Chapter 808


The soul sword transforms into a shadow, whizzing out, piercing into Ling Xiao’s eyes with the power of killing the world.

Qin Chu has enough confidence in his own psychic methods.

The seven products of God King are peerless.

Even looking at the entire Holy State, no one in the younger generation is its opponent.

What’s more, the soul skill he cultivated was an ancient mystery, killing and killing horror, even if the emperor was strong, it would hurt the soul if he was caught off guard.

As we all know, the way of the soul is weird and unpredictable, and has always been jealous.

But right now, with the two swords in the body, even if Ling Xiao is talented and close to the demon, he is afraid that he will die.

At this moment, Qin Chu’s heart was a little sad.

By this time, he had faintly guessed a lot of things, I am afraid that the holy son of the holy religion, from the very beginning, led him into the game.

The purpose is to elicit the masters behind him.

Although Qin Chu couldn’t figure out why Ling Xiao wanted to kill the first divine envoy, after all… it was him who believed in the wrong person, and almost caused several masters to fall into death!

only! !

When Qin Chu sighed secretly, a terrifying scene appeared.

I saw Ling Xiao’s face, instead of showing a trace of pain, on the contrary there was a smile that seemed like nothing.

Damn it?

Suddenly, Qin Chu’s eyes seemed to flicker with a daze, and the Dao Xin that had been shattered was not even left behind.

Originally, before leaving the mountain village, he didn’t think he was so awesome.

But later, whether in Xianxuanzong or facing the arrogance of the sea, Qin Chu discovered that in fact he was still a little hungry.

only! !

Facing Ling Xiao today, Qin Chu actually felt a despair that was suppressed to the extreme.

The boy in front of him is like a mountain, unable to climb more difficult… to surpass.

Son, you have finally become a star sea beyond my reach in this life.


Qin Chu sighed lightly, looking down at the sound transmission note that had long lost its aura, the expression on his face calmed down inexplicably.

He thought that one day, there would be a life-and-death confrontation with Ling Xiao.

It’s just that kind of confrontation, not mixed with a trace of conspiracy, upright, just for proof.

But now it seems that everything has become a luxury.

Ling Xiao didn’t say much, suddenly there was soul light in his eyes, like two big stars falling in the night sky.

Among them, the rhyme of Taoism is flowing, the rules are intertwined, and the hegemony of suppressing the nine days permeates.


The sky shattered and the sky was bright to the extreme.

And the look on Qin Leng’s face finally solidified at the moment when the brilliance was radiant to annihilation.

“Dip! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Son of Destiny, and get extra rewards: the villain is worth 200,000 points, and the destiny casting value is 2%.”

“Drip! Since the host’s destiny casting value reaches 32%, killing the Son of Destiny can obtain the Eucharist of Son of Destiny. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Eucharist of Vientiane.”

“32%? Vientiane Eucharist?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, do you feel that this system is a bit weird?

This…32% open new system functions?

However, this Vientiane Eucharist is said to be able to break the ten thousand magic at a glance, and it can be turned into one’s own use at a glance.

Compared with those sword and sword bodies, this Vientiane Saint Body is obviously more useful for Ling Xiao.

“Tian Yan Dao Ze, Consummation, Xuantian Ancient Scripture, add some.”

Ling Xiao’s thoughts moved, and there was a horrible aura of horror flowing around the world.

Shenxia surging, the runes transform the sea.

There are thousands of miracles evolving above Ling Xiao’s head, and there seem to be two fairy shadows in the void, sitting quietly.

One of them is surrounded by purple qi, and the rhyme of Taoism is leisurely. In a pair of purple eyes, there are rivers and mountains one after another, and the sun, moon and stars rise alternately.

And the other one has gradually solidified from the original vague illusion.

It’s just that this Taoist body seems unremarkable and has no half-differentiation.

But sitting in the void, he actually gave people a sense of immortality.

The second product of God Emperor.

Ling Xiao looked calm, stretched out both fingers, cut off Qin Chu’s head, and disappeared in place.

at the same time.

Over the Qingchi Island, there is a golden light that breaks through the sun, turns a big seal, and descends from the sky.

The gods seal the four directions, with the god dragon as the handle, and the four spirits as the imperial ones, implying recklessness.


Suddenly, the world is overturned, and the universe is shattered.

Under the ancient seal, Jian Nanchen’s eyes were clear, and his white clothes had already been dyed blood, but there was no trace of depression on his face.


Suddenly, he pointed at the sky with a sword, and his whole body suddenly surged.

A vast sword intent swept across all directions, the entire sea area was gusty, and the ancient forest and barren hills on the original island collapsed for no reason at this moment.


In the slightly surprised eyes of Dugu Yunyu, Jian Nanchen stepped out, like a sword rushing into the sky, and pierced straight towards the ancient dragon god seal.

His breath is still rising, faintly, the whole person seems to be incarnate as a bloody divine sword, pierced through the sky, shattered the era, and slashed from the place where the world was destroyed.

The blue sky is about to cry, and the waves are ups and downs.

The waves are undulating and surging like a waterfall, and the heaven and the earth are overturned in an instant.

However, in the end, the golden seal fell, clearing the magic cloud, and the peerless sword also suppressed it.


The entire Qingchi Island shattered and sank to the bottom of the sea.


Jian Nanchen’s figure emerged from the sea until all the brilliance between heaven and earth was gone.

At this time, the bones on his body had already shattered, but there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

He raised his head and looked at Dugu Yunyu, his expression extremely calm but with a trace of loneliness.

“In my whole life, I have fought countless enemies and have never defeated. I am defeated by you today without shame.”

When the words fell, I saw the soul light in his eyes suddenly shining, and it disappeared in a flash.

Dugu Yunxuan stood in the void, his face a little gloomy.

I have to admit that this sword magic power can be called against the sky.

Even his Ninth-Rank Emperor Prestige still failed to make him bow his head.

From the very beginning, Dugu Yunxuan knew that such a person could not be captured, but could only be killed.


Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the sky in the distance, and Ling Xiao’s figure swept from the distance, carrying Qin Chu’s head in his hand.

He first glanced at the figure of the Sword Demon who had no vitality but still stood proudly above the sea, before turning his head to look at Dugu Yunyu, “My lord, fortunately not insulting your life.”


Dugu Yunxuan nodded indifferently, and looked towards Yuankong, where…Shuirou walked into the sky with scars and aura, and bowed towards him.

“My lord, that demon shattered his soul…”


Dugu Yunxuan sighed lightly. Although he had expected the situation today, he didn’t expect it to be so tragic.

Obviously, these people would rather die than betray the Ye Master.

Suddenly, Dugu Yunyu’s eyes seemed to flicker with a ray of vicissitudes, and even the breath on his body was inexplicably tired.

Only now, he has no retreat.

In other words, from the moment he chose to seek refuge in Zhou Yandao three hundred years ago, he had no retreat.

Once the Ye Master reincarnates and returns to the top, I am afraid that his fate will be extremely miserable.

Nine deaths?

Dugu Yunxuan hesitated, should the Muslim Saints report the matter to the Lord, or… take this opportunity to completely punish Ye Qingchan?

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