Chapter 795

“Holy Son, the ice demon’s whereabouts are erratic, and I have not been able to find it after several days…”

Dugu Yunxuan sighed lightly, and all his thoughts had become messy at this time.

For the first time in his life, he actually felt an inexplicable helplessness.

The more mist in front of him, his Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor, the first divine envoy, and the top of the Holy State, fell into it and couldn’t help himself.

It’s not that Dugu Yunyun had never thought about Islam, and sought out the cause of the divine lord.

However, if the God Lord wanted to ask him to go back, he could have spread the letter long ago.

But he didn’t, he only preached the holy religion, the son was born, and all the affairs of the religion were decided by him alone.

What does this show?

It shows that the god master does not want to call Dugu Yunxuan and others to return to Zhongjiang at this time.

Regardless of the reason, with the strength of Dugu Yunxuan and others, they would never dared to disobey the divine lord.

Even compared to the other three divine envoys, Dugu Yunyun knew better about the methods of this divine lord now.

I am afraid that he must have been held back by something important now, and he has just ordered the Son of Saint to take over the Sacred Church.

It stands to reason that with the power of the Holy Church today, no one would dare to disrespect it even if a pig held that divine order.

What’s more, the Saint Son was originally passed by the divine master, and the methods were not comparable to ordinary people. How could it be easily replaced by others?

Could it be that I really think too much?

“My lord, the ice demon is a matter of great importance. Master sent me to Sijiang for the purpose of tracing… that one’s trace. Now I have sent the other three divine envoys to the sea together. You must not slack off. In three days, I will give you three days to find out the ice demon, otherwise I will punish you a sin of slack.”

Ling Xiao gave a cold snort, but Dugu Yunyu’s face flashed with a gloomy touch.


Even if the gods do not dare to punish me easily, what kind of thing are you?

Just think about it, at this moment Dugu Yunyu didn’t dare to neglect.

Seeing the divine order is like seeing the divine lord, this is the iron law of the holy religion.

Besides, the three words “that one” are enough to make him guess many things.

It seems that this saint also knows many secrets about the holy religion.

And these secrets, apart from the Divine Lord in the entire Holy State, he alone knows.

In this way, the identity of the Son should not be faked.

“You search! You search me quickly! Come on, come on.”

Qin Leng looked at Dugu Yunyun with a bitter expression, obviously he couldn’t wait to completely sink Ling Xiao into despair.

only! !

At the moment his voice fell, he saw the first divine envoy’s expression become cold, and his palms suddenly printed.

The golden light of ten thousand meters rises up to the sky, which seems to contain a very mysterious order of the road.

But Qin Leng’s expression was dull almost instantly.

Me… Gan?

How do I feel that the divine envoy is not planning to search for my soul, but is planning to punish me?

But it shouldn’t.

It is said that Ling Xiao is dead, regretting despair?

Lord God Envoy, I’m sure he is playing with you, although I don’t know what means he used to predict my plan in advance.

But what I said is true! !

This little pig head is obviously acting! !


After all, Qin Leng couldn’t figure out where he had lost. The moment the golden light fell, a generation of celebrities, the son of Qin Leng, died away.

Sometimes, affectionately pays wrongly, from the beginning, it is doomed to be strangers.

Life is a rare encounter, and it is wind and rain in a blink of an eye.


The remaining Qin clan elder trembled his legs, his expression changed, and he clapped his hands abruptly! !

“Good killing! Good killing! I saw this Qin Leng displeased Ling… Young Master Ling Xiao! It’s none of my business, I… Qin Leng forced me! I’m just following orders.”

“Die my name, and die.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his finger and waved it gently.

Between the heaven and the earth, a sudden sword roar resounded loudly.

I saw a sword intent like the chaotic light in the depths of the Hongmeng, tearing through the cloud dome and rushing down.

Every thread and every thread contains an extremely heavy sacred meaning of the Great Dao.

But the Qin clan elder didn’t even react, he broke the ground under Ling Xiao’s two fingers.

“Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!!”

Bai Jing looked panicked and knelt in front of Ling Xiao with a plop, begging loudly.

At this moment, the tears on his face didn’t seem to be fake, and he was obviously really afraid that Ling Xiao would kill him.

“You prove my innocence. Even though I am a monster, I am kind to me. If I kill you, how is it different from a demon? Although I have never worshipped the sacred religion, I often use the sacred religion to self-examine, and all beings are equal. I will not Kill the innocent, you go.”

Ling Xiao waved his hand in a calm tone.

From the beginning to the end, Dugu Yunxuan stood aside indifferently, not knowing what to say for a while.

Are all young people so arrogant now?

Laozi’s ninth rank god emperor hasn’t spoken yet, you just make your own decision?

“Thank you son! Thank you son!”

Bai Jing jumped towards the distant mountains and forests, but Ling Xiao suddenly turned to look at the first divine envoy, “My lord divine envoy, do you mind if I make my own claim?”


Dugu Yunyun’s eyes condensed slightly, for some reason, even if he had ruled out the possibility of Ling Xiao impersonating a holy son, but seeing the gentleness on the boy’s face, he felt a little…faintly uneasy.

It was as if, under Ling Xiao’s gentle appearance, there was actually another him hidden.

That him, maybe dark or cruel, in short… is the most real him.

God Lord.

Inexplicably, a figure in a golden robe suddenly appeared in Dugu Yunxuan’s heart.

How… similar.

“What plans does the divine envoy have next?”

“There is a demon in the sea, and I will go to the sea to find the magic.”

Dugu Yunxuan’s face had already returned to calmness, but at the moment when his voice fell, he saw Ling Xiao suddenly smiled and said, “I wonder if I will be lucky enough to accompany the divine envoy to the sea to punish demons?”

“Huh? You want to walk with me?”

Dugu Yunxuan’s eyes condensed slightly, his mood turned a lot, and finally nodded, “Okay, then you will walk with me.”

To be honest, until this time, he still had a deep guard against Ling Xiao.

It’s safe to control him in front of you.

“Thank you divine envoy.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and followed Dugu Yunyu towards the sea.

at the same time.

In a remote mountain range in that southern Xinjiang, Ling Xiao’s body stood with his hands in his hand, standing in front of the ancient forest.

Behind him, Duan Ying smiled seductively, and put the magic talisman in his arms.

“Lord, the chess pieces have all fallen, where are we going now?”

With Lingxiao Dao body following Dugu Yunxuan, he was not afraid that he could not find the trace of the ice demon.

Moreover, Ling Xiao would not only ask him to find the Ice Demon, but also give him an unexpected surprise.

Qin Chu, since you are a demon, if you want to be a demon, of course you have to be certified by the holy religion, so that you can be regarded as… a real demon.

After all, Shengjiao, the holy state’s eliminator expert, he doesn’t eliminate you, are you a hammer demon?

“I promised Qing Shan, I will help him save Ci’er, let’s go, it’s time to fulfill his promise.”

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