly, but Zi Yan suddenly opened her mouth.

No way?

Although the young lady is beautiful and graceful, she is also a figure three hundred years ago.

Even if he was born again, how could he fall in love with an eighteen or nine-year-old boy?

Besides, Ye Qingchan’s temperament is extremely cold, otherwise he would not be able to comprehend the extreme ice principle, and he has always regarded demons as a disaster. How can he be in harmony with him?

“Do you know this tower?”

Ling Xiao’s thoughts moved, and the ancient colored glaze tower instantly floated out and stood above his head.

“The Glazed Glass Tower!!”

Zi Yanyu lightly covered her vermilion lips, her eyes flashed with excitement and surprise, “Miss seriously… are you back?”


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently. From the beginning, he felt that Zi Yan’s understanding of the Holy Religion was too deep.

Such a great secret of heaven and earth, even if Dugu Yunyun is not clear, she can know that the seal of the gods suppresses a true dragon soul!

It’s just that Ling Xiao didn’t expect that this villain demon girl was actually Ye Qingchan’s servant.

So, should she be completely blackened in these three hundred years?

“Where is Miss now?”

Zi Yan’s emotions were obviously a bit agitated. She planned for three hundred years. It can be said that she took every step of the thrilling, just to avenge her blood for Ye Qingchan.

Unexpectedly, in a desperate situation today, I unexpectedly heard the news of the young lady.

Three hundred years! !

From a simple little demon, she stepped through the body of ten thousand demon and ascended to the throne of Shanghai emperor.

There is no background, no support, and even always beware of the chase by the holy religion.

Only Zi Yan knows this central acid.

“At the time I parted with Qingchan. She should have gone to Zhongjiang. She once said that something was calling her in Zhongjiang. I killed Dugu Yunyu, originally because I wanted to find out about Qingchan’s whereabouts.”

“Zhongjiang? Miss…what is the cultivation level now?”

Zi Yan’s face turned pale, and her heart felt a little uneasy instinctively.

“God King.”


Zi Yan’s silver teeth clenched her eyes tightly, but she finally snorted coldly, “Huh! You keep saying that the lady is your woman? Can you have proof?”

“Certificate? What certificate do you want?”

Ling Xiao frowned, and Zi Yan pondered for a moment before she opened her mouth and said, “Open your soul sea and tell me to take a look at your memory. If you really are a lady’s… man, you are my master! I will know it. Be loyal to you, if not…huh!”

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