Chapter 822

“She’s back! She really is back! Hahahaha, retribution, it’s all retribution!!”

Dugu Yunxuan laughed madly, ridiculously, and sadness was seen in his eyes.

“It’s a complete failure, a complete failure!”

This fairy path has always been magnificent.

All the souls and all the races are unscrupulous in seeking the way of immortality.

But after all, the way of heaven is reincarnation.

Some people are destined to stand on the other side of heaven and earth from birth.

And more people are just a gulf in the avenue of the Tianhe River, even if it is turbulent, amazing for a while, in the end it is just like a flash of bright stars and gradually disappears.

It’s just a storm and a dream, and it’s all empty in the blink of an eye.

“she is back?”

Zi Yan frowned slightly, her pair of thunder eyes was also a little shocked, even the gaze looking at Ling Xiao was a little bit confused at this moment.

Could it be that… What Dugu Yunxuan said… is the young lady? !

“Retribution? It seems you don’t cry without seeing the coffin.”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, his eyes were clear, but there was a faint flow of magic in his body.

Between heaven and earth, an ancient and terrifying atmosphere began to boil.

Where the light of Ling Xiao’s eyes came, the endless magical intent turned into magic lines, swallowing light, and crushing Dao Yun.

A terrifying magical shadow came from heaven and earth, standing above the void, suppressing the immortal gods and staying alone forever.

The expressions on Dugu Yunxuan and Ziyan’s faces solidified again.

Both of them stared angrily, their mouths opened wide, and they were silent for a long time.

The world is silent, and the needle can be heard.

Layers of waves receded, and the sun and the moon sank.

Only Ling Xiao looked calm, and the last trace of doubt in his heart completely dissipated.

The breath of God’s Lord is really related to the Heavenly Demon.

At this time, Dugu Yunlu’s eyes were not the fear and despair of seeing the demon at all, but an incredible shock and panic.

This expression shows that he has seen the aura of a demon before.

And the identity of the god master is mostly the one in Liang Yi’s mouth…the one who had acquired the devil bone at the beginning.

Although Ling Xiao still didn’t know why he couldn’t see his Eucharist when he first saw Dugu Yunyun.

But from the master of the Supreme Profound Dao, Ling Xiao knew that this celestial secret sect master would disappear for a period of time every 100 years, and I am afraid it was mostly related to this.

The cultivation base is scattered, the sacred body is shattered, to escape the reincarnation of heaven?

“The last question, Ye Qingchan, who killed it?”

“How can you do… how can you…”

Dugu Yunxuan’s heart trembled, and his eyes were blank, as if the faith in his heart was broken.

At this time, his face was already extremely pale, and even a trace of death seemed to flow around his body.

At this moment, he was no longer the first divine envoy of the holy religion in the past, but just an old man with a broken Taoist heart.

Fear, helpless, ridiculous.

But Zi Yan’s face gradually grew guarded, and she saw a jade talisman tightly held in her jade hand, and her figure quietly moved farther away from the Taixuan Dao master.

The body of a demon, another demon body appeared in this holy state.

how is this possible? !

Originally, Zi Yan thought that Ling Xiao would not easily kill herself, but instead blamed the disaster on herself in order to avoid sanctions by the Holy Religion.

But now it seems…she seems to think too much?

Heavenly devil is not allowed in nine days, even in the Qingcang realm, it is an absolute taboo.

How could he easily expose such secrets to an outsider?

And with Ling Xiao’s disposition, since he did this, he was afraid…

“The Lonely God Envoy?”

Ling Xiao lifted his foot and lifted the head of Dugu Yunyun, a pair of magic pupils filled with bitterness.

“Impossible!! Die to me! Die to me!”

“Be careful, lord!”

Taixuan Dao Master gave a soft sigh, and his palm was suddenly printed.

I saw the infinite Dao pattern manifesting in the void, and finally turned into a clear light god seal, crashing on the Dugu Yunyu who suddenly got up.


With the latter’s current state, it is fundamentally difficult for the master of the Taixuan Dao to bear a blow of anger.

Therefore, when the ancient seal fell, the body and soul of the first emperor of the holy state shattered at the same time.

The strong bloody breath spreads, and the soul of the ten thousand souls rises up and down.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and the magic knife in his hand suddenly inserted, swallowing all the endless blood and energy.

At the same time, there seemed to be a demon sun rising and sinking in Ling Xiao’s eyes, in which the magical radiance was inexhaustible, evolving into the shape of an ancient talisman.

The world was suddenly dark for a moment, and the thousands of souls also disappeared.

only! !

At this moment, a thunder light suddenly appeared outside Zi Yan. With a light wave of her jade hand, the infinite thunder pattern appeared out of thin air, transforming into a hundred-foot thunder dragon, and biting towards Ling Xiao angrily.


Taixuan Dao’s eyes condensed slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

It’s just that Ling Xiao’s face didn’t see a trace of panic, instead it brought a touch of playfulness.

From the moment he exposed the devil’s body, naturally he never thought of letting Zi Yan go.

This area of ​​the Sea Emperor’s Palace has been imprisoned by the Dao Master with his life power, cutting off the immortal machine.

In other words, even if someone hides in the dark, it is never possible to see the scene.

No matter who the strong man who killed the eight god emperors of the Tianji Sect was before, once he breaks the realm forcibly, the Taoist will definitely feel it.


Thunder Dragon penetrated the void and arrived in front of Ling Xiao almost instantly.

A Ninth-Rank God Emperor rashly attacked, even if the Master of Taixuan Dao was actually a step slower.

Of course, at this time Zi Yan not only wanted to kill Ling Xiao, but also to attract the attention of the Taoist master.

Therefore, at this moment, she turned around and ran into Qingjie without hesitation.

With Zi Yan’s talent in formation, it is naturally easier than others to break through this seal barrier.

But even so, the impact still made her whole body distracted, and her mind trembled.


The endless thunder burst down, like the entire Milky Way falling from the sky, swallowing Ling Xiao’s figure in an instant.

Taixuan Dao’s eyes condensed slightly, and a strong anxiety suddenly appeared in his heart.

He guessed that Zi Yan would make a sneak attack, but shouldn’t she be the one who attacked?

In this way, as long as she is seriously injured, Ling Xiao is not a threat to her at all.

At the very least, it should be so in Zi Yan’s view.

only! !

Just when Taixuan Dao Master’s figure appeared, suppressing the thousands of thundering lights, his eyes quietly shuddered.

At this moment, he saw that where the thunder light fell, the earth shattered, forming a terrifying abyss.

But above the gully, a black figure stood in the air with a gentle smile.

Only for an instant, Ling Xiao didn’t hesitate at all, and directly hid in the realm.

And there is thunder intent to cover up, Rao Taixuan Dao master has not even noticed a clue.

“Lord… Lord…”

With the character of Taixuan Dao Master, looking at the calm youth at this time, there was a hint of surprise and shock in his eyes.

although! !

He knew that Ling Xiao’s identity was terrifying, and his methods were against the sky, but Zi Yan was only on the offensive, even he had to deal with it carefully.

How did the Lord avoid the divine sense lock of a Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor?

Even the robe on his body has not been stained with a trace of dust?

“Zi Huang, you didn’t disappoint me.”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the graceful figure that kept smashing the enchantment, with a calm tone of voice.

A villain, how can there be so much morality?

Doing everything to extremes, this woman is really becoming more and more admirable.


Zi Yan turned her head blankly, her pretty face suddenly pale.

Especially at this time, the gentle smile at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth made her feel creepy.

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